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Reviewer: coleamber Signed [Report This]
Date: Jun 12, 2021 11:22 am Title: Chapter 25

did  read it again

Reviewer: DavidR Signed [Report This]
Date: Nov 05, 2020 9:54 pm Title: Chapter 25

Thank you so much for this wonderful story.  It

 was just wonderful. 


Since we are here.  I told you on my last feedback

about my own experiences on ice.  In time I did stop staking on my ankles, as I purchased a pair of

ankle braces and that did the trick. (Just in case

someone else is interested.)


Of course your description of Justin skating was

most enjoyable to me.  As I read it, I sat on the

edge of my chair hoping that Justin wouldn’t fall. 

Well, happily he didn’t.  From my point of view,

Justin winning the Olympic was wonderful, but

the Brian/Justin relationship was already sealed. 


Thanks again,


Author's Response:

You are welcome. I'm so glad you enjoyed this story. It was different; in fact, I'm not sure I've ever read this premise before, but as a devout lover of figure skating I just had to write it. 

There had probably never been a doubt that Justin would win the Olympics, but I wanted it to be as realistic as it could be, and some obstacles along the way. I am sure that Brian and Justin are heading to a full and happy life together - as it should be. :) 

Thank you for reading and commenting. Again, I'm so glad you enjoyed this story...

Reviewer: BritinManor Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Nov 04, 2020 1:08 pm Title: Chapter 25

Ah, shucks. No Jennifer/Craig standoff. Oh well, that way we can imagine it the way we want.

When Brian told Justin that when he fucked him, he want the gold metal hanging around his neck - my mind flashed to canon, and the cross dangling and swinging from Father Tom's. LOL... Classic.

Quad Axel... (lots of trampoline practice to accomplish that) But good for Justin. Although it seems there were some biased judges. 5.5 ... 5.7.

So it appears Justin is thinking of retiring, I have to wonder at his age just how he'll fill the time. Probably college. Not that any of this matters - my mind's just wandering and rambling.

Thanks for this truly good story.

HUGS  ~Cathy

Author's Response:

Yeah, I guess I left the Craig/Jennifer showdown to the imagination, and I can definitely visualize how that went down. Haha.

I think Justin's dream was to compete and win the Olympics. He did that, so he probably won't want to go through all of that again. And, I think he'll have other adventures to monopolize him now. Perhaps a career, of course, life with Brian will keep him busy too - LOL.

I'm glad you enjoyed the story...especially the second time around. I loved my time in this particular 'verse.

Thanks for your comments.



Reviewer: BritinManor Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Nov 04, 2020 11:40 am Title: Chapter 24

A sweet, loving chapter. And Jennifer's approval means a lot.

Not sure if we get to see Craig again, but I really hope we get a scene between Jennifer and Craig, and the bastard would have to sit and take it. Although I do believe he needs to be ousted.

It was a good thing you covered that even if Justin doesn't win - the lack of a condom is still on - LOL - because that was my first thought when Brian stipulated IF he won. Uh-huh, right Mr. Kinney. LOL...

Well, let the games begin.

HUGS  ~Cathy

Author's Response:

For the most part, I tend to write a positive Jennifer. I do see her like that, but I guess it always depends on the story. 

Yeah, as soon as the thought was out there, I doubt Brian could refrain from abandoning the condom once he was clear to do so.

As always, thank you for commenting, Cathy.


Reviewer: Frosty70 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Nov 02, 2020 1:08 pm Title: Chapter 25

I really enjoyed this. A different approach that was refreshing in havi;g them both Olympic Skaters. Brian taking over Justin’s training. Of course he would go fir perfection. The mistake at the final chapter was perfect. Dropping back to Brian dealing with Craig. That man deserves whatever happens to him in my book. Kudos!

Author's Response:

I'm glad you liked it. This really was a different kind of story. In fact, I'm not sure I ever read another story with either of them being professional skaters, so it was fun. 

Thanks for reading and commenting. ;) 

Reviewer: BritinManor Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Oct 29, 2020 11:05 am Title: Chapter 23

So... I was surprised to read your remark regarding only a few chapters left. Especially with this chapter not really moving the story along. I guess it depends how in-depth a person goes. Myself, I kind of enjoy the 'moving on' sometimes and not dragging out the conclusion, but other times, it's fun to have a lot going on.

It was nice to hear Brian actually admit his feelings openly to Justin for a change. But on the flip side, Daphne pointing out to Justin that he has always loved Brian, well, he loved who/what he was. Sometimes when you actually meet 'your hero'  or the person you think you've loved for ages, you find out they aren't someone you really like, much less loved. So in this case, it was good Brian lived up to all Justin thought he was.

I laughed when you used the term globe for Justin's butt... I remember a conversation once about euphemisms. That was one of them. Someone was wondering about how things were written. "balls tingling" "globes" "hole" ... etc... and someone put them all together, and came up with:

He felt his balls tingle when his lover spread his globes and licked his pucker.

So, there you have it... thus you are aware why it hit me funny. I always think about that line when I read any of those words in a story. And the "smell" part was actually ridiculous. I won't even go there!

Looking forward to the Olympic games.

HUGS  ~Cathy

Author's Response:

In one aspect, I think the story moved along in regards to Brian divulging his feelings. That's a big step, and typcially I have explored that in the final chapter. This way, the final chapter can be more about the Olympics and wrapping up. I never wrote an epilogue for this story, and I know I could have, but I think it ended in a good way too. But, it's never too late to change that. For me it was a time thing then, as it is now as well.

I think back when I was writing multiple stories at the same time, I did experiment with phrases, especially during sex scenes. I've always tried to make them different somehow, which isn't easy when you've written so many - LOL. I know 'globes' isn't one I ever used a lot. I've never really liked it, but I didn't want to do the same there it was. 

Only two more chapters. Hopefully, I can get them posted quickly. Thanks for commenting, Cathy!

Reviewer: BritinManor Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Oct 26, 2020 8:27 am Title: Chapter 22

I think you'll find you've made an enemy in Craig Taylor. He will never forget this. OMG - a LOL moment! Bring it on Craig, do your worst...

Emmett? Campy and oh so colorful? And the office needs more color? Everybody better look out! I'd love to see Emmett bring in every color of the ranbow and start decorating Craig's office with him sitting right there! Or maybe he should borrow Debbie's velvet cat painting and a few of her clowns and knick-knacks.

Craig's threats had me shaking my head. Brian owns 51%. And all of Craig's bluster about finding a loophole and getting Brian out of there - is just hot wind that he shouldn't have wasted. Mr. Business-savvy, aka Brian Knney, wouldn't take in a meeting like this without making certain every i was dotted and every t crossed. And the bottom line is with 51%, Brian can oust Craig right out the door. Then Craig can cry all the way to the poor house. Geez, some people are SOOO stupid!!!

Looking forward to more of this business venture. (and yes, the skating.)

HUGS  ~Cathy


Author's Response:

Apparently Chris Hobbs, Sr. had no idea who he was dealing with. I don't see how he couldn't, though, after how Brian so effortlessly handled him in that meeting. Craig besting Brian in this 'verse or any other really is laughable at best! At least he won't in any I ever write - LOL.

I did enjoy the Emmett scene no matter how brief. It was fun, and I could see Emmett in that little scene. 

There are only 3 chapters remaining, so the conclusion is just around the corner.

Thanks for your comments!



Reviewer: BritinManor Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Oct 26, 2020 7:26 am Title: Chapter 21

First I have to remark on Brian's thoughts: he could go from dawn until dusk, and never satisfy his hunger. Well, he might not satisfy it, but when I first read it - my thoughts were like - I highly doubt he could go dawn to dusk... recovery time takes longer than that, and I'm sure he'd get too sore going that long... (this is a moot point, but it just hit me funny.) Sorry, I shouldn't laugh... and besides, I guess we ARE speaking about Brian Kinney here!

It's strange how I remember the 'skating' parts of this stoy, but I had forgotten about Justin taking in the meeting with Craig and Brian, so this could be fun to 'watch'. And I would presume Chris JR is in the closet, and Daddy will sell his shares in order to keep that under wraps - Aha! a little blackmail of their own!

Well, off to read Craig getting his ass handed to him... See? Revenge really IS sweet!

HUGS ~Cathy

Author's Response:

That's true. I don't even think Brian could go on for that long - LOL. But, I think in his thoughts he was realizing that Justin was different in this as well. He won't ever be satisfied. But, we could have told him that. Haha.

I think I remember the skating more vividly in this story as well, but I think that was because I focused on the details of those performances, hoping my readers could visualize each turn and jump. 

If Craig ever deserved his ass handed it to him, it would be the Craig in this story!

Thanks for commenting, Cathy.



Reviewer: DavidR Signed [Report This]
Date: Oct 26, 2020 2:08 am Title: Chapter 22



There are so many aspects to this story that I

especially enjoy.


I have gone ice skating.  Well… to be more exact,

ankle skating.  I think you know whatI mean.  I still

don’t know how people actually stand up on those skates and we here we have descriptions of

Justin speeding on the ice, turning or whatever

you call it, and actually jumping.  Male/female

figure skating is one of my favorite sports during

the winter Olympics.   


I also thought it was so clever for Justin to show in

almost every way how much he idolizes and loves

Brian without verbalizing and not putting Brian

into emotional  situations. Of cause now that

Brian has said it, as Justin surmised, now what? 


Emmett?  I don’t know his role in this story is, but

I am guessing it will be outrageously funny.

Right, right, not funny to Craig. Who cares?


Once again, thank you for this wonder story.  As I

said before, I am truly enjoying it.




Author's Response:


I'm really glad you're enjoying this story. For sure, this one is a bit different, and I really enjoyed writing it.

I do love professional figure skating, most especially at the Olympic level. I did try to write those moments with as much detail, and hopefully, visualation that I can manage. And I do know what you mean. I have such awe and respect for professional skaters. They make it look so simple, when I know it's not. Truly a thing of beauty.

Emmett didn't have a large role in this story, but where he does appear, I think he was fun. At least, I hope so.

There are only three more chapters to come now, so things should be wrapping up soon.

Thanks for reading and commenting. I'm so glad you like this one.



Reviewer: BritinManor Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Oct 18, 2020 6:25 am Title: Chapter 20

Just so you know, I KNEW the coach was going to come clean, but I was trying to review like I wasn't aware of his coming clean and letting Brian know about Craig. So yes, he turned out to be a fine, upstanding individual. He loves his child, and I'm sure he couldn't figure out how a father could be so despicable.

Grr... Melanie at her finest - again. All I can say is - yay for Brian hearing both her and Lindsay's comments. Lindsay may be a true friend to Brian in this story, but the man was in her home - could easily overhear what she said - which he did - but she said it anyway. She could have reworded it slighly and taken some of the bite out of it.

Mr. Kinney might have to leave the boy ALONE so he can get feeling well enough to begin rehearsing... *cough*

HUGS  ~Cathy

Author's Response:

That probably is difficult to review knowing the plot and what is going to happen, and not slip it out in a comment. That's very good of you not to give a spoiler if there is anyone reading this for the first time. 

Whether friend or foe, the girls stay consistent in their catty ways. I definitely wanted Brian to hear that, and of course, hear his 'skater boy's' response. I think his pride in him only continues to grow.

More coming as quickly as I can manage. Thanks for your comments, Cathy. :) 

Reviewer: BritinManor Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Oct 18, 2020 5:58 am Title: Chapter 19

They say: Revenge may be sweet, but it also leaves a bitter aftertaste. But somehow - I don't think that will be the case when Brian and Ted get it on Craig Taylor.

I saw your respone to my review about how you didn't see the coach as a bad guy, but just doing what he thinks he must.

I can see that - as lots of people have gone to all sorts of lengths to protect their families. But there is a flip side though - let's say he succeeded - and it was discovered what he had done. He could face jail time - who will support his family then? Who will take care of his sick wife and  small child? So is it better to break the law, in hopes of getting the adequate money he needs? Or seek other means of support?

But none of that matters - as Brian Kinney has his number. He was in the game for a long time - and this whole thing just doesn't add up. Because someone as unscrupulous as Craig Taylor, doesn't just up and play moral and do the right thing.

Sounds like our boys had a full, fun night. And Justin was able to put his talent to the "I like to suck dick; I'm good at it too," to use.

HUGS ~Cathy

Author's Response:

Yeah, I think this brand of revenge could taste sweet for a very long time. We know that Craig deserves everything he gets!

I think the Coach felt caught in the middle. I believe he does want the best for Justin, and inwardly hated himself for his part in Craig's plan...but he still made the wrong choices. Fortunately, Brian was understanding of his plight. Things could have spiraled badly for him. 

Our boys are very adept at mixing business with pleasure. But, aren't they always!? Haha.

Thanks for commenting, Cathy. 



Reviewer: BritinManor Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Oct 14, 2020 9:30 pm Title: Chapter 18

It was a necessary evil, so I guess I had to put up with 3,400 words of Justin losing his virginity... (I'm kidding.)

So... This was supposed to take the edge off; make it so he could place his hands on him during training and not want to hustle him into the nearest corner to fuck him senseless. SEE? Just like Lay's ... bet you can't just have one!

And this section really summed Brian up in this chapter: His intentions were more than clear. Seek. Devour. Possess.

And Craig Taylor? Maybe we should send a lynch mob in after him...

I hadn't remembered that the coach was doing this for money for his wife and daughter, so that kind of explains his rationale behind doing this... but what he really needs to consider, is it okay to incapitate a healthy nineteen year old, for his terminally ill wife?

And how could Craig make it so he never trained another skater? I would think that when word got out what Craig wanted him to do, by not caving to his threats, it would help his chances of getting skaters under his wing. Because this way, if it gets out what he was willing to do to a skater he was training, his career is ruined... and after his wife dies? How will he support his daughter?

And secrets always have a way of getting out.

Author's Response:

Brian was a bit delusional to have even an inkling of hope that the one time would be enough to take the edge off since he already accepted, if only in his own mind, that Justin is very different than anyone else. If anything, his desire will probably only be more intensified... but he had to discover that himself.

I don't see the coach is a really bad guy here. He is doing something very wrong, but in his situation, he believes for the right reasons. I suppose in his sad circumstances, he wants to do everything he can for his wife/family, and Craig knew precisely how to prey on that. In his desperation, I can visualize how someone as twisted as Craig is portrayed here could easily manipulate the coach into believing he had the power to do anything. And, the coach probably wouldn't want his part in this despicable plan revealed. I know I certainly wouldn't!

And for sure, secrets tend to come out. As they undoubtedly will here too.

Thanks for commenting, Cathy. More to be posted as soon as I get another minute or two - LOL.

Reviewer: BritinManor Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Oct 05, 2020 8:25 pm Title: Chapter 17

Brian was in full-on predator mode. I really wanted Justin to NOT give in tonight, but I guess I can satisfy myself knowing that once Brian gets a taste - Justin will be like Lay's - you can't eat just one! (Aren't I just the comic today?)

The gift of his expertise - Man oh man, what a double-entendre THAT was!

Mikey, Mikey... Always jealous of how Justin looks... and playing it off that he's insignificant. Keep dreaming, Mikey... just because he normally goes after dark-haired guys, it has never meant that he was secretely wishing it was you! And his pettiness about Brian needing to promise skating lessons to get laid - well, Michael just needs to shut his mouth and keep his opinions and snorts to himself. At least Ben seemed to have his wit's about him.

HUGS  ~Cathy

Author's Response:

I do love Brian's full-on predator mode. I guess that's why I write him like that so often - LOL. And no, I don't think Brian will get rejected tonight. Perhaps another story will have him working a bit harder. No pun intended. Haha.

Michael always sings the same song in regards to Justin, whether he's crushing on Brian or not. Oh well, at least he's consistent. 

Thanks for reading and commenting, Cathy. I always appreciate your thoughts. :) 

Reviewer: coleamber Signed [Report This]
Date: Oct 02, 2020 9:12 am Title: Chapter 16

Thanks for update

Author's Response:

Your welcome. More to come soon. :)

Reviewer: BritinManor Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Oct 01, 2020 8:19 pm Title: Chapter 16

First, I found this extremely funny: No E tablets, no alcohol, or drugs of any kind. I mean, I understand his reasoning - but good gosh - the world must be coming to an end! Brian Kinney at Babylon with no inhibitors! LOL...

With the way Brian claimed and possessed Justin upon his arrival, it was probably a very clear message to everyne in the club: HAND'S OFF - MINE! God help the one who thinks to move in on his territory.

I ALMOST hope Brian has to go home alone tonight... LOL.. (Does that make me evil?)

HUGS  ~Cathy

Author's Response:

Brian's lack of chemical enhancements should be enough to tell him that Justin is different in so many ways. Whether he admits it or not, I think he's already ascertained that! 

I would definitely pity anyone that tried to steal his precious prize away from him - LOL.

I guess we'll see if Brian goes home...but this story only has 25 chapters and we have the Olympic games, things will progress steadily now.

Thanks for commenting, Cathy. Hopefully I can get more posted later. 

Reviewer: BritinManor Signed [Report This]
Date: Sep 28, 2020 11:44 pm Title: Chapter 15

Whoops! I forgot something in my review:

Ethan: Maybe you just need a man who will take charge of you.

Justin: When I find one I'll be sure to let you know! Oh that's right... Brian will be more than man enough!

I really, really detest Ethan...

Author's Response:

Haha yes, I think Justin spoke of Brian more than it was wise to with Ethan. Brian was really a sore point for the pathetic loser. I can't imagine why!? LOL

We are on the same page. I detest Ethan as well, and can never find anything redeemable about him. Can you actually believe I have seen where some people actually ship Justin and Ethan. YUCK. Makes me ill! 

Thanks for commenting, Cathy.

Reviewer: BritinManor Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Sep 28, 2020 11:38 pm Title: Chapter 15

All's well that ends well... Although I could seriously scream that Brian didn't reach out and grab one of Ethan's fingers, squeeze it, and bend it back a little... thus making it too tender to use it to adequately hold his bow. (... evil person that I am!)

Even if Brian and Daphne wouldn't have gotten in the door, I have no doubt that Justin's strong skater legs would have gotten the better of Ethan.

I do kind of find it strange that Brian would make advances on Justin, practically bruising his lips in a heated kiss... My god - the kid didn't even have time to get over from just about getting raped! Ever hear of holding the victim, Mr. Kinney? LOL...

Hugs, Cathy

Author's Response:

I think Brian decided that Justin was emotionally okay with what had happened. I'm not sure Justin really felt scared, he really seemed more pissed than anything else. I do think Justin would have found the right moment to totally incapacite the disgusting rodent. He just needed the right moment. But yeah, a hug would have been nice. Sometimes Brian needs to back down from hunter mode - LOL.



Reviewer: BritinManor Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Sep 28, 2020 10:49 pm Title: Chapter 14

Aaarrrgghh! I so totally detest Ethan! What a sleazeball!

Another one of those scary movie moments - 'NO! Don't let him in your apartment!'

I remember reading on a discussion board years and years ago on LJ - which I didn't participate - too many singing Mikey's praises (Oh, he's just misunderstood. The character traits he'd shown, are some that all of us have.) - Be. Still. My. Heart... if I have his traits, I hope my kids soon put me out of my misery! LOL

Anyway, they moved onto Ethan... and how they couldn't believe there were so many non-con fics out there with Ethan attacking Justin - because how could he? They were the same size, he was a musician, he wasn't buff... yadda, yadda... UGH... I really wanted to jump in and tell them they were missing the point... it makes for a good angsty story, besides, whack jobs usually find an inner strength when they want to pursue something like that. Anyway...

Even though I know Ethan will fail in his attempts - I really hope there will be a severe punishment for this attempt. If he was willing to accomplish something like this - he doesn't deserve to be in any orchestra.

HUGS  ~Cathy

Author's Response:

I hate the chin rat with a passion. Of course, I hate Michael about equally, which does disgruntle some of my readers. So many people don't want to read anti characterizations of any of the main QAF characters. I basically characterize them as I see them, so I guess we know how I perceive Michael, Ethan, and very often Lindsay - LOL. 

Truly, Ethan doesn't deserve any success after this horrendous encounter... but I guess we'll see what happens. He just needs to be gone. They have other issues to resolve, some that they aren't totally aware of yet.

Thanks for commenting, Cathy.



Reviewer: coleamber Signed [Report This]
Date: Sep 27, 2020 5:26 pm Title: Chapter 13

Ethen is like a cockroach, shows up all the time

Author's Response:

Yes he does. Hopefully we are rid of him soon!

Thanks for commenting. :) 

Reviewer: BritinManor Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Sep 27, 2020 3:04 pm Title: Chapter 13

Any camera phones record or capture that heated kiss? That almost sounded like 'spank bank' material for some horny queens! Actually someone SHOULD send Ian a video of it! (I'm wicked, aren't I?)

I'm wondering if Debbie knows Ethan, or knows of him, and his past with Justin. It's not like her to dislike a newbie, unless she got bad vibes from him.

I am a little confused how Justin got out of the booth... if Brian slid in, Justin had to have been against a wall. Or am I seeing this wrong? Anyway... I thought it very classic that Brian - got up - only to sit next to Justin - so Ethan - COULDN'T! Yay Brian!!!

I have to ask, did you ever see the video I posted a long time on FB? The Devil Went Down to Georgia? It's kind of a standoff between Brian and Ethan... The God, Kinney vs The Devil, Ethan. Your story is just so classic to that. I keep hearing and seeing it while reading this... if Ethan thinks he has a chance - well, Kinney is 'the best there's ever been'... as the song says. LOL... Gotta love it.

How much fun is Babylon going to be tonight?

HUGS  ~Cathy

Author's Response:

Yeah, that would definitely be a video to remember - LOL. I think everyone was too shocked at Brian's behavior to even take a picture, but probably a sight that everyone will long remember - especially Ethan. 

Debbie did know Justin before the Nationals so I think it's safe to assume that she knows something about Ethan and Justin. I'm quite sure that Ethan isn't one of those 'nice boys' Debbie told Justin he needed to find. Haha. 

I think I did see the video you mentioned. That sounds really familiar. For sure if Ethan thinks he has a chance, he is more delusional than anyone ever imagined. LOL. 

Babylon should be fun for sure, but it will take us a few chapters to get there... but, it's coming. 

Thanks for commenting!



Reviewer: BritinManor Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Sep 26, 2020 8:56 pm Title: Chapter 12

C-hrist! Chin rat, extraordinaire... God, I detest that slime. If thinks the narrowed eye he gave Brian will intimidate or scare him off, he's about to find out different. Brian could chew him up and spit him in a gutter... brains and beauty Ethan doth not have!

It sounds like we have another one trying to protect Justin from Big Bad. Mama Novotny doesn't mince words.

I loved the descriptions: Perplexed - So what - and - I WANT TO SEE!!!! (Go Emmett!) Because yeah, Brian doesn't "make out" with guys in public!

And at least now, Brian is aware of Craig and his deplorable nature.

I have to ask if Brian works outside of owning Babylon? I can't remember... (poor old brain!)

Hugs, Cathy

Author's Response:

In doesn't matter the premise, Ethan is always severely outclassed by Brian in every way!

Brian's behavior is very noticeable - especially to his friends. Justin isn't anything normal, and impossible to be filed in his typical categories. I'm sure Brian will realize that soon as well.

In this 'verse, no, Brian only owns Babylon. After his highly successful skating career, he invested well. He is extremely well off, which could be advantageous as this story progresses. :) 

Thanks for commenting, Cathy.



Reviewer: BritinManor Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Sep 24, 2020 6:11 pm Title: Chapter 11

Cripes, Melanie at her finest again! (I believe it's jealousy regarding Lindsay's affections for the man.) And if Mel met him under completely different circumstances, they probably would have gotten along. Anyway, she also got kind of possessive of Justin after she realized he was going with Brian... probably trying to head off what she will perceive as a train wreck.

Anyway... when Brian seen everybody at the diner, and realized there wasn't time to call Justin - why didn't he go outside and head him off - usher him in the Vette - and peel out before anybody could have stopped him?

As for Justin's last comment, I could almost hear Mr. Kinney's response being: Not yet, skater boy, but VERY soon. So his, That you are, was kind of surprising.

And as for Brian kissing him in front of everybody? Do I anticipate an uproar on the horizon?

Hugs ~Cathy

Author's Response:

Yes, I agree. Without Lindsay in the middle, I think Brian and Mel could be great friends. Perhaps I will explore that angle one day. Who knows? Lol.

Yeah, Brian could have done that, but maybe he isn't thinking that clearly right now, and I think he wanted Justin to have his meal, and perhaps he trusted the diner to be the place for that. 

As much as Brian is Brian is overt at Babylon, he definitely doesn't indulge in make-out sessions at the diner. I am sure THAT will get some attention! LOL.

Thanks for commenting, Cathy.



Reviewer: BritinManor Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Sep 24, 2020 5:04 pm Title: Chapter 10

O-kay! Craig Taylor is one sick mother! I don't care how much you might disapprove of some choices your child has made, you do not - DO NOT - do something to put them in harm's way. And just what does this say for the character of the coach? He should have gone either to Jennifer or the authorities. I also think whoever allowed Craig to have Justin's peformance time moved up, should be brought into question too. Just who is Craig Taylor that they caved to his whims and whines?

I think Brian handled the situation with aplomb. He managed to stay fairly undetached. He did let a little concern show, but that's normal. But I think he should have put Justin down and socked that guy and camera crew across the ice. (Not really.) But God, they were pathetic. Nothing like: The Show Must Go On!

HUGS  ~Cathy

Author's Response:

No real parent could ever do something like THAT! In all of my stories, I have only been kind to Craig maybe once or twice - LOL. Apparently, Craig does have some friends in the 'right' places. How much is that costing him, and is it money he should be using elsewhere? So many questions...

Brian did stay professional; although, I doubt he cared about that, except for not wanting anything to guess about his involvement with Justin while he was judging the competition. Brian Kinney does give a shit. Haha.




Reviewer: coleamber Signed [Report This]
Date: Sep 22, 2020 7:53 pm Title: Chapter 10

Darn Craig and the darn couch

Author's Response:

Yep. They both did a bad thing. We'll see what happens. Thanks for commenting.

Reviewer: coleamber Signed [Report This]
Date: Sep 22, 2020 12:17 am Title: Chapter 9

Poor Justin

Author's Response:

I have the feeling Justin will be just fine. :)

Thanks for commenting! 

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