Date: Feb 07, 2024 4:52 am Title: I'll See You in My Dreams
Oh my goodness 26 tissues later so good

Date: Apr 16, 2020 1:22 am Title: I'll See You in My Dreams
So sad. 😪
Date: Dec 06, 2018 9:55 pm Title: I'll See You in My Dreams
I cried through a package of tissues while reading this the first time.
The second time as well.
Third time? I was in awe about the way you painted such a moving picture with your writing. The despair, the grief, the loneliness you described were extremely palpable.
This is a heartwrenching, deeply sad story with a glimpse of eternity at the very end.
Not even death can keep our boys apart.
Thank you for this amazing story
Author's Response:
Thank you so, so much for the wonderful review. <3 And yes, not even death can keep them apart. They are destined for each other. Thanks for reading!
Date: Dec 05, 2018 11:38 pm Title: I'll See You in My Dreams
Author's Response:
Thanks for reading <3
Date: Dec 04, 2018 3:08 pm Title: I'll See You in My Dreams
OMG, this story is amazing. I cried from the first words which shows how much emotion your writing brings out in the readers. Thank you for the ending which should have been sad considering the circumstances, but it was so happy that they are together forever as they wanted to be. Just Perfect !!!!!!!
Author's Response:
I see the ending as happy as well. I'm really glad that you enjoyed the story, even with the tears. ;)
Date: Dec 04, 2018 1:29 pm Title: I'll See You in My Dreams
I'm fairly certain that I've now read this about five times. This time, I didn't cry. All the other times, yes. For me this was simply cathartic. I do feel cleansed from a couple of weeks of stress. Ha....really, thanks for the tears.
You know how much I love them as a couple. It throws everything off it's axis otherwise. At least for me. And you know, I love a good death fic. This had it all.
Thanks, K....giant hugs. I loved everything about this, in case I haven't said that anywhere else.
Author's Response:
I'm still so, so glad that you love it, and that it was everything you hoped it would be! <333 Giant hugs back. :)
Date: Dec 04, 2018 12:56 pm Title: I'll See You in My Dreams
A very beautiful and moving story.
It's so strange to think that Justin can die before Brian, yet life is unpredictable and age does not matter to accidents and illnesses.
Brian's pain is heartbreaking yet... yet I hoped he would be able to keep going, maybe thanks to Michael (I love Brian and Michael together).
Nevertheless the end is perfect. Brian who survives Justin makes no sense in a romantic perspective.
It also struck me that you have considered Debbie and Ben dead.
This is realistic, but it does not less hurt for this.
Author's Response:
Thank you <3 Grief is painful, and I wanted to reflect that here. But I feel like it still had a happy ending, of sorts.
Brian and Michael are about 60 in this story, so to me it made sense that Debbie might already be gone. And Ben could have passed from a complication due to his HIV. When we are this far in the future, anything could happen!
Date: Dec 04, 2018 12:07 pm Title: I'll See You in My Dreams
That was so beautiful. I'm crying like a baby.
Thanks for sharing.
Author's Response:
Thank you <3 I'm glad you liked it. Thanks for reading and reviewing!

Date: Dec 04, 2018 7:24 am Title: I'll See You in My Dreams
Holy Moly... I am left with a lump in my throat. You have reaĺly captured the heartbreak and desolation that comes with the loss of your soulmate, and the reunion we would all like to believe in.
Author's Response:
Thank you <3 This was definitely an emotive story to write. I'm glad you enjoyed it.

Date: Dec 04, 2018 3:18 am Title: I'll See You in My Dreams
The saddness of it all, but at least you got them together in the end.
Author's Response:
They got their happy ending in the afterlife! <3
Date: Dec 04, 2018 2:56 am Title: I'll See You in My Dreams
Heartbreaking yet beautiful. Great job.
Author's Response:
Thanks so much <3 Thanks for reading!
Date: Dec 04, 2018 2:42 am Title: I'll See You in My Dreams
OMG that was so I dont know what. Thank you for this
Author's Response:
Thanks for reading! <3

Date: Dec 04, 2018 12:36 am Title: I'll See You in My Dreams
The ebb and flow of life and death.
Even though I am reminded of all the saddness that has happened in my life in this month, you have written something so beautiful.
You have shown the love of two beautiful souls. Thank you.
Author's Response:
Thank you so much <3 I really appreciate your review.
I'm glad you feel I did them justice. They are beautiful.