Date: Apr 03, 2020 9:19 pm Title: The Attempt
Okay, still enjoying story and update, but, as this is the 2nd attempt to get Gus in their possesion, shouldn't Justin report it to the police to have them arrested? Just a thought...
Deb L

Date: Apr 03, 2020 9:10 pm Title: Chapter 5: Meeting the Parents
A bit confused as Craig & Jen just meet Gus & Brian in this chapter. But at the beginning of chapter 2 it says they already met Brian and adopted Gus & Hunter as their grandchidren. Maybe a mix up in stories?
Still enjoying it though.
Deb L
Author's Response:
It's a been a while so I'll probably set it as a flashback as to how they met

Date: Mar 30, 2020 4:15 pm Title: The Attempt
Lindsay and Mel just keep trying but they are about to run up against I believe the three !its powerful families in The Nest who honestly adore their children for who they are not the cache they can bring, rock day hello to three very powerful mountains who are ready to destroy you without destroying the landscape lol
Brian and Justin need to get restraining orders immediately those girls are getting very desperate and that means they are stupid and dangerous.
Ethan Is Married?! That Lying Little Weasel!!
Next Chapter PleaseðŸ™ðŸ˜€
Thanks For the Update

Date: Mar 30, 2020 8:37 am Title: The Attempt
First a Gold tries to screw things up, then the girls attempt to kidnap Gus. What is this world coming to?
Date: Mar 30, 2020 8:30 am Title: The Attempt
Thanks for update

Date: Mar 28, 2020 4:57 pm Title: Chapter 5: Meeting the Parents
Jennifer is a force to reckoned with so.I pity anyone who gets in her as side or hurts any member of her family, going fetal.might actually be nicer than what she will have planned.
Ethan came for the money now that he has been denied th a he can slink into Hell where he belongs.
After Brian and Justin make up they have got to make a plan to deal with whatever Lindsay and Mel come up with next.

Date: Mar 28, 2020 4:46 pm Title: Chapter 4: A Turning Point
I hope Justin knocked us teeth out of at least made him cry hysterically?
Ethan must need money?

Date: Mar 28, 2020 4:43 pm Title: Chapter 3: What is Going On?
Claire is stupid and that stupidity will get her hopefully lots of jail time.
John was smart enough to record the conversation so it will give further credence that Mel and Lindsay are dangerous, cause even though Lindsay did all the talking Mel is still an accomplice.
Brian was a bit rash but he is scared so he can be forgiven for acting without thinking about everything first.

Date: Mar 28, 2020 4:38 pm Title: Chapter 2: Three Months Later
So Mel and Lindsay tried to take Brian's son by illegal means I do hope the police arrested them for filing a false statement or they will have a serious lawsuit in their hands?
Mel and Lindsay are desperate which means they are stupid and dangerous Brian should seriously get a restraining order immediately!
Date: Mar 20, 2020 8:18 pm Title: Chapter 5: Meeting the Parents
good one
Date: Aug 09, 2019 2:06 am Title: Chapter 5: Meeting the Parents
Love it, thanks for update
Date: Aug 09, 2019 1:56 am Title: Chapter 2: Three Months Later
fucking bitches
Date: Jul 04, 2019 7:21 am Title: Chapter 1: What a Life to be living
Loving this story. Can't wait for more chapters
Date: Apr 05, 2019 12:51 am Title: Chapter 1: What a Life to be living
Interesting start. TAG

Date: Apr 02, 2019 1:30 am Title: Chapter 5: Meeting the Parents
Jennifer kidnapped the kids? What an interesting turn of events. Ethan is in for it just like Mel and Linds.

Date: Apr 02, 2019 1:22 am Title: Chapter 4: A Turning Point
Good questions. When do we learn the answers?

Date: Apr 02, 2019 1:10 am Title: Chapter 3: What is Going On?
Mel and Lindsay are going to be in so much trouble. That Peter and John are good with Brian is great.

Date: Apr 02, 2019 1:07 am Title: Chapter 2: Three Months Later
Wait! Wasn't Mel and Lindsay arrested for making a false charge? Didn't know that Justin had donated sperm. Why?

Date: Apr 02, 2019 1:03 am Title: Chapter 1: What a Life to be living
Interesting. How could Mel and Lindsay think they could just walk in and take Gus! The advertising meeting should be fun.

Date: Apr 01, 2019 10:38 pm Title: Chapter 5: Meeting the Parents
Great update. Terrific writing. Hope you continue the story. It is so good.
Date: Apr 01, 2019 7:19 pm Title: Chapter 5: Meeting the Parents
What a weasle the fiddler is. Would try anything to get a hold of money he didn't even earn himself. He's as bad as the girls.
I like how Craig and Jenn are so accepting. Also that Craig thought ahead and got that restraining order.
Brian doesn't yet realize how lucky he is having Justin and all that come with him in his life. He will soon enough.
Date: Apr 01, 2019 7:03 pm Title: Chapter 4: A Turning Point
When has the fiddler ever been wanted somewhere?
Who in the group would give him Justin's address?
Well at least Brian and Justin will be face to face so something can be said. Brian needs to tell him about the girls. Sooner rather than later.
Date: Apr 01, 2019 6:56 pm Title: Chapter 3: What is Going On?
Jail for all those bitches sounds really tempting. How stupid are they really? Do they think they'll never get caught?
Yeah Brian handled the entire conversation with Justin badly. I hope they do talk to each other. Justin has yo make Brian understand that Justin would never take Gus from him.

Date: Apr 01, 2019 6:04 pm Title: Chapter 5: Meeting the Parents
So worth the wait! I loved this chapter! Looking forward to MORE!

Date: Oct 09, 2018 2:04 am Title: Chapter 4: A Turning Point
Good questions and I anxiously await the answers.