Reviews For Why Not Me.
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Reviewer: The SNO Signed [Report This]
Date: Jul 20, 2016 5:55 am Title: Chapter 15

You cracked me up with "the Gardener's Association members aka Todd and Babylon dancers for their help".

Poor Katherine: she really had no chance at all.

Reviewer: The SNO Signed [Report This]
Date: Jul 20, 2016 5:31 am Title: Chapter 14

The cat is out of the bag: Sam blew Lindsay's fragile bubble as delicately as ever.

Good job Daphne!

Reviewer: BlueMyst Signed half-star [Report This]
Date: Jul 20, 2016 4:58 am Title: Chapter 15

I must now to your wicked genius, that was too funny I am going to be laughing about that for the rest of the night, Katie was out of her league the second she opened her mouth that garden will be quite a story for years to come *lmao*

Nancy committing Lindsay and signing Gus's custody to Brian and Mel is going to make Lindsay's head Pop when she finds out and that makes me giggle.

I wish there was pictures of that garden party I bet the flowers were beautiful and I bet Katie won't be able to look at flowers without cringing in embarrassment. *roflmao*

I think I am seriously going to cry when this ends, but I am going to love reading it all over again! ;)

Reviewer: Jazzepoet Signed [Report This]
Date: Jul 20, 2016 4:41 am Title: Chapter 15


Reviewer: Jazzepoet Signed [Report This]
Date: Jul 20, 2016 3:58 am Title: Chapter 14

Omg....this chapter was hilarious!

Author's Response:

Thank you I aim to keep everyone laughing.

Reviewer: YumYumPM Signed half-star [Report This]
Date: Jul 20, 2016 3:09 am Title: Chapter 14

Linds is right where she needs to be.  The looney bin.  If Nancy wants her compliant, she's gonna have a long wait. 

Author's Response:

Think Stratford that's all I have to say. Garden Party is written finally took me forever to put it together.

Reviewer: BlueMyst Signed half-star [Report This]
Date: Jul 20, 2016 2:50 am Title: Chapter 14

OH MY GOODNESS, THAT WAS FREAKN HILARIOUS! Sam did exactly what I wanted him to do, Daphne was a brilliant puppeteer for Sam and Lindsay's reunion, I just love the fact that at first he couldn't remember her, then went straight to insulting in his own un-charming way, I was cracking up!

Brian telling off Lindsay was funny too, she seriously believes that she get Brian to stop being gay and marry her...The chick is off her rocker and destroying her room didn't help because now Mommy has her committed lol

Every New Chapter You Amaze Me :)

Author's Response:

I wrote the garden party hopefully it works.

Reviewer: Nichelle Wellesly Signed half-star [Report This]
Date: Jul 20, 2016 2:17 am Title: Chapter 14

LMFAO!!!!! I'm still laughing like a LOON at this chapter! First, the dinner conversation was fabulous and set the tone for the rest of Lindsay's evening. Can we say EPIC fail?! I think we CAN!

Then her ploy to get Brian to side with her and guilt him once again trying to use Gus as a bargaining chip/ BITCH! Brian's comment about her pussy had me laughing and wincing at the same time. DAMN!! That was so freaking Brian! 

Then to top the art scene off, Justin makes a fortune by gaining a new commission off of the man Lindsay is supposed to be concentrating on. And then (Damn I love Daphne!) has to face the music of her affair with Sam in a public venue. LMAO!!!! Well at least it can't be said that she didn't follow Nancy's orders by not mentioning her past relationship with Mel (who I'm happy is chilling out with Sarah, BTW). Sam took care of ALL of that business including telling of her 'possible' skills in the sack. 

Well, now Lindz is going to a psychiatric hospital indefinitely! I would say that is a fitting punishment for the pain-in-the-ass prima donna. I doubt she gets 'cured' since there's nothing wrong with her except that she's willful and spoiled... in other words, she IS her mother's daughter!

Happy Writing and HUGS!! Oh this was AAA-MAZING!!


Author's Response:

I wrote to get your muse going. The garden party is written God I hope it lives up to everyone's expectations. Thank you for keeping me entertained during this.

Reviewer: sfscarlet Signed [Report This]
Date: Jul 20, 2016 2:06 am Title: Chapter 14

lindsay is out of control and thankfully everyone recognizes her craziness.  Love Daphne -  and the garden as usual is fun-  wish we could see pictures=-   glad Gus is not manipulated by Lindsay

Author's Response:

I think crazy is Lindsay middle name. Thanks for staying with me.

Reviewer: Lorie Signed [Report This]
Date: Jul 19, 2016 8:29 pm Title: Chapter 13

I love this story.

My favorite line in this is when Brian said to Linds: "One other thing, Justin would most likely burn the house down if you moved in." Hilarious.


Author's Response:

Thanks for all your help in making this readable. 

Reviewer: emac66 Signed [Report This]
Date: Jul 19, 2016 4:42 pm Title: Chapter 13

Lindsey is way out of her league of she thinks she can take on Jenn in the WASP category! she doesn't stand a chance. She doesn't stand a chance with Brian eiother! lol.

Everyone has had it with her. when is she going to get a clue? Mind you...I'm having lots of fun reading this, so it certainly doesn't have to be anytime soon. ;) 

This whole garden sub-plot..Is terrific! It's such a great giggle and so many of them getting involved. Looking forward to the garden party. Katie's reaction is sure to be a hoot and her hubs I'm guessing will find it just as funny as the others do!



Reviewer: YumYumPM Signed half-star [Report This]
Date: Jul 19, 2016 12:55 pm Title: Chapter 13

I'm worried about Lindsay.  Is she going to try kidnapping next?  Love how Jen spiked her intentions of getting in Gus' face.  I can't believe that she told him about them living together, as if Brian would be willing. 

Reviewer: Jazzepoet Signed [Report This]
Date: Jul 19, 2016 10:07 am Title: Chapter 13

I don't even have words... Lindsay is really grasping at straws now.

Reviewer: The SNO Signed [Report This]
Date: Jul 19, 2016 7:39 am Title: Chapter 13

After the girls' night, the WASP battle; you sure know how to keep the tension.

"Linds is dressing and acting like her mother": she's talking and thinking like her as well.

Too bad Brian doesn't want to get a tree with interesting fruits.

Reviewer: tataniastorm Signed [Report This]
Date: Jul 19, 2016 5:13 am Title: Chapter 13

Please I want more. Lol I so lobed this story. Ty so much for sharing.

Reviewer: Nichelle Wellesly Signed [Report This]
Date: Jul 19, 2016 4:06 am Title: Chapter 13

LOVED it!!!! Gus was great but Jen was PRICELESS!! Have several seats?? Yep! Now sit your tail down Lindsay and get schooled! 

I'm sort of on the fence about Brian telling Lindsay about the surrogate. I still don't trust the trollop not to try and harm Amanda. Lindsay is crazy but completely stable Which means that cold and calculating is the name of her game right now. NOPE don't trust thay trick!! 

I love the way Justin handled Lindsay! She needed to be told that she was nothing more than a glorified cheerleader on the sidelines of Justin's career. She must be stewing at being asked if she knows any agents right after being told that she couldn't have a job at the Bloom Gallery. No doubt why she wanted the job at the gallery in the first place....SMH transparent much, Lindz?

Great Job! Happy Writing and HUGS,


Reviewer: BlueMyst Signed half-star [Report This]
Date: Jul 19, 2016 3:58 am Title: Chapter 13

Lindsay is a COW and she is a selfish twit I can't wait till everything implodes around her, her attempts at playing concern mommy is not fooling anyone especially Gus, I wouldn't let Gus go to her parent's house without a swat team I would be too afraid of him not coming back, she just ignored JR and Melanie, glad to see Jennifer dishing it right back.

Sarah and Cynthia have to be at the art opening and garden party I bet they will love it, plus I would like to see them cock-block Lindsay :)

Can't wait to read about the garden party and Justin's art opening I hope Lindsay makes a fool out of herself (Won't be Too Difficult for Her) and the press is there to cover it I just know mommy and daddy would be so proud lol


Reviewer: emac66 Signed [Report This]
Date: Jul 18, 2016 3:35 pm Title: Chapter 12

Catching up from over the weekend. Was thrilled to see each and every new chapter. this fic is bloody brilliant and am loving all of it.

Justin and Micheal are great in this together. while I'm the first to admit I dislike Micheal for the most part, it's fun seeing them in this one. both being little mischevious boys. Having such fun at Katie's expense. btw....are those real plants?? I want to look them up and check it out when I have the time. 

Daphne is my hero! Her confrontation with Lindsey was aaaaaawesome!! was laughing my ass off reading it. 

I still think that Lindsey, while delusional, isn't unstable. I just think she's so self involved that she simply expects things to go they way she wants. It's very typical of that kind of upbringing. Everythign is about her and her wants. She's so manipulative and even towards her parents. Terrible.

girl's night out?!?! Frigging hilarious! GO JENN!!!!!!!!! LOL! Mell needs to contact Sarah. Those 2 together battling out against Lindsey would be great.

Looking forward to the next update, even of it's late. will stay up to read!! 

Your fics are tremendous! have loved them all. So glad you decided to take up writing.



Author's Response:

Yes every plant exists. Some are called by different names but these are the common names. 

Reviewer: YumYumPM Signed half-star [Report This]
Date: Jul 18, 2016 1:41 pm Title: Chapter 12

Darn, Lindsay's realized that Daphne isn't pregnant.  I'm so glad everyone isn't willing to tell her who is.  Looking forward to the garden party.  Should be a hoot.  Then there is the gallary where Paul meets up with Sam.  LOL.

Author's Response:

I think mom is going to be there too. I haven't decided yet. Depends on how much is going on when I write it. 

Reviewer: The SNO Signed [Report This]
Date: Jul 18, 2016 12:33 pm Title: Chapter 12

I never thought I would said that one day but I like Michael in this story.

Mel kissed Jennifer? That must have been hot as hell; Jennifer is way hotter than Lindsay.

This scene in Babylon and the girls dancing on stage: I would have paid any fee to see that!

I loved these in particular:

- Justin was in shock. His mother dancing on a stage. What in the world would make his mother dance on Babylon’s stage? He was pacing and going on and on about killing Daphne. I figured I would save Daphne’s life. I started to undress. Justin couldn’t grasp that his mother could do something fun. He was mid rant and I was naked. Justin turned to say something else but just like I planned, he forgot what he was talking about. Six hours and four times later he was asleep.

- I need to figure out what these women do to scare off the crazy woman. I mean Brian freezes people. Justin likes to get revenge. Michael, who we love, can whine someone to death. Ben pretends they are sane. Emmett talks them to death. Blake tries to reason them to the point they give up and I get abused until I can escape the madness.

- new character for Rage, Icebitch

Author's Response:

I wanted us to see Mel have friends that were different from Lindsay. Mel in the show didn't really do anything other than work. Unless it was with Lindsey. So I gave her Daphne, Jen, and Deb. They are multigenerational until the party.

Reviewer: Nichelle Wellesly Signed [Report This]
Date: Jul 18, 2016 5:53 am Title: Chapter 12

LOVE Mel and Daph's dynamic here! Looks like Mel may have a new gal pal and that can only be to the good since Mel isn't trying to hurt Brian nor Justin! Love that Sarah is looking at Mel. She needs to take Sarah up on it! And wouldn't that just burn Lindsay's ass! Her ex-lover AND her nemesis hooking up would serve the bitch right!

Another thing that would serve Lindsay right is if she tries to corner Brian at that art show. SMH this chick doesn't learn and I look forward to one controlled-but-irate blond Prince out-WASPing the spoiled blonde princess trying her best to become the Queen Bee! I think Lindsay will live to regret hiding that invitation from Nancy in more ways than she could bargain for.

IneverThoughtIwouldSayThisBut... Good for Michael! He gave Lindsay's insult back to her but GOOD and even threw two in of his own! Icebitch is truly an accurate description! 

Lookimg forward to MORE! Happy Writing and HUGS,


P.S. I think Brian may be underestimating Lindsay's brand of Bitchy if she finds the surrogate. Desperate chicks like that deserve full suspicion! And Ted needs a 'superpower' of his own, LOL Poor guy! His assessments of the others and their 'powers' were HYSTERICAL!! 

Author's Response:

Ted has one he just doesn't know it. He is an accountant who controlled Linda funds. I haven't decided if Linda will meet her. I don't think Justin would let Linda keep breathing if that happens but who knows maybe Deb and Michael will help him hide the body.

Reviewer: The SNO Signed [Report This]
Date: Jul 18, 2016 5:41 am Title: Chapter 11

Justin and Daphne are quite a pair but I guess Brian and Daphne could create some fabulous scenes as well as Emmett and Daphne.

I would love to see Jennifer gone wild.

I loved the references to Justin's skills coming from Jennifer; that says a lot!

Reviewer: Jazzepoet Signed [Report This]
Date: Jul 18, 2016 4:24 am Title: Chapter 12

This just keeps getting better!

Reviewer: BlueMyst Signed half-star [Report This]
Date: Jul 18, 2016 2:30 am Title: Chapter 11

Jen You Wild Woman! This was a good chapter because we got a girl's night that these ladies will never forget (Thanks YouTube), I wonder how Lindsay is going to.react to all the fun Mel is now having?

Sam is coming town? I hope Lindsay comes to the show to see him I bet it will be memorable lol


Daphne buying gifts for the kids is so sweet and that is why she is a wonderful best friend to have.


Nancy knew about the affair with the god-daughter that says so much about her and her need to stay in control (Lindsay did learn at the master's feet after all).

Lindsay is so delusional she actually believes Brian is going to marry her? Did she grow a dick and not tell anyone? lol

Justin and his super sperm have produced twins for the Taylor-Kinney household, now Brian is going to have three sunshines to brighten his life :)

Reviewer: sfscarlet Signed [Report This]
Date: Jul 18, 2016 2:19 am Title: Chapter 11

great update-  Lindsay is still a cunt and swimming in the river de- nile

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