Date: Sep 13, 2018 7:32 pm Title: Just The Two Of Us, Then The Three Of Us And Only You
The beginning is hot as hell!!!
The gift from Deb and Carl is amazing!
Date: Sep 10, 2018 5:54 pm Title: Just The Two Of Us, Then The Three Of Us And Only You
Do I dare say 'Poor Michael'? Poor Michael, because he cant' stand to not be an ass. Poor Michael... He just can't grow up, and realize he can't best the others. Pounding his chest like a monkey! Throwing his plate with the chicken on the ground! What is he, two? I can't believe he was able to get a house on the other side of the boulevard! Good smackdown on the adoption... maybe it will really get through Michael's head how little he is cared about. H for Hero? Heartless? Get real Michael! Maybe Brian will become legally their son on the day of the wedding... A Real Double Celebration! Good to know he emancipated himself years ago. Three surnames... does that mean him and Justin are getting married?
The cakes were beautiful...
Thanks for writing this story and sharing it with us readers. Also for updating so quickly. It's very appreciated.
Hugs, Cathy
Date: Sep 10, 2018 2:56 pm Title: Just The Two Of Us, Then The Three Of Us And Only You
Fantastic. Love that they adopted Brian. The cakes and the jewelry pictures are great.

Date: Sep 10, 2018 1:35 pm Title: Just The Two Of Us, Then The Three Of Us And Only You
Latin and an adoption! Love the pictures

Date: Sep 10, 2018 3:14 am Title: Just The Two Of Us, Then The Three Of Us And Only You
OMG, Now That I Didn't See Coming!!!
Deb and Carl gave Brian The Best Birthday Gift They Ever Could.
Brian has been free of Joan and Claire for years with his new Family He is Almost Complete.
Just need to tie down a certain blonde Forever lol
Michael keeps trying to hurt everyone and it keeps backfiring on him, he just refuses to learn the lesson because he can't stand being ignored, but his ignorance is why he will Always Be Alone.
The cakes look Great and that gift from Brian is Stunning!!
Fantastic Update:)