Penname: Nichelle Wellesly Real name:
Member Since: Apr 30, 2016
Membership status: Administrator


As an avid writer/reader of QAF fanfic, it is important for me to provide an escape from RL travails. I can be considered an Angsty Drama Queen in a very good way. It's my hope that you all enjoy what I produce.

Happy Reading and HUGS!



Beta-reader: Yes
Beta-reader: Yes
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Reviews by Nichelle Wellesly

The title says it all.  AU Canon

Categories: QAF US
Characters: Blake Wyzecki, Brian Kinney, Cynthia, Daphne Chanders, Debbie Novotny, Drew Boyd, Emmett Honeycutt, Gus Marcus-Peterson, Jennifer Taylor, Justin Taylor, Lindsay Peterson, Melanie Marcus, Michael Novotny, Molly Taylor, Ted Schmidt, Tucker
Tags: 100k+ Word Count
Genres: Alternate Canon
Pairings: Brian/Justin
Series: None
Chapters: 67 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 339520 Read Count: 83785
[Report This] Published: Feb 20, 2019 Updated: Feb 18, 2022
Reviewer: Nichelle Wellesly Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: Apr 26, 2019 Title: Chapter 10: Chapter 10- No More Secrets

I really loved Emmett's response, and Justin's handling of Brian. He has true friends, if only he would let each of them reach and teach them. Maya Angelou said two things that ring true, especially within the context of this story: You teach people how to treat you, and when people show you who they are, believe them. I think it's time for Brian to start handing out lessons to Michael and Lindsay, and make a decision of what they add or subtract from his life. Lindsay, of course, uses Gus like an anvil to hang over Brian's head, whereas Michael does his best to whine Brian into submission. When that doesn't work, in stomps Terminator Deb to set him straight. Jeez Louise, these people need lives of their own! So Justin's idea of changing Brian's response to them is really the only way to go. It's going to throw them for a loop, but they will either get the message to stop the bullshit badgering, or realize that they really are expendable in the scope of Brian's new life. Personally, with these two friends, I'll always vote for the latter option.

I hate to say this, but I think Brian really needs Mel to be on his side. Pay her the dollar for confidentiality, and confide in her just this once. It may be the only way to control Lindsay. I don't know, but it's sure going to be interesting to see how Brian manages his whining 'best friend' and the ever- cooing 'mother of his son'.

Fabulous chapter as always, and looking forward to MORE!

Happy Writing and HUGS, Sandy!


Author's Response:

Thanks Nichelle.   Justin is hopefully going to keep pushing Brian until he is solidly comfortable with his new life.  Lots more to explore.

Reviewer: Nichelle Wellesly Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: Dec 01, 2019 Title: Chapter 21: Chapter 21-Support

Hey Sandy,

First, HAPPY THANKSGIVING! I'm sorry that I haven't had a chance to catch up to this story before now. RL has been kicking me pretty hard these past many weeks, with another shocking blow just coming earlier today... well, yesterday, now as it is. So this was sooooo NEEDED to get out of my head right now.

I went back a few chapters so that I could get a feel of where Brian's introspection was leading him, and I'm glad I did. I find your characterization of him at this point in his life, not only insightful but sensitive. I'm enjoying it all immensely. His talks with both Justin and Ted helped him to give voice to what it was he didn't want to face concerning Lindsay, whose betrayal and constant use of him as a bank I believe hurts worse than even his own parents. It kinda gives credence to the saying hurt people HURT people in that she knows exactly what emotional abuse feels like, yet she's inflicting it onto Brian while using Gus as her weapon of choice.

So that said, I'm glad that he's, at last, wising up and determined to do something about it with the help of Kera. In turn, either Mel will realize what they are doing is basically against all the rules in Family Law, which she is supposed to be well-versed, or she's going to find herself facing her own troubles in front of an Ethics board. Considering how Mel treats Brian, I'm almost willing to vote for the latter. However, I DO wonder if Lindsay has ever disclosed to Mel what she has been doing in terms of Brian? I would like to think that Mel is reasonably intelligent in realizing that the likelihood that Lindsay is a veritable cash cow now in terms of commissions at the Bloom Gallery is more impossible than not, and therefore the money-on-demand has to be coming from somewhere else. If she's that willfully blind to who she married then she deserves every bit of ass-kicking she's about to get within the boundaries of the same law she upholds for everyone else, except Brian.

I can't wait to see where you will continue to take this story, and the evolution of Brian and Justin's friendship. I'm really enjoying their dynamic here, where in a lot of ways, Brian is now the ingenue instead of Justin.



Author's Response:


  I always admire your lengthy comments, way more than I ever write.  I have to believe that Mel knows where the money comes from, but I think in her twisted mind I think she believes Brian deserves it.  I think she justifies the money saying he can afford it and it is her right since since she is raising Gus.  

I'm not sure where the story is going, well I do know where it eventually will end, but I'm still working on how it will get there.  I always think the stories are going to be short, but that never happens.  I guess I'm incapable of writing something short.  Well actually, I did just finish a short one for the gift exchange.   Anyway, I really appreciate your comments and it means a lot to me to know that a writer whose work I respect enjoys my work.  Happy holidays to you.



Reviewer: Nichelle Wellesly Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: Dec 14, 2019 Title: Chapter 22: Chapter 22- Celebration Kinney Style

Excellent chapter, Sandy!!

Brian is really growing as a person during his continued journey of sobriety. I cheered aloud when it was revealed that Lindsay can't keep Gus away from Brian no matter what she thinks. Then to have Brian understand that he isn't the only recovering addict who has been through the struggle of idiotic and sanctimonious 'Moms' was just splendid. He's right that she's going to try her emotional blackmail the minute she realizes that the Bank of Brian is closed for good. Somehow, I'm hoping that Kera is already preparing for that eventuality, especially in the form of a private investigator...just saying.

As for Brian's talk with Justin, I found the entire conversation enlightening. A lot of people who are addicted to substances really underestimate the impact it has on those around them. In Michael's case, somehow I almost think that it's more than just about being Brian's caregiver; he tends to act more like a wife. I have no doubt that even after Brian talks to him, he'll have a litany of complaints ready while trying to get Brian to do what Michael wants him to. And then when he meets Justin...

Yeah, somehow I can already see the daggers being shot out of Michael's eyes, and the warnings about what Justin's role is supposed to be in Brian's life according to Michael. To say that Michael is a territorial, yapping chihuahua will probably be the understatement of the year, since Brian is sharing the more intimate details his life with Justin instead of Michael. I can only hope that when Michael complains to Debbie (and we know he will since suffering alone is NOT his style), that Debbie will knock some sense into him and tell him to stop being an idiot. It always pissed me off that whereas Michael and Lindsay could have others deeply entrenched within the lives, Brian was expected to not have anyone else but them to lean on. Talk about double standards!

Anyway, I'm certainly looking forward to the next chapter!

Happy Writing and HUGS,


Author's Response:



LIndsay's reaction to Brian's actions will be very fun to write.  I've been thinking about it for awhile.  I hope the chapter doesn't disappoint.  Brian is beginning to explore his feelings and his relationships.  He isn't going to change overnight, but Justin will definitely help him.  He is going to need support when he tells Lindsay and Michael as I fear that his fears are going to be true.

Reviewer: Nichelle Wellesly Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: Jan 18, 2020 Title: Chapter 24: Chapter 24- Sex, Drugs and Rock and Roll

I'm so glad that Brian was able to work out for himself that he wasn't ready for Babylon, and that he was only going to please Sir Petulance. Justin really is great for him, and thankfully gives him a way to voice all of his thoughts, feelings and opinions without censure. Ted and Em are probably at home breathing the same sigh of relief that Justin is at Brian making the decision not to go to Babylon. As for Michael, I wouldn't be surprised if he's burning up the phone line to Lindsay to report that Brian is NOT doing what they think he ought to do. Or even more accurately, he's probably on the phone harassing Ted, trying to find out what's supposedly going on with Kinnetik that's more important than catering to Michael's chronic need to live vicariously through Brian.

He really is a pathetic, self-centered troll so I won't put anything past him in an effort to keep Brian in the role of his most valuable collectable.

As for the meeting itself, it was great that Brian had the interactions he did from both the hetero and homo side of the issue. I think he's beginning to see that regardless of sexuality, people are just people and at base, many of us share the same issues as human beings. I believe in a very large way, they have finally managed to erase that Us versus Them mentality... Well, at least on this one very important issue, and that's a really big start. Amazing job, Sandy!



Author's Response:


  I really appreciate the in depth comment to the story.  One of the things I miss is a beta who provides that level of feedback.  Soemone to really track the story and make sure the folks are in character and that the action makes sense.  Michael and Brian's interactions aren't done yet, and of course, Lindsay will have her day when Brian takes away the bank of Brian.

Reviewer: Nichelle Wellesly Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: Apr 04, 2020 Title: Chapter 27: Chapter 27- Letting Go

Hey Sandy!

I needed to get out of Ted and Blake's heads for awhile on BILG so I took a chance that you had updated this amazing story. And WOW! Am I glad that I did! The last two chapters were beautifully written. I really appreciate the ever-changing dynamics occurring within Brian's interpersonal relationships. 

In his budding friendship with Justin, we are seeing Brian coming to understand what it's like to have unquestionable support from a person he now considers a friend. Although their association started off simply as Sponsor/Recovering Addict, it isn't hard to see that they are beginning to build something very solid. Following that theory, it also is quite wonderful to see Brian gaining confidence in something he's really never had with ANY of his friends... Intimacy. Sure, they all know something about Brian, be it from their own perspectives or misguided notions (ie. seeing Brian Kinney through the skewed opinions of Michael and Lindsay). But Justin is the only one who is learning- who has ever taken the time to learn- Brian on this kind of level. 

Which brings me to Ted. I really LOVE the way their dynamic is evolving. Here is someone who definitely viewed Brian through Michael's idiocy, until he got to know Brian for himself. And in doing that, now he is also seeing a vulnerable, and at times unsure Brian and really coming through for the man thought had everything. I believe that Ted now understands just why he went through his own addiction, and what it means when a person says 'Your troubles aren't for you, but so that you can help someone else'. Brian is Ted's Someone Else.

Now for the... What the HELL is Lindsay thinking? And why the HELL is Melanie still there? When will Mel get a damn CLUE that the reason she feels the way she does about Brian is because of the Harridan she lives with? I mean, come on... There is being willfully blind versus being just plain STUPID; Mel certainly is falling into the latter category!

And as for Ms. Damn Curtains... Yeah.... Chile, Sandy, if I could have taken the cord those curtains are sure to have, I would have strangled the witch with them! The absolute NERVE to lie worst than a threadbare toupee on her son in order to get some damn curtains. Yes, I'm truly burned up about Loose-lipped Lizard's attempt to live above her means once again by using Gus as the bait. Hopefully, Brian will continue to see through Lindsay; God only knows what she's going to try next. In fact, I hope Brian will learn to put the theory of 'Letting Go' into practice a lot sooner, rather than later.

Great chapters, Darling. I'm certainly looking foward to reading more.



Author's Response:


  It is always wonderful to receive a commnet from you.They are always entertaining and long.  Brian is really starting to see who he is on his own accord and I thin he is going to like what he sees  It is definitely a journey for him.  I started this story over a year ago and yet the story has only covered 6-8 weeks.  So much has occured but in another way, so little time has occured.  It takes someone going through this journey a very long time to work through their issues.  I wish I had endless time and energy to write but that is not the case.  I work a full time job and have a part time job teaching. Between the two positions, I put in a lot of hours.  Now that the teaching is all on line, there is more work to record my lessons that I was to deliver in person and to try and insure that my students have a quality learning experience.  Anyway,off to post another chapter of Fatherhood-  a new story to this site.

Reviewer: Nichelle Wellesly Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: Apr 18, 2020 Title: Chapter 28: Chapter 28- 1000 Lies and 1 Truth

OMG!  I am so in LOVE with this version of Brian. He's continuously growing and evolving with each new chapter you write. I appreciated the way he handled the situation with the principal. Catching Lindsay in her lie, and thwarting any future untruths she could make up is going to go a long way to putting her in her proper place. And the best thing is that he won't even have to address it until he is READY. She already knows she messed up, even though Brian didn't have to say a word. LOL

As for his conversation with Gus, it was perfect! It's something they both needed whether they knew it or not. Also, I think the fact that Brian was so honest in his thoughts and feelings about Gus' birth and the decision to be DAD will go a long way with Gus in the very near future. With Melanie's tendency to spout assumptions and untruths about Brian, mainly to Lindsay in an effort to one-up her, Gus will be able to separate fact from fiction based on his relationship with Brian.

Another splendid chapter, Sandy!



Author's Response:

I'm enjoying writing this story so much and Brian is begining to trust himself with Gus and others.

Reviewer: Nichelle Wellesly Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: Oct 07, 2020 Title: Chapter 36: Chapter 36- Life Is Not Shades of White

Hey Sandy,


Just wanted to drop a line and let you know that I enjoyed these last three chapters. You continue to amaze me with your insight into Brian's psyche, and the sensitivity in which you are delivering this story. 

Keep it up!



Author's Response:



Thank you. I'm glad that you feel that story rings true.

Reviewer: Nichelle Wellesly Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: Jan 24, 2021 Title: Chapter 41: Chapter 41- Progress

Hey Sandy!!! I really am enjoying this slow burn. It just means that however the story develops, a very SOLID friendship is being built and considering Brian's friendships with his hanger-ons now, it's going to be a GREAT thing. He certainly won't feel their loss as keenly.


As for the ending, I seriously hope Brian had the forethought to press a record button before taking the phone from Gus. I would imagine that if Melanie was true to form, the restraining order would be for 'No Contact', which Lindsay violated in her continued quest for Queen Bitchery. If it was, then Queen Twit has just earned the boobie prize; WTG Lindsay. 


Anyway, I'm anxiously awaiting the next chapter. Splendid job!💜💜💜



Author's Response:



I'm thrilled that the consesus appears to be a slow burn is okay.   I just didn't imagine it would take me this long to write the story.  But the muses talk to me and I have to listen.  As a fellow writer, I'm sure you understand that one.  As much as I try to move fast, it just doesn't lend itself to the story.  It will be finished when it is time.

Reviewer: Nichelle Wellesly Signed
Date: Nov 21, 2021 Title: Chapter 60: Chapter 60

Hey Sandy, loved the chapter!

First, forgive my expression but Michael, as always, is as useful as an empty douche. I'm glad Brian has cut ties with him. Yet, I'm quite annoyed that no one, and I mean NO ONE called him on his reference to Brian's childhood trauma. At the very least, Debbie should have issued a head slap that would've had the idiot fall out of his chair. What an asinine PITA!

I was incredibly impressed with Emmett and his date though. That made up for the dinner episode. Then Debbie finally telling Michael to fix his own issues was the icing on the cake. 

As for Broomhilda and the human BROOM she rides.... Talk about cussing out characters! I was mentally punching the witches in their throats. I can't wait for their plans both personally and professionally to fail!

Excellent chapter!!!


Author's Response:



Debbie has decided that Michael can fight his own battles, but she isn't sticking her neck out to help either.  As for Mel and Linds, they are still so focused on themselves that anyone out of their orbit doesn't really count.  so glad you are still reading and commenting.

Reviewer: Nichelle Wellesly Signed
Date: Feb 19, 2022 Title: Chapter 67: Chapter 67- Exploration

It is 3:45 AM, and I literally just screamed at you! Sandy... Darling..   Homegirl of my heart.. Please PLEASE give me my drug, which is this story.

In all seriousness though, there are so few authors, both within the Fandom and apart from it, whose work I am totally invested in where I literally drop whatever I'm doing (which at the moment is working on a paid GW gig) to immediately read their latest installment. I count you among them. This work you've written- are writing- is so special. The message is powerful and ultimately so important that not continuing with this journey would actually be a disservice. I truly believe that. As someone whose family members have, and still are, working the steps and seeing their stories actually told with this type of sensitivity has really been a balm.

And I sincerely thank you for it. 

Hugs and Love Always 








Author's Response:


  I love all the comments that you write about this story.  It means a lot to me to know that other writers enjoy the story and find it compelling.  This story has been very fun to write and I have enjoyed how it stretches my skills.  The sequel will be coming soon to a small screen of your choice.





 Brian and Justin have a heated argument about who gives better head. As a result, they decide to go down on the sexiest person they know. Emmett is the lucky guy they pick for the little experiment. Things get out of hand fast.

Categories: QAF US
Characters: Brian Kinney, Emmett Honeycutt, Justin Taylor
Tags: Dirty Talk, M/M, One-Shot, Oral Sex, Post-series, PWP (Plot? What Plot?), Responsible Justin
Genres: Could be Canon, Porny
Pairings: Brian/Justin, Brian/Justin/Other
Series: None
Chapters: 1 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 3856 Read Count: 845
[Report This] Published: Mar 16, 2019 Updated: Mar 16, 2019
Reviewer: Nichelle Wellesly Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: Mar 16, 2019 Title: Chapter 1: The Challenge

Humor, Seduction, and Satisfaction!! Who could have asked for anything MORE?! I absolutely LOVED IT!!!

Great Job, Rody!





A Queer twist on a classic tale.

Categories: QAF US
Characters: Brian Kinney, Justin Taylor, Other Cast Regulars
Tags: None
Genres: Alternate Universe, Humor
Pairings: Brian/Justin
Series: None
Chapters: 3 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 12597 Read Count: 2380
[Report This] Published: Apr 12, 2019 Updated: Apr 12, 2019
Reviewer: Nichelle Wellesly Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: Apr 14, 2019 Title: Chapter 3: Chapter 3 - The Passion

I really enjoyed this!



L.A. Dreams by Sabina Rated: M starstarstarstarstar [Reviews - 36]


Justin heads for L.A. and the boys deal with it.

Categories: QAF US
Characters: Brian Kinney, Justin Taylor
Tags: None
Genres: Could be Canon
Pairings: Brian/Justin
Series: None
Chapters: 10 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 7440 Read Count: 15665
[Report This] Published: Apr 12, 2019 Updated: Apr 12, 2019
Reviewer: Nichelle Wellesly Signed
Date: Apr 13, 2019 Title: Chapter 1: Chapter 1 - Dream a Little Dream of Me

This was so reminiscent of the scene of Justin leaving for New York in the series. I could feel every single emotion. Great job making my heart sink in the first minute of reading this.



Reviewer: Nichelle Wellesly Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: Apr 13, 2019 Title: Chapter 2: Chapter 2 - I Call Your Name

LOL! This was so Brian! It's funny that even within a story, his POV comes across as I would imagine all of ours would when it comes to time differences and dirty laundry...LOL So delightful and so sad at the same time, but I have hope that they will certainly make this separation work.



Reviewer: Nichelle Wellesly Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: Apr 13, 2019 Title: Chapter 3: Chapter 3 - Dedicated to the One I Love

Justin is such an imp LOL! Brian may gripe, but I think if Justin were to miss one of those 'late night' phone calls, he would wonder what the hell was going on.



Reviewer: Nichelle Wellesly Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: Apr 13, 2019 Title: Chapter 4: Chapter 4 - Go Where You Want to Go

I wonder if Mr. Yates knows that the reason Vangard is floundering is because their best chance to sustain their existing accounts was pushed out the door by Gardner Vance, himself? It would serve him right to become the has-been he tried to make Brian into!

As for the two talking in the beginning... I wonder who they are, and what is their interests in Brian's happenings and whereabouts. While one seemed condemning in a sense, the other allowed for Brian to be human which is more than I can say for Michael in every sense of the word. But that's just my take on him since I'm not, nor have I ever been, a fan of Mr. Best Friend. SMH.



Reviewer: Nichelle Wellesly Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: Apr 13, 2019 Title: Chapter 5: Chapter 5 - Got A Feelin'

And case in point about part of the reason I just really can't stand Michael... SMH Not only is he inconsiderate, but he's a sanctimonious little troll. Just who in all of creation asked for his narrow-minded opinion on how committed Brian and Justin are to each other in comparison to him and Ben? I swear the personification of a modern day Doubting Thomas is called Michael Charles Novotny-Bruckner.

I'm glad that Brian was able to put Justin's Michael-induced fears to rest. If ever there was a use for Justin's smelly socks, I think it's to be stuffed inside of Michael's mouth and held in place by duct tape. In any event, I think what Brian said went a long way to boosting Justin's confidence in them as a couple.



Reviewer: Nichelle Wellesly Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: Apr 13, 2019 Title: Chapter 6: Chapter 6 - It's All the Rage

Loved how they talked to each other in their comic counterparts, and yet it was all them. Wouldn't people be surprised to really know just how rock solid they are... I really wish it had happened this way in the series instead of the constant push and pull of insecurities.



Reviewer: Nichelle Wellesly Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: Apr 13, 2019 Title: Chapter 7: Chapter 7 - Look Through My Window




Reviewer: Nichelle Wellesly Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: Apr 13, 2019 Title: Chapter 8: Chapter 8 - Words of Love

You tell'em, Justin! I loved the way he dispelled the myth that Brian's selfish with just a few well-placed words and facts. And also showed that he was Brian's match in every way that mattered when it came down to saving the community from Stockwell. For some reason, it always irked me that while Brian got much of the credit- and rightfully so- they seemed to discount Justin's part in the whole taking down of Stockwell. Had Justin not started the ball rolling with those provocative posters, Brian might not have been so inclined to look deeper into the matter. Just saying...



Reviewer: Nichelle Wellesly Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: Apr 13, 2019 Title: Chapter 9: Chapter 9 - California Dreamin'

Loved the talk with Father Tom, and Brian's question. 



Reviewer: Nichelle Wellesly Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: Apr 13, 2019 Title: Chapter 10: Chapter 10 - My Boy

An absolutely perfect way to end this with a repurposed classic from the Temptations!! Although there have been many spinoff groups, none possessed the magic of the original five of David Ruffin, Eddie Kendricks, Melvin Frankin, Otis Williams and Paul Williams. Al Bryant was a part of them, too, but left before they hit the big time with Motown. Their legacy was born of the stuff where dreams of becoming legends are made- much like Brian and Justin. My heart is so full with gratitude and hope. Thank you so much for writing and posting this on KD. It will be a favorite of mine for many years to come!

HUGS and Warmest Regards,




The downfall of Michael and Lindsay and the start of a new life for the gang...

Categories: QAF US
Characters: Ben Bruckner, Brian Kinney, Cody Bell, David Cameron, Gus Marcus-Peterson, James 'Hunter' Montgomery, Jenny Rebecca Marcus-Peterson, Justin Taylor, Lindsay Peterson, Melanie Marcus, Michael Novotny
Tags: Anti-Lindsay, Anti-Michael, Family
Genres: Alternate Universe
Pairings: Brian/Justin
Series: Consequences
Chapters: 10 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 17644 Read Count: 36492
[Report This] Published: Apr 13, 2019 Updated: Oct 11, 2019
Reviewer: Nichelle Wellesly Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: May 09, 2019 Title: Chapter 4: Friday pt. 3

WHOO-HOO!!! Dumb and Dumber are going down under... and we're NOT talking about Australia, even if they are a couple of saltwater crocodiles. To think that they wouldn't be thoroughly investigated, while they are sitting in JAIL, is just the epitome of stupid. I laughed when they tried to play innocent, especially Lindsay. That web she was trying to weave just kept getting destroyed at every turn. I guffawed when her parents' lawyer revealed that he was only there to find out what she was being charged with. OUCH! That must have hurt, knowing that she was completely exposed, and unable to refute even one accusation WITH a lawyer present. Should be interesting to see what she and her cohort in cuntery tries to come up with now to justify their actions.

Poor Carl! Not only was he hearing just how ignorant Michael and Lindsay were firsthand, but now he's going to have to explain it all to Deb, if he wants any peace. Hopefully the fallout from this will be minimal to the family as a whole, but especially for Brian, Gus, and Jenny. I think Ben and Mel have already resolved that they married the WRONG people within themselves.

Great Writing and Looking forward to MORE!



Reviewer: Nichelle Wellesly Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: Apr 13, 2019 Title: Chapter 1: Chapter 1

WHOO-HOO!! This made my day! Looking forward to MORE!

Happy Writing and HUGS,


Reviewer: Nichelle Wellesly Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: Oct 09, 2019 Title: Chapter 9: Chapter 9

I was just rereading this and here you are!!! You, my dear, have definitely been MISSED, but I of all people understand about the continual stress and strain of RL issues. But no matter, because you have come back in the very BEST way possible. Michael and Lindsay should have loads of 'fun' coming their ways in prison if for no other reason than they mentally, emotionally, and attempted to physically hurt children. Even some of the most hardened criminals draw the line at Child abuse/ neglect. I say beat them to within an inch of their worthless lives, allow them to make a full recovery, and then start the cycle again as long as they live. I know, I know... I can be quite vicious when it comes to Michael and Lindsay. In fact, I may have to include that particular scenario in one of my epilogues, LOL

Anyway, I'm so happy that the family remained solid throughout it all, and that the Dumbass Duo had to witness it. Deb might mourn the loss of the son she raised, but she'll not miss the man Michael had become. As for Lindsay's family... well, now they won't have to worry about her AT ALL. In fact, I have a feeling that they will use Lindsay's notoriety to their full advantage, including living high-profile lives so that Lindsay hears about it constantly. I think that coupled with the knowledge that Brian and Justin are together and happy will be the worst kind of punishment for her.

Oh, I'm so HAPPY that you posted this, Darling! Looking forward to MORE!

Well Wishes and HUGS,
