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Reviewer: sophiesmom Signed [Report This]
Date: Nov 07, 2018 9:09 pm Title: CHAPTER 8: GUILT IS FOR INSECURE PEOPLE

More! It's gloomy weather here, I could read this all day

Reviewer: YumYumPM Signed half-star [Report This]
Date: Nov 07, 2018 1:29 pm Title: CHAPTER 8: GUILT IS FOR INSECURE PEOPLE

Super banner.  Love the chapter but am anxious to see the talk with Mikey.

Reviewer: bjluv Signed [Report This]
Date: Nov 07, 2018 2:21 am Title: CHAPTER 8: GUILT IS FOR INSECURE PEOPLE


I have to wonder if Mikey is getting tired of being detained at the door yet? God I'd love to see him standing outside and walking down the street dragging that Captain cutout and the garbage bags! Ben had 14 bags sittiing outside by the curb. Michael only has three. What happened to the other eleven? Did the garbage truck take them?  Did he even get the ones with his clothes in? Better get comfy, Mikey. It will be a little while yet. I have to wonder if either of them have enough money to lay their their heads in a bed tonight. Michael better seriously accept the money offered for the comic store. Isn't $10K, better than nothing? But once Lindsay helps hm deside what to do with it, it will be gone in the blink of an eye.

Finally! Brian has Lindsay figured out. The she-wolf won't be getting anymore money and attention from Brian. And Justin ignoring her at the competition, will infuriate her so much so, that she will make an ass out of herself, just to get his attention. And let's not forget how this is broadcast live. People will be snickering behind her back before the first segment is over. And how fun and funny it will be with her and Stacy as partners? They will both be ruined/ black-balled in the art world, forever! Couldn't happen to two better people.

And Lord Have Mercy! Michael has items from when the loft was burglarized???? I'd love to be a fly on the wall when he is confronted with that! Where is "this stuff" now? It is all in the garbare bags? Can't be, because then Ben would have seen it while packing. Basement? Attic? Debbie's?  it's gotta be somewhere. And thank heavens they are forewarning Debbie of all this. Michael won't have a pot to piss in. Just like Lindsay won't have two cents to rub together, anymore.

Loved this update. Makes me happy when you keep typing!

XOXO ~ Cathy

Reviewer: The SNO Signed [Report This]
Date: Nov 06, 2018 5:49 pm Title: CHAPTER 8: GUILT IS FOR INSECURE PEOPLE

The allies are so well organized and sharing sensitive and vital information that Lindsey and Michael don't have lots of latitude to move forward.

Reviewer: BlueMyst Signed half-star [Report This]
Date: Nov 06, 2018 5:49 pm Title: CHAPTER 8: GUILT IS FOR INSECURE PEOPLE

Love The New Banner!! :)

With ten thousand and Lindsay whispering in Michael's ear that money will last months, cause they both want and expect the finer things in life, plus with Lindsay being on tv she will want to look her best.

Deb being notified in advance saves her having to fall for Michael's schemes to wring sympathy out of her.

Renting out the unused lofts is smart and keeps Michael and Lindsay from stalking Brian and Justin, plus the judges will enjoy peace from those who think they are entitled to everything.

Stacey and Lindsay working together is fitting punishment for two Self-absorbed, Over-Entitled Princesses who will sabotage themselves while trying to do it to Justin.

Plus Justin ignoring Lindsay while outshining both of them will drive them both crazy, and in front of the cameras their antics will be in full display for potential employers all over the world lol

Justin will really need to channel his inner Wasp to remain poise while the Harpies are trying to drive stakes into his back.

Michael is about to get served...Again rofl

Reviewer: loriblair Signed [Report This]
Date: Nov 06, 2018 4:15 pm Title: CHAPTER 8: GUILT IS FOR INSECURE PEOPLE

OMGOOOOOOOOOOOD don't leave us waiting too long!!!! 

Reviewer: coleamber Signed [Report This]
Date: Nov 01, 2018 2:22 am Title: CHAPTER 1: THE AFTERMATH

Never liked Lindsey, almost hate her, but that would be a waste

Reviewer: bjluv Signed [Report This]
Date: Sep 14, 2018 12:44 pm Title: CHAPTER SEVEN: SELF-SABOTAGE Part 2

Okay... just caught up with this story. Just as good, and amazing as all your stories. Your anti-Michael and Lindsay here are classic. Thank you for that.

First you had the Debbie smackdown. And Lindsay's, "How dare she talk to me like that?"  Entitlement issues? And Michael, crossing his arms, and scowling! Classic move. If Debbie's words weren't seeping through, the clapping of the diner patrons should have.

Brian's smackdown at Kinnetik. In front of Justin. hehe... That must have been all sorts of embarrassing! Wonderful. How can they think it wasn't something binding, and they could find a flaw in it? Do they really discount Brian's intelligence? To have them escorted out, and told to their face they're banned... When are they gonna get a clue? Need a vowel? And, I am so tired of that phrase, I'm the mother of your son... Well, not for long bitch! Did I miss the time frame here? Gus is six. I was sure Justin was only in New york for a year. Brian agreed to have an investigator following Lindsay in Canada...  SO... How does Jeff have proof of what Lindsay has been up to for the last FIVE YEARS?

Jennifer... can't beat the WASP in her. Tell it like it is. And Lindsay telling her she's nothing? That she doesn't have that kind of pull? Wake up Lindsay, darling! Does Lindsay have idea just how much Justin has accomplished in the art world? I always find it funny when she thinks she can be a better manager than the ACTUAL managers. Then Jennifer calling her a "WASP Wannabe?" Funny as hell! And Jen owning Red Cape Comics? Michael will have no choice other than to accept Justin's proposal to buy RAGE. Michael being homeless, jobless, and husband-less? Oh Wait! Lindsay is too. Where are they gonna lay their heads tonight? Michael standing there with 14 garbage bags of his belongings. He better know better than to go to a neighbor, expecting help. He'll find out exactly what they think of him when tell him off. Michael and Lindsay think Brian's gonna let them stay at the loft or pit them up for the night?  Does they have a problem with short-term memory loss? They was at Kinnetik a few hours ago, when Brian pretty much told them to get lost. And so very proud of Ben for kicking Michael out! I hope Ben froze his checking/savings accounts. And where is Lindsay gonna get money for a place for her head tonight? Laughter and fun ensues.

So happy for Mel... and Leda... and the fact she will be living across the road from Brian and Justin! AWESOME! And the three women's interaction with Lindsay... PRICELESS!

Things to look forward to: Brian and Justin hearing Michael and Lindsay's tape recording that Ben taped. Lindsay getting the Lawyer's demands for her to give up her rights for Gus. (Will they include all the pictures and reports of her activities)? I'd love to see her reaction when they know about her leaving the kids in the museum, and her trip to New York to meet up with Sam again. Will Mel sue to get Michael's rights removed? Lindsay's demise in the body painting, and her being publicly humilated when it's aired live. Stacy and Lindsay failed attempt to get the best of Justin... So many good things to look forward to.

Sorry for the rant, but I had seven chapters to review. I'm on my way to start SOWK! What does it mean by Part 1? Are you already planning a sequel? I have to hand it to you... having eight WIP's, I don't know how you keep all the stories straight. But all of them have the devotion as if they are the only story you are writing. I love your writing and story telling...

Hugs, Cathy

Reviewer: bksbracelet Signed [Report This]
Date: Sep 12, 2018 12:00 pm Title: CHAPTER SEVEN: SELF-SABOTAGE Part 2

Omg I hope the next chapter comes up soon I am positively salivating on the spanking the idiot twins are about to get 

Reviewer: YumYumPM Signed half-star [Report This]
Date: Sep 11, 2018 8:35 pm Title: CHAPTER SEVEN: SELF-SABOTAGE Part 2

So Lindsay doesn't realize that she's not fooling everyone anymore?

Reviewer: The SNO Signed [Report This]
Date: Sep 11, 2018 7:52 pm Title: CHAPTER SEVEN: SELF-SABOTAGE Part 2

Well done Leda! I'm curious to see how Leda and Daphne would interact in front of Lindsay. That could be bloody.

Reviewer: BlueMyst Signed half-star [Report This]
Date: Sep 11, 2018 7:35 pm Title: CHAPTER SEVEN: SELF-SABOTAGE Part 2

Yes Let Lindsay in she thinks she is a way better artist than anyone else especially Justin, but the time limit she will have to work on the fly, and a artist of her nagitude will hate being rushed, which will cause many problems for her and anyone working with or near her.

She will be so busy whining about not having enough time to really create that she will forget that audience watching her performance, all those galleries looking at her whine, belittle and disrupt the flow constantly will love it;)

Hope Lindsay has money for her and Michael because the Kinney ATM is shut down Permanently??

From now on the only getting rid or being ridden will be one Justin Cole Taylor Kinney preferably long, hard and all night long lol

Reviewer: sophiesmom Signed [Report This]
Date: Sep 11, 2018 7:30 pm Title: CHAPTER SEVEN: SELF-SABOTAGE Part 2

OG! I pictured him walking down the street with hisvtradh bags and Capt. Astro and lost it.

Lindsay really should crawl under her rock to lick her wounds and really take a look at her life. There is no Mel, no Brian, not even Sam. No money, no mommy, no talent, no nothin'. Oh well she chose the life she now leads.

Reviewer: loriblair Signed [Report This]
Date: Aug 06, 2018 8:05 pm Title: CHAPTER 6: SELF-SABOTAGE Part 1

i have to say, i was flying hiiiiiiiiiigh and then, no more "next" button for me!!! truly one of the best thing i have ever read and as a true "Anti Michael" I can't be any happier! hope you will continue it

Reviewer: sfscarlet Signed [Report This]
Date: Jul 23, 2018 3:22 am Title: CHAPTER 6: SELF-SABOTAGE Part 1

I must say that I love your writing and so agree with the way you write Michael and LIndsay- no love lost there.  Michael is so hell bent on getting Justin out of the picture that he has forgotten to really look at the picture and Linds- well all she wants is Justin to go back to New York and she can't see that this is not in the cards either.  So glad for the update, but I must say I love all your stories.

Reviewer: BlueMyst Signed half-star [Report This]
Date: Jul 18, 2018 6:30 pm Title: CHAPTER 6: SELF-SABOTAGE Part 1

When A Self-absorbed Prince and a Self-absorbed Princess get together Stupidity Reigns Supreme and laughter ensues.

Michael should really gut use to the gutter got a feeling he just might be permanently camped there for the rest of his pathetic life.

Justin should see Lindsay joining the competition as not a way she can annoy him further, but as way he can sabotage her before she can really sabotage him.

Lindsay is an entitled princess who thinks rules don't apply to her when she wants to win, so by smiling and doing Wasp insults while looking innocent and abiding by the rules of the competition Justin will outshine her meager attempts, while also looking for suitable artists to work with and for him.

Lindsay hates being ignored and shown up so turning her game around on her in front of the cameras Justin looks like a consummate professional, while  Lindsay and Stacey (We Know  They Will Join Forces)look like amateur idiots with mediocre talent :) (Plus I wouldn't put it pass Lindsay to argue with the judges lol)

Ben is free to find someone who wants just him and to live his life without the screechy whining, I know his ears must be thankful about that? <giggles>

Thanks for the Update :)

Reviewer: The SNO Signed [Report This]
Date: Jul 18, 2018 3:53 pm Title: CHAPTER 6: SELF-SABOTAGE Part 1

I love how you manage Ben and Michael: finally is getting rid of the dead weight.

Reviewer: sophiesmom Signed [Report This]
Date: Jul 18, 2018 1:24 pm Title: CHAPTER 6: SELF-SABOTAGE Part 1

Wonderful chapter. Michael and Lindsay, two peas in a pod. They can do no right.

Betcha Ben did a little happy dance on the way to the car. Let Michael try and get his keys and phone back. Malcolm can call the cops on his breaking and entering. Well at least he'd have a place to sleep that night. Sure as hell won't be at Deb's and definitely not the loft.

He doesn't seem to upset about the loss of the comic book store. What deal are Brian and Justin going to make with him? If it doesn't include moving out of the city or even out of state, it won't be worth it.

Reviewer: sophiesmom Signed [Report This]
Date: Jul 18, 2018 12:59 pm Title: CHAPTER 5: LET THE GAMES BEGIN… Begin… begin

Brian realizes that all the problems between he and Mel was mostly Lindsay's doing. Time for Mel to realize it too. It will be good for the kids living so close to Brian and Justin. Mel can get her life back.

Can wait for the "Showdown at Red Cape Comics"...dun dun dun! His head may just explode right off his shoulders.

Michael's right about one thing, no way in hell could Lindsay draw Rage. As for her entering the competition, sure, why not? Ridicule from others is just another form of critiquing one's work.

About time Benny Boy moved things along. Looking forward to Justin's reaction to the taping of the Wonder Twits' conversation.

Oh what fun coming our way.

Reviewer: YumYumPM Signed half-star [Report This]
Date: Jul 18, 2018 3:45 am Title: CHAPTER 6: SELF-SABOTAGE Part 1

Love how Justin has everything all fixed up.  Can't get over how Michael and Lindsay don't seem to realize they've screwed themselves up.

Reviewer: emac66 Signed [Report This]
Date: Apr 18, 2018 6:29 pm Title: CHAPTER 1: THE AFTERMATH

Not sure what all I can say. In all honestly, bluemyst said it all pretty much perfectly and I couldn't agree more!

I WISH we could actually WATCH Lindsey during the competition! omg...what an absolute HOOT that would be! 

Am so very glad that Mel's opinion o fbrian has changed so dramatically. While it has been changing over time, her out pouring of grief about it was really moving.

I had to go back and re-read the entire thing as in all honestly I had forgotten where we were on this one. Enjoyed every bit of it a 2nd time. :)

Thank you fo rthis update!



Reviewer: The SNO Signed [Report This]
Date: Apr 17, 2018 4:12 pm Title: CHAPTER 5: LET THE GAMES BEGIN… Begin… begin

The scene with Mel is quite interesting: she is finally opening her eyes because Jennifer has the best arguments regarding Brian; he cares about Justin more than he will ever admit and his acts are showing that.

The scene with Lindsay and Michael is delightful. I especially loved “But that’s… that’s absurd! It’s not like you’re rewriting Hemingway or even Tolstoy…” “Who?” and "the Flaky Failure and her Funky Flunky".

Thank you for the update!

Reviewer: BlueMyst Signed half-star [Report This]
Date: Apr 17, 2018 2:56 am Title: CHAPTER 5: LET THE GAMES BEGIN… Begin… begin

OMGAWD!!! Lindsay is joining the competition?

This is so to be so funny cause she is putting her money where her mouth is and instead of choking on it I want her to walk away knowing that Justin beat her with sheer talent and not luck.

At this point it d matter if Justin wins, ties or loses cause he will still come out of this competition with more clout than her.

Lindsay does know this will be televised and everyone associated within the Art Community will be watching? 

Knowing art doesn't mean she understands it and now everyone will know it too <giggles>

Mel was smart to take the house and realize that Brian was never the villain he was a victim of Lindsay's games and schemes.

Being close to Britin and in a gated community will afford her some safety when Michael and Lindsay try to find her and the kids, while also providing Brian and Justin to see the kids whenever they want and giving Mel peace of mind when she needs down time for herself.

Leda will like the house <smirks>

Ben recording Madam Pompous and Captain Braindead is good, Forewarned is Forearmed and it will ticked them off when Brian and Justin are ten steps ahead...Again

I swear when they were born their parents should've asked a refund smh

Thank You So Much :) :)

Reviewer: YumYumPM Signed half-star [Report This]
Date: Apr 16, 2018 11:59 pm Title: CHAPTER 5: LET THE GAMES BEGIN… Begin… begin

Things are looking good for Mel.  Not so for Mikey and Lindsay.  LOL.  

Reviewer: BlueMyst Signed half-star [Report This]
Date: Feb 25, 2018 7:49 pm Title: CHAPTER 4: SIGN OF THE TIMES

Whoa Brian and Justin have been legally joined together for years?!?! YES!!!

Brian following through with his attorney to allow Lindsay to have visitation is good, since the only time she thinks of Gus is when she wants to control Brian and his money, having the support money moved is Genius that will hurt Lindsay's ability to act like a queen with an unlimited expense account.

Jennifer laid down quite a verbal smackdown not that they will listen, but they can't say they weren't warned.

Lindsay as usual us underestimating just how Powerful a Wasp Jennifer is and that will cost her.

Mel going into entertainment law is good because she is strong enough not to be played by some celebrity, living with Lindsay taught her how to handle a Drama Princess with an overinflated ego.

Connor and Brett are smart to go in business with Brian and Justin they could be good friends if others would just remember the boundary lines not to cross...Ever!! 

Thanks for the update this one is becoming one of my favorites :)


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