Date: Apr 09, 2017 2:39 pm Title: Chapter 10
I thought Brian will be a bit rough with his answers to Hunter, but he did well, just to the point.

Date: Apr 07, 2017 6:20 am Title: Chapter 10
Aww, I'm all melty at Brian being so kind to Hunter. The way their relationship has developed is seriously awesome.
Date: Jan 11, 2017 2:42 pm Title: Chapter 10
That was their perfect first time. I think it's absolutely adorable that Hunter went to Brian for advice.
Date: Sep 30, 2016 1:34 am Title: Chapter 10
Trust me you can't get to graphic. I wanted to tell you that I really like your story and that you were willing to share it. I'm probably the worst about reading and not reviewing, which I'm trying to correct. I love how Michael never seems to get a clue, and expects everyone to let him slide, but gets caught anyway. I hate that he is awful to Hunter but you were able to show Ben as a strong loving parent, which is just wonderful. I tend to stuggle with Ben, but you let go and showed us why he was the best person for Hunter.
Thank you for taking your time to write.
Author's Response:
Thank you Star!
I absolutely love your fics so this means so much coming from one of my fave writers.
Michael always bugged me in the series, he always got away with stuff. Ben has always been there for Hunter and after the scene at Debbie's he's taking a leaf out of Michael book and putting himself and Hunter first.
Thanks again
Date: Sep 29, 2016 11:36 pm Title: Chapter 10
Awww, the was so sweet. Hunter deserves to smile. Mikey deserves what hope is coming to him soon.
Author's Response:
Thanks. Hunter does indeed and Michael gets what's coming from everyone. Watch for Matt and Ben.
Happy reading
Date: Sep 29, 2016 2:48 am Title: Chapter 10
Excellent fic. Mikey is getting what he deserves. Looks like he has David in is sight again.
Hope to read an update soon
Thanks for sharing!
Author's Response:
Thank you. Michael gets what he deserves and then some! I am enjoying pushing him down the rungs to the depths of despair...evil cackle...
Date: Sep 28, 2016 11:03 pm Title: Chapter 10
Sweet! I love it!
Hugs ~ Kathleen
Author's Response:
Thanks. Didn't want it to be too full on like Brian and Justin would be. I did have a wibble at the end and I wrote it!

Date: Sep 28, 2016 7:40 pm Title: Chapter 10
Not too graphic, just about perfect. Now about Mikey and his jealousy of Ben being with Brian twice. <chuckle> Something he will never have. Can't wait to see what more you have up your sleeve.
Author's Response:
Thank you. Yep and it will blow up spectacularly when Ben finally loses his cool.
Enjoy reading.
Date: Sep 28, 2016 7:33 pm Title: Chapter 10
You go Hunter. Ty again for a great chapter.
Author's Response:
You are welcome.
Happy reading.
Date: Sep 28, 2016 7:27 pm Title: Chapter 10
This is going to get exciting. Seems Michael's not as blind as I thought.
Oops, spied David did he and he didn't go running after him?
Smart move on Hunter's part to talk to Brian.
Their first time was nice. Eating and playing the Wii showed they weren't there just for the sex.
Author's Response:
Michael is still blind...but for once he's focusing on Ben for all the wrong reasons.
Yeah I thought that the stud would be the best person to speak to about his first proper time and I am glad you liked it.
Happy reading.
Date: Sep 28, 2016 6:22 pm Title: Chapter 10
So YEP... I am currently stuck in a SCHMOOPY moment from Hunter- first from his interaction with Brian and now from Matt! What an adorable pair they are and somehow remind me of Brian and Justin as they are now.
As far as I'm concerned, Michael has no reason to be jealous at all. He's done everything to prepare for life after Ben so he should just go live that lonely life and leave everyone else to theirs. It's amazing to me that he all but wrote Ben off while he was on his near-death bed but now that Ben is alive and reasonably healthy again, Michael wants to be all up his ass while still being a malicious bastard in the process...SMH I still hold with the opinion that most of Michael's hate of Hunter is from Hunter, along with Brian and Justin's help, made the doctor see reason and ultimately saved Ben's life. His reaction to Hunter receiving any of Ben's estate proved just what Michael thinks Ben is... his Cash Bull. Honestly I hope that whatever schemes and dreams Michael has set in motion with David comes back to bite the Eternal Moron...HARD!!!
WRITE On Nicole!!
Author's Response:
I am, once again, stealing from you...schmoopy that describes it perfectly!
Michael is resentful of Hunter because of the closeness between him and Ben, and it is not because they have the same disease, they genuinely care for each other and if Michael is not the cente of everyone's universe then he stamps his foot and pouts. Michael doesn't see the hell that is coming when David comes a calling...let's just say as well as being dumb, jealous, spoilt, rude, hostile and general a berk...Michael is niave, incredibly niave.
Happy reading Nichelle!
Date: Sep 28, 2016 6:13 pm Title: Chapter 10
You did a terrific job with Matt and Hunter. Well done. Not too graphic, and actually, very sweet. While I always appreciate a good sex scene, I find sometimes they take away from the story if too graphic or take up too much of the chapter. That's just me mind you. lol. If the story is meant to be pretty much porn, then I'm all for it, but when it's a more involved storyline, then I'll often gloss over it to get the the meat of the story. Again....that's just me :)
Cool that Hunter got advise from Brian. Brian obviously handled it well.
Michael is once again, making assumptions. So typical of him. No matter how many times he's told to stop, he just doesn't. Now he's going to do lord only knows what with David and screw it up himself. Not that I want him to get back with Ben! Ben desrves much better. but honestly...the idiot just continues to shoot himself in the foot. I'm sondering if there will come a day when he realizes that the world doesn't revolve around him. I have to say, for my readingenjoyment....I hope not. LOL!!
thansk for the update. i love having an excuse while at work to take a break from the mind numbing shit I should be doing and sit back adn enjoy an update from soem of my fave stories!!
Author's Response:
I was worried about that, so thanks for the praise. I didn't want it to be too full on like Brian and Justin...just a tender moment and for Hunter to realise that sex with a man can be a good and loving thing. Brian was a doll and showed how much he cares.
Michael will never get back to Ben, too much now, and of course he won't realise its called Planet Earth not Planet Mikey!
I am so pleased that i can make your work day more enjoyable Elaine, had to admit I was guffawing when I read your last para!
Happy reading.