Reviews For Smoke and Mirrors
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Reviewer: BritinManor Signed [Report This]
Date: Dec 25, 2018 8:07 am Title: ...And Here are The Mirrors

Nicole, First off I'd like for you to know that I've had my user name changed. It used to be Bjluv, But as you can see now, it's BritinManor. BritinManor is my user name on MW, and since I decided to try my hand at writing, I figured I better have both names the same, as I don't think it would sit well to have the same story posted by two different authors. That said, I hope you give my story a try. On to my review:

I have to give you credit for giving Ethan the balls to actually pull the trigger. I know in my last review I said I didn't think he would. That's because I don't picture the chin rat having that much backbone. BUT, if he was publicly humiliated by Brian, some people like revenge just a little too much. Whatever gave him the idea Brian would ever consider going to bed with the homely thing, is beyond me. Brian wouldn't touch him in any universe he might live in. I have to wonder why he gave into Dixon so easily, and readily agreed to do his bidding. Were they possibly sleeping together? But if Ethan thinks he will carry out his plans to finish the job, I don't think he will be able too. There are too many people who have Brian's back now. I can't wait for Brian's memory to come back full-force, and remember Ethan. Just MAYBE, Brian caught a glimpse of him that night prior to the shooting. I can't wait to see if they find a fingerprint on the bullet.

I don't think Ethan knows that Mercy has the watch and that everyone is aware that it was originally Brian's. When Michael asks for that watch back, all hell is going to break loose. Ethan would be better off forgetting about his 'trophy'.

I have to laugh at Lindsay's insistence that she will get Brian and Justin to work with her. Neither one of the guy's can stand her, and why would they work with her, instead of Mercy. And good luck with the whole Michael and Ethan working together and actually agreeing on something. I still can't figure out where she gets the idea Michael knows anything. Just because he hung around a set, doesn't mean he actually helped with anything. And I don't think she has any intention of producing Michael's 'Opus'.

I just have to say, thank you for no vivid interactions with the chin rat. That's one thing I liked about that arc in the original. Although both Ethan and Justin could be found naked, we didn't have to witness sex between them. Cowlip just might have lost some viewers. *shudders at thought*

I wish you a Wonderful Holiday Season and a very Happy New Year.

HUGS ~ Cathy

Author's Response:

Cathy, thank you so much for the holiday wishes, hope yours was great. I shall indeed be reading your story, I have so many to catch up on!

Okay so I was a bit mean with the Michael and Brian nightmare kiss and the pants drop in LAFB II, but for the love of heaven, I couldn't write that...ugh-ugh-ugh!

And I want to thank you for not only the review, and you are close on the Dixon/Ethan thing, but for the plot point you have given me!

Happy reading


Reviewer: mamab Signed [Report This]
Date: Dec 24, 2018 7:00 pm Title: ...And Here are The Mirrors

Great chapter.  Happy Holidays to all.

Reviewer: BlueMyst Signed half-star [Report This]
Date: Dec 24, 2018 5:54 pm Title: ...And Here are The Mirrors

So Ethan shot Brian and stole his watch them he stupidly gave it to Michael who have it to Barney?


Lindsay must be high if she thinks Brian or Justin would ever work with her they have too much integrity and taste to stoop to her level of mediocrity.

Caleb, Hunter and Barney found a perfect bullet now that just need it tested and fingerprinted.

Brian's memories are starting to come back and that means trouble for anyone who is behind this attempt on Brian's life.

thank You for the Update and Happy Holidays🎄

Reviewer: The SNO Signed [Report This]
Date: Dec 24, 2018 4:29 pm Title: ...And Here are The Mirrors

Things are getting more clear now and Brian might be in danger if he starts remembering.

Reviewer: YumYumPM Signed half-star [Report This]
Date: Dec 24, 2018 2:05 pm Title: ...And Here are The Mirrors

I'm not sure but it sounds like Ethan is guilty?  Love the new banner and always glad to see new chapters.

Reviewer: bjluv Signed [Report This]
Date: Dec 14, 2018 8:19 am Title: An Unhappy and Very Happy Reconnect

Finally caught up. I really enjoyed this chapter. Michael kind of had a small smackdown. That's the second time Barnabus has made a jab about how poor Michael performs in bed. Hmm, we haven't heard Ben's opinion on that.

Brian's gonna feel ill when Ben reveals Michael's feelings, wants and craves for Brian. When Justin hears about it, I can just hear the underhanded comments being spoken by Justin in Michael's vicinity.

So Justin was punished by delayed ejaculation. Meanie Brian. Although that was most definitely better, than the humiliation off being spanked, naked, in front of your two best friends.

So the chinrat has made an appearance. If I would have just considered canon characters, the writer of the music score would have been easy to figure out.  It makes me wonder if Kip will eventually make an entrance into the story. I don't think we have the actual killer yet, but I'm holding strong in my believes that Michael is somehow involved.

How did Ethan get Brian's watch in the first place? Hmm. I have to think on that one for a bit. But Ethan as the shooter? Don't think so. Besides, if he knew the watch was originally Brian's, I can't see him wanting it back. But if either Ethan or Michael think they are goona get the watch back, well all I can say, is don't hold your breath. They will either pass out or die first, before that is happening.

{{{Big Hugs}}} Cathy =^..^=

Reviewer: mamab Signed [Report This]
Date: Dec 12, 2018 3:54 am Title: An Unhappy and Very Happy Reconnect

Oh this was good.  Love when Mikey is an idiot !!!!!!!!!!!!

Reviewer: BlueMyst Signed half-star [Report This]
Date: Dec 10, 2018 7:27 pm Title: An Unhappy and Very Happy Reconnect

Live to see Michael try to get that watch from Mercy lol

Michael seems lacking in intelligence, sexual prowess and human decency, bet the next time he gets off his left will want a refund his right will be suing <smirks>

Barney did good coming to Ben and explaining how much he liked being chased but the sex wasn't anything to write Penthouse about, Michael was a small blimp and now he is a forgotten one too.

Ethan gave Michael Brian's watch?

How the Hell did he get it in the first place?!

Snooping is so Rewarding and Tiring ;)

Thanks for the Update.

Reviewer: The SNO Signed [Report This]
Date: Dec 10, 2018 5:22 pm Title: An Unhappy and Very Happy Reconnect

Did Barnabus have a threeway with Michael and Ethan? I guess Brian's watch has been stolen by Ethan or someone who sold it to him.

Reviewer: YumYumPM Signed half-star [Report This]
Date: Dec 10, 2018 1:59 pm Title: An Unhappy and Very Happy Reconnect

Michael is so delusional.  So the watch came from Ethan?  Now that's something new!

Reviewer: bjluv Signed [Report This]
Date: Dec 09, 2018 6:12 am Title: The Smoke Starts to Clear A Bit...

Lindsay really is a bitch. Standing around accepting condolances for James, when she was the one who kicked him out. Her actions are probably the cause of the accident.

I've been following along, fairly well, but this chapter actually has me a tad confused. Nobody was finishing thoughts or sentences, and I'm not sure if that was intentional. How can a man be an aunt to Mercy? And if Barnabus was a 'good' cop, why was he carrying Brian's personal belongings out of the hospital room? And why did Barney have the watch?  He said a friend gave it to him. Why are they not demanding this friends name? Lindsay found someone to do the music score, and that person has Micheal upset. Is this a character we have been introduced to?  And has she, in reality, really hired this person? And is Mercy's cousin, actually her sister? And why does Mercy want Everybody to go to Rajan's house? And you TOTALLY lost me when we got to Brian's POV. Cyn started out asking for someone to say something. ABOUT WHAT??? What are they talking about? Then Brian saying that's why Michael would always be where was. AGAIN, Total Confusion!

What I did gather from this chapter, is that it sounds like Michael might be connected to the shooting. Whether directly or indirectly, I'm not sure, even though I have voiced my suspicions about him a few times, already.

(This doesn't have to do with the the chapter)- but it amazes me that six people can write a story together. I just don't know how it's done.


Author's Response:

Hey Cathy, this chapter was intentionally confusing, but things will begin to clear with the next chapter...maybe :). However, you are completely right with one thing you have said.



Reviewer: mamab Signed [Report This]
Date: Dec 06, 2018 1:51 am Title: The Smoke Starts to Clear A Bit...

Fantastic chapter.  Terrific writing.

Reviewer: BlueMyst Signed half-star [Report This]
Date: Dec 05, 2018 6:13 pm Title: The Smoke Starts to Clear A Bit...

So Barney didn't steal the watch but how did he get it??

Mercy and her sister have been through so much and it cause to wonder what really happened to her parents?

Did Dixon die due to alcohol or was he helped?

Was it Michael calling Mercy and her parents?

So many questions and not enough answers yet.

Reviewer: YumYumPM Signed half-star [Report This]
Date: Dec 05, 2018 4:57 pm Title: The Smoke Starts to Clear A Bit...

You know that list that Horvath started on the chalk board I need to see one of all the characters to keep straight mainly because you put new characters in.  So far some things seem to point to Michael.

Reviewer: bjluv Signed [Report This]
Date: Nov 29, 2018 2:36 pm Title: A Stitch in Time and Coming In and Going Out with a Bang

Lindsay, Lindsay, Lindsay. I loved the monikers, cold-hearted and cold-pussied bitch. I loved that Shelby gave her the ole heave-ho, using the same title. The fact that Shelby destoryed her USB, caused laughter to ensue. But I have to wonder about Lindsay's thoughts of a hard copy. Is she referring to Mercy's script, and planning to steal it and use as her own, or is she referring to her own hard copy, and if she is, why wouldn't she know where it is? Is she planning to have Michael type out the copy, or have him write a new one, using his 'vision'? And, Oh Lord, I can just imagine the disaster that will be. And, Lindsay promising Michael to direct/produce (which is it?) his "opus", well let's just say, I can't find a word to express how ridiculous that is. Lindsay should have at least read it first, in order to know what she is dealing with, and who she puts her trust in. And yes, as Michael put it, we shall see who has the last laugh. Because it certainly will not be you, Michael.

Can't wait for the hotness that will be Drew and Ben. And as far as Brian and Justin go, (did Vic seriously catch them having sex?), Oh. My. God. Oh my god! Damn. Geez. OK I was not coherent for a bit. I had to hurry up and get my jaw off the floor, so I could continue to read. I don't have much in the way of anything intelligent to say, so let me just say that was HOT, HOT, HOT, HOT!!!

Ding Dong, Dixon is dead. What kind of tumultuous problems will arise from that?

And there's a bullet lodged in the wall. Justin, at first said he could remember everything, then when he had the flashback, remembered Brian being stabbed. Not sure if that means anything, though. And, pray tell, why, when help arrived, did the guy scream out, Kinney! Stay with us! We need the Stud! I'm asking myself, why do they need the Stud?  But, hopefully, when Carl gets back, and gets the bullet out of the wall, fingerprints will be accessible. I really have to wonder if Michael is involved in it all. Somehow, I think he is.

I'm loving the whole mystery and intrigue of this story, and let's not forget our two moronic villans.

{{{Big Hugs}}} Cathy =^..^=


Reviewer: bjluv Signed [Report This]
Date: Nov 29, 2018 11:54 am Title: Well That's Your Boat Sunk!

I can't believe, (or maybe I can), that Michael is still trying to peddle a comic he wrote when he was 11! Jesus, man! Get a New Life!  Did I read it right, that although Michael has been trying to get Brian to draw the comic, he never showed, or told, Brian that Barney did artwork for it? What an Idiot! Why did he want Brian so bad, if there was already good drawing done for it? I know Michael, at least in the beginning, wanted Brian sexually, (does he still?), but why does he want him to do it?

Okay, back to the watch. Barney was trying to use it for collateral, but said he didn't want to loose it, because of who he thought his friend was. I'm assuming that's Michael, but why the Hell would Michael have had Brian's watch?  You are apparently gearing us up for the fall of whoever shot Brian.

Okay, so first Mercy said that Brian's talent far outshone Barney's, now they are falling all over themselves to include hm. What gives? Then at the end, Michael wonders what the look is that passed between Mercy and George? Are we going back to when Caleb said to keep your enemies closer? Is that the real reason they want to include Barney?

Another thing I'm wondering about is, what else does Michael have up his sleeve, as he was thinking about playing his coup de gras, once he's let in? And him and Lindsay working together? I don't think I need to say what a train wreck that will be. And Lindsay can be persuasive all she wants, they aren't going to join forces with her. Unless... OMG!  She can't have plans for Justin, can she?

Well, I'm not sure if I trust or like Barney yet, but I have to give it to him for his Mikey jab... at least he was better at fucking me over, than he is at fucking.Touché

{{{Big Hugs}}} Cathy =^..^=

Reviewer: bjluv Signed [Report This]
Date: Nov 29, 2018 10:13 am Title: Deliverance

I was wondering just who Caleb was, being that he was such good friends with Hunter! So, he's in the same business as Hunter, only he's being paid to watch out for Brian. This should really start to get interesting when Mercy and Caleb join forces, and Mercy tells Caleb all her suspicions. Between the two of them, horefully they can figure out something more.

So, Michael is being a whining nincompoop. Complaining about the food, and being ignored. And what's with his aversion to talking about sex? He's been this way in other chapters. Anyway, love that Brian and Ben aren't filtering their words around him about Michael cheating. Now that Barnabus is back in the room, I vote for them all to pick up this kind of talk again.

{{{Big Hugs}}} Cathy =^..^=


Reviewer: bjluv Signed [Report This]
Date: Nov 29, 2018 9:45 am Title: The Look of Revelations

I have fallen behind with my reading, and got up extremely early to catch up. First on my list was this story. I reread a couple chapters to get back into the swing of things first. All I can say, is this story is getting all kinds of good.  Mercy commented earlier how she watched a cop carry Brian's things out of the hospital. Now if Barnaby is being oh-so-foolish, and wearing a Brian Kinney look-a-like watch, I can only assume it is actually Brian's watch. But, how could Barnabus be so foolish to wear it in public? But then, I suppose he assumes it has been so long....

But, I have to go back to when Barnabus and Michael, (eww-my brain can't comprehend) being in bed, and Barnabus getting a smile. What watch was it that Michael had? Are they one and the same? Or, was Barnabus smiling thinking about Brian's watch? But, if it isn't Brian's (which I highly doubt), but a 'what if' scenario, how could Barnabus afford a watch like that on a cop's salary?

It's a good thing Mercy was watching Brian all that time, so she recognized the watch. What we don't know yet though, is WHY was she so carefully intent about watching Brian's every move.

The mystery and plot thickens.

{{{Big Hugs}}} Cathy =^..^=

Reviewer: The SNO Signed [Report This]
Date: Nov 27, 2018 9:02 pm Title: Deliverance

Did Barney draw the comic or did he steal it?

Reviewer: The SNO Signed [Report This]
Date: Nov 27, 2018 8:44 pm Title: The Look of Revelations

Is it a watch that Brian is wearing on the picture? When was this picture taken?

Reviewer: mamab Signed [Report This]
Date: Nov 26, 2018 10:03 pm Title: A Stitch in Time and Coming In and Going Out with a Bang

Love the update.  The recipes are amazing.

Reviewer: BlueMyst Signed half-star [Report This]
Date: Nov 26, 2018 6:15 pm Title: A Stitch in Time and Coming In and Going Out with a Bang

So there could be a perfect bullet in the wall with a good fingerprint to identify who shot Brian?

Brian and Justin Are So Hot!

Lindsay got her Ass handed to her with style which I enjoyed immensely.

Michael and Lindsay collaborating should be Wonderful perhaps they can have a showing for this masterpiece and invite all the notables to attend to rub it in Mercy and everyone else's faces? <evil grin>

Humiliation should always be a dish served frigid cold with lots of delicious expensive hot d'oeuvres,  a six course meal and alcohol paid for by Lindsay and Michael of course ;)

Good for Ben finding someone who wants to make him scream in Ecstasy instead of Fear and Disgust, Drew is going to have Ben worshipping at his temple all night, day, week, month a and hopefully years long lol

So James Dixon is taken care of I hope he didn't leave everything to Lindsay?




Reviewer: YumYumPM Signed half-star [Report This]
Date: Nov 26, 2018 1:51 pm Title: A Stitch in Time and Coming In and Going Out with a Bang

We are close to finding out who shot Brian or did we find out?

Reviewer: mamab Signed [Report This]
Date: Nov 20, 2018 8:36 pm Title: Well That's Your Boat Sunk!

Great  update.  Oh the evil twins just never give up, and what a great storyline it makes.  Happy Thanksgiving.

Reviewer: BlueMyst Signed half-star [Report This]
Date: Nov 19, 2018 5:52 pm Title: Well That's Your Boat Sunk!

Michael directing with Lindsay should be a Laugh Riot he knows as much about directing as Lindsay knows about being Kind, Considerate and Thoughtful.

Their masterpiece should receive a standing ovation of Boos lol

Barnaby working with them should make it easier to find out what his story really is and if he is tied to what happened to Brian two years ago?

Lindsay may think she is persuasive but she has Never Met a force like this group who will crush her while also laughing at her feeble attempts.

Superb Update :)

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