Moving forward from the disastrous conclusion of Season 5. Life goes on, and so must Brian and Justin, only not, perhaps, as either intended.
Rated: M
Categories: QAF US, Reader's Choice Award Characters: Ben Bruckner, Blake Wyzecki, Brandon, Brian Kinney, Carl Horvath, Chris Hobbs, Claire Kinney, Craig Taylor, Cynthia, Daphne Chanders, Debbie Novotny, Drew Boyd, Emmett Honeycutt, Ethan Gold, Gus Marcus-Peterson, James 'Hunter' Montgomery, James Stockwell, Jennifer Taylor, Jenny Rebecca Marcus-Peterson, Joan Kinney, Justin Taylor, Lindsay Peterson, Melanie Marcus, Michael Novotny, Original Character, Original Female Character, Original Male Character, Other Cast Regulars, Ted Schmidt, Tucker, Vic Grassi
Tags: 100k+ Word Count, Anal Sex (Lots of it!), Anti-Melanie, Anti-Ted, Brian/Other, Drug Use - Recreational, Homophobia, Justin/Other, Post-series, Tearjerker, Violence
Genres: Angst, Could be Canon, Drama, Hurt/Comfort, Suspense/Thriller
Pairings: Brian/Justin, Brian/Other, Emmett/Drew, Justin/Other, Michael/Ben, Ted/Blake
Challenges: None
Series: None
Chapters: 61 Completed: Yes
Word count: 794737 Read: 150085
ePub Downloads: 89 Published: Apr 16, 2017 Updated: Feb 01, 2018
1. Chapter 1 by cynical21 [Reviews - 12] (1360 words)
Author's note: Unlike so many talented people here, I don't do beautiful banners or photo manips or lovely graphics. In fact, I'm a major cyber idiot. I only have one means for expressing my delight in this much-loved fandom and these exquisite characters. I write. That's it. That's all I do, but I hope that I can do it well enough to spark your interest and make you forget the boring physical presentation.
2. Chapter 2 by cynical21 [Reviews - 3] (1890 words)
3. Chapter 3 by cynical21 [Reviews - 3] (3529 words)
4. Chapter 4 by cynical21 [Reviews - 2] (3729 words)
5. Chapter 5 by cynical21 [Reviews - 3] (4331 words)
6. Chapter 6 by cynical21 [Reviews - 2] (7166 words)
7. Chapter 7 by cynical21 [Reviews - 1] (6862 words)
8. Chapter 8 by cynical21 [Reviews - 2] (7975 words)
9. Chapter 9 by cynical21 [Reviews - 2] (8447 words)
10. Chapter 10 by cynical21 [Reviews - 2] (8916 words)
Just a friendly reminder. I couldn't write Disney fairy tale/froth if my life depended on it, so prepare for true darkness.
11. Chapter 11 by cynical21 [Reviews - 2] (8432 words)
12. Chapter 12 by cynical21 [Reviews - 3] (8485 words)
13. Chapter 13 by cynical21 [Reviews - 2] (10771 words)
14. Chapter 14 by cynical21 [Reviews - 2] (8668 words)
15. Chapter 15 by cynical21 [Reviews - 2] (9265 words)
16. Chapter 16 by cynical21 [Reviews - 2] (9368 words)
17. Chapter 17 by cynical21 [Reviews - 2] (12973 words)
18. Chapter 18 by cynical21 [Reviews - 2] (11435 words)
19. Chapter 19 by cynical21 [Reviews - 2] (10754 words)
20. Chapter 20 by cynical21 [Reviews - 2] (11245 words)
21. Chapter 21 by cynical21 [Reviews - 2] (13059 words)
22. Chapter 22 by cynical21 [Reviews - 4] (10909 words)
23. Chapter 23 by cynical21 [Reviews - 2] (12685 words)
24. Chapter 24 by cynical21 [Reviews - 2] (14660 words)
25. Chapter 25 by cynical21 [Reviews - 3] (12371 words)
26. Chapter 26 by cynical21 [Reviews - 2] (10961 words)
27. Chapter 27 by cynical21 [Reviews - 2] (17882 words)
28. Chapter 28 by cynical21 [Reviews - 2] (15346 words)
29. Chapter 29 by cynical21 [Reviews - 3] (13412 words)
30. Chapter 30 by cynical21 [Reviews - 2] (16404 words)
31. Chapter 31 by cynical21 [Reviews - 2] (17191 words)
32. Chapter 32 by cynical21 [Reviews - 1] (16248 words)
33. Chapter 33 by cynical21 [Reviews - 1] (17893 words)
34. Chapter 34 by cynical21 [Reviews - 2] (16652 words)
35. Chapter 35 by cynical21 [Reviews - 1] (16179 words)
36. Chapter 36 by cynical21 [Reviews - 1] (15627 words)
37. Chapter 37 by cynical21 [Reviews - 1] (15273 words)
38. Chapter 38 by cynical21 [Reviews - 1] (15815 words)
39. Chapter 39 by cynical21 [Reviews - 2] (14392 words)
40. Chapter 40 by cynical21 [Reviews - 1] (18484 words)
41. Chapter 41 by cynical21 [Reviews - 1] (16855 words)
42. Chapter 42 by cynical21 [Reviews - 1] (11189 words)
43. Chapter 43 by cynical21 [Reviews - 1] (16683 words)
44. Chapter 44 by cynical21 [Reviews - 2] (14747 words)
45. Chapter 45 by cynical21 [Reviews - 1] (13064 words)
46. Chapter 46 by cynical21 [Reviews - 1] (14024 words)
47. Chapter 47 by cynical21 [Reviews - 1] (17837 words)
48. Chapter 48 by cynical21 [Reviews - 1] (16068 words)
49. Chapter 49 by cynical21 [Reviews - 1] (16804 words)
50. Chapter 50 by cynical21 [Reviews - 1] (17066 words)
51. Chapter 51 by cynical21 [Reviews - 1] (13207 words)
52. Chapter 52 by cynical21 [Reviews - 1] (15721 words)
53. Chapter 53 by cynical21 [Reviews - 1] (20852 words)
54. Chapter 54 by cynical21 [Reviews - 1] (19141 words)
55. Chapter 55 by cynical21 [Reviews - 1] (16995 words)
56. Chapter 56 by cynical21 [Reviews - 1] (14350 words)
57. Chapter 57 by cynical21 [Reviews - 1] (18068 words)
58. Chapter 58 by cynical21 [Reviews - 1] (15914 words)
59. Chapter 59 by cynical21 [Reviews - 1] (16920 words)
60. Chapter 60 by cynical21 [Reviews - 1] (22421 words)
61. Epilogue by cynical21 [Reviews - 9] (9767 words)
And here we are - at very long last - at the end of the story. I hope it has provided my faithful readers with food for thought, visceral excitement, and, most of all, justification for their love of Brian and Justin and all that they personify. One day, I may return to this genre, and take up the story where it leaves off. Maybe. But, until then, I hope it has provided satisfaction in the way it has ended.
BTW, if anyone is interested in taking a look at the cast as it exists in my mind, here is the link to match faces to names. https://www.pinterest.com/bonniej44/the-cast-of-timeless-a-qaf-fiction/
Deepest thanks for those stubborn enough and determined enough to have followed it all the way to the final page.