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Reviewer: susi_in_love Signed [Report This]
Date: Jun 20, 2016 4:35 pm Title: The Payback

Well Curtis sure as hell got what he deserved. Karma can be a bitch. Somebody should have told him that. Love the idea of a new baby. Maybe a girl next time?

Author's Response:

Karma is definitely a bitch.

Babies are always a good addition to love.


~charming1 & Lorie~

Reviewer: Tagsit Signed half-star [Report This]
Date: May 27, 2016 6:31 am Title: The Payback

"Karma truly is a bitch!" Lol. TAG

Author's Response:


It sure is. 


~charming1 & Lorie~

Reviewer: sophie'smom Anonymous [Report This]
Date: May 23, 2016 3:38 am Title: The Payback

Nice chapter.
Dud Curtis really think Mel would help him? He just couldn't find another lawyer who would take his case. Ha!.

Author's Response:

Curtis wanted a good lawyer and knew that Mel was the best. Too bad for him thst she has too much integrity to help.


~charming1 & Lorie~

Reviewer: eureka1 Signed [Report This]
Date: May 22, 2016 8:25 am Title: The Payback

Karma visits Curtis. Hooray!

I love the way Brian and Justin take care of Amanda. She's practically family at this stage.

I'm so excited that there will be a new Kinney familly member. Go, Brian and Justin!


Author's Response:

Curtis got exactly what he deserved.

Karma can be a good thing too. Brian and Justin were just showing their gratitude.

Any child would be lucky to have them as parents.


~charming1 & Lorie~

Reviewer: Jazzepoet Signed [Report This]
Date: May 17, 2016 6:55 am Title: The Payback ladies are so bad torturing Curtis like that *hehehe* but hey, what goes around....

Author's Response:

Curtis got the Karma that he deserved.


~charming1 & Lorie~

Reviewer: Lorna Anonymous [Report This]
Date: May 17, 2016 3:05 am Title: The Payback

Loved that Curtis got what he deserved in the end. Can't wait to see how they plan on having the next baby. So don't make me wait to long for the next chapter I'll start having withdrawal symptoms if I have to wait to long. Absolutely loving this story!

Author's Response:

It's too bad that not everyone gets what they really deserve.

We are working on the next chapter now.

We love this story too.

Thanks <3

~charming1 & Lorie~

Reviewer: sfscarlet Signed [Report This]
Date: May 17, 2016 2:54 am Title: The Payback

Curtis deserved this as he kept screwing up other people's lives.   Go Melanie for telling him no

Author's Response:

It was very satisfying to give Curtis what he deserved.

Mel has integrity.


~charming1 & Lorie~

Reviewer: jm c Anonymous [Report This]
Date: May 16, 2016 8:30 pm Title: The Payback

wonderful story i can not wait to read more your a great writer great joy

Author's Response:

We're happy that you're still enjoying the story.

More soon.


~charming1 & Lorie~

Reviewer: emac66 Signed [Report This]
Date: May 16, 2016 6:34 pm Title: The Payback

Woohoo!! another baby! This is going to be great!! 

Amanda was sweet coming in teh thank them. They were incredibly generous, but then she was definitely deserving of it too. she put alot at risk testifying they way she did.

You guys were brililiant with Curtis!! LMAO!! Now that is a perfect example of Karma! LOL!! the whole thing had me in giggles.

Very happy to see an update!! Was looking forward to it.



Author's Response:


They are great parents, why not spread the love.

Amanda did the right thing and they just wanted to thank her. Karma can be a good thing.

Curtis found out that Karma can work both ways.


~charming1 & Lorie~

Reviewer: The SNO Signed [Report This]
Date: May 16, 2016 5:07 pm Title: The Payback

Nice to get an update! Thank you.

Poor doctor, after screwing with people, he is screwed forever and not in a life affirming way.

Author's Response:

Sometimes people really do get what they deserve.


~charming1 & Lorie~

Reviewer: Nichelle Wellesly Signed half-star [Report This]
Date: May 16, 2016 4:00 pm Title: The Payback

LMAO!!!! This chapter was so nice, I read it TWICE!! And laughed my ass of while doing it! I'm sitting here damn near choking trying to hold back the tearsand loud bark of hilarity thinking of the scene with the irate husband. I would feel sorry for the now-sexless bastard but I just don't have it in me. Karma truly is a bitch and he'd f*cked with her one too many times. Hell Daphne probably made friends with Karma and high-fived while watching the revenge play out LOL! 

As for another baby, I think it's a great thing! Brian and Justin have grown as men and as a couple with a lot of love to give. It's always wonderful to see them in their roles as fathers. Considering that both men had crappy dads, it would stand to reason that they were taughthow to be great dads in reverse.

BTW...have I mentioned how HOT last chapter was?! OMG, talk about having to cross my legs! Go Dom Justin!! Damn I love that blond boy in charge and I'm sure Brian does too!

Can't wait for MORE!! Happy Writing and HUGS,


Author's Response:


Happy to see that you are still enjoying this story. 

Curtis only got what he deserved.

Brian and Justin are proving that just because you have bad parents,(except for Jen) you can still be a great parent.

Brian and Justin are always hot, there is just no other way to write them.


~charming1 & Lorie~

Reviewer: YumYumPM Signed half-star [Report This]
Date: May 16, 2016 2:53 pm Title: The Payback

OMG.  I never liked Curtis, but even I can feel his pain.  Now about the new baby.  Brian has changed - a lot.  He and Justin have a lot of love to share.  And anything that keeps this story going is good.  Love this.

Author's Response:

Karma can work in unexpected ways.

Brian has realized that he loves having a family, especially with his husband.


~charming1 & Lorie~

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