Date: Apr 24, 2018 6:13 pm Title: The Good Avenue is Closed but The Bad Avenue is Open
Kuddos to Debbie for shutting Michael down.
Date: Apr 23, 2018 11:38 pm Title: The Good Avenue is Closed but The Bad Avenue is Open
What a good chapter. Love when Michael & Lindsay prove to be the idiots that they are.

Date: Apr 23, 2018 5:54 pm Title: The Good Avenue is Closed but The Bad Avenue is Open
Oh the stupid is piling up for Michael and I am guessing they will soon be piling up for Lindsay too especially if Jennifer has talked Ron into taking ownership of the house and store?
If Ron paid for it with money not related to joint account then Nancy has no say and Ron has the power to clean house not only in his home but his new one too :)
How much should Daddy charge for them to continue to reside in the house? <evil grin>
Brian and Justin were so HOT <fans self> Brian and Justin make the sun blush with their intensity.
Deb was smart to tell Michael off and leaving him to deal with this himself, no more coddling for Michael time for him to grow up.
Lorraine is crazy but since she is directing it towards Michael and Lindsay I am going to leave her alone.
I don't think Sydney was made aware of Lindsay's impromptu trip to New York that had nothing to do with gallery business?
Michael might want to get use to jail I do believe he will be there again and hopefully he will have company?

Date: Apr 23, 2018 2:11 pm Title: The Good Avenue is Closed but The Bad Avenue is Open
How unbelievably stupid of Michael. I'm going to assume that Lindsay no longer has a job.