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Reviewer: The SNO Signed [Report This]
Date: May 21, 2017 8:28 am Title: Chapter 15

The parental skills are really improving for Michael and Lindsey! Especially Lindsey.

She is nasty and demanding; and of course, doesn't apply her rules to herself. She must be dying from jealousy each time she goes in the dressing.

I hope they won't follow thru about the roller derby: it will crash Jenny.

Reviewer: susi_in_love Signed [Report This]
Date: Jan 15, 2017 12:27 pm Title: Chapter 15

How can Michael and Lindsay even try to forbid something that their daughter obviously loves? Michael is going to be broke after paying the IRS. Ted is a little devil. I hope Hunters first hosting of a show will be a huge success. 

Reviewer: emac66 Signed [Report This]
Date: Nov 07, 2016 5:22 pm Title: Chapter 15

BWAHAHAHA! Michael's getting audited and is totally screwed!

Ben is adorably obtuse in ways isn't he. hehe. Had to giggle over that. at least Steve was on the ball and was able to guide poor Ben in the right direction. I guess Ben wasn'texpecting his "little girl" to be considering boys yet. (Not alot of father do I would imagine at first.) He's definitely smarter when it comes to Michael though. ;) He certainly out manouvered him. Loved that Monty and Eli were in on the escape. Pretty funny seeing it all in my head. 

Kiki too it seems is helping out. She's not going to let Michael steam roll over Deb. He can certainly learn some manners rather than taking his mother (and everyone else) for granted. 

What is it with both Lindsey and Michael? Why do they continually think that they are owed things, or they make these assumptions that things are their due. Like Lindsey with Mel's clothes. Good for Jenny! She's a strong young thing ain't she! Full of piss and vinegar. Not going to take any crap from those who try to pile it on her. Not Linz, not Michael...imagine Michael and Linz trying to for bid her from Roller Derby!! Lindsey saying that "we as parents..." Ummmmmmm what about Mel?? Could've sworn she was a parent too.

You know you're killing me with all the talk about food all the time right?? LOL. I'm making new menu plans, been checking receipes based in ideas from this story. :)

thak goodness Ben is finally free officially of Michael. Aaaaaaand Michae lowes a shit load of money! LMFAO! Love it. And he seriously thinks that Ben should pay half? Really? On money ben wanted no part of, didn't receive or benefit from in any way... sheesh.

Great chapter!! 

Sorry I missed writing the reviews over the weekend. Am catching up now. :)




Author's Response:

I aim to please and glad I did!  

I know what you mean food wise, slightly stupid of me to be typing that at one in the morning though, I had to have an egg sandwich not the same but it tided me over.

Thanks for reading, hope you enjoy the rest more mendacity from my malicious mischievous mind to come...hee-hee-hee!


Reviewer: BlueMyst Signed half-star [Report This]
Date: Nov 05, 2016 8:30 pm Title: Chapter 15

I am cracking up at the fact that Michael got audited and now owes $22,000 I guess he is going to have to sell those toys he just bought (Where was He when Ben got audited?, Ooo another Mystery) glad that Ben got his divorce and is now free of the worm (That will last until he goes to Ben's and makes a fool out of himself...Again), Ted is so evil that I love it and I am proud he didn't let Brian give Michael an easy out cause he wouldn't have done it for Justin.

Lindsay trying to get her Ass into Mel's clothes was laughable and I applaud Jenny for putting Lindsay in her place, I just love the fact Mel was there to listen to Lindsay get all high and mighty then told her off, thank goodness the wardrobe has to be open by code or else Lindsay would be down there all the time, it is cute that Jenny picks out her mother's clothes the kid has excellent taste (Didn't get that from Lindsay or Michael lol). 

Jenny telling off Michael first then Lindsay about the roller derby which neither one had a problem with while they were in Canada was funny, Jenny laid all the cards on the table for everyone to witness and now neither is invited to see Jenny in action or come to the party afterwards and partake in all that delicious food. (We all know they are going to try to sneak there way in, This is The Gruesome Twosome we are talking about)

Lindsay got put in her place again by Sydney about what her job actually is and that Justin does not need her to hold his hand, this cheap trick needs to realize that Justin had talent long before he met her and will still have it long after she is gone.

It is amusing that Lydia's niece Martine works under Lindsay and will be telling everyone what she has learned under Lindsay's expert tutelage, I also like when Lydia cut Lindsay out of the discussion concerning Justin's art and what Hunter will be doing.

Lindsay just keeps racking up more enemies every second I wonder if Emily and Francine will be at the opening?

Love that David, Charles and Hank will be there I expect fireworks when Lindsay and Michael find out Hank and Jenny are dating.

Is Britin and the Treehouse going to be enough to house all these people for the weekly We Loathe Dumbass Meetings? lol

I bet Michael's rent should be due soon wonder where he is going to get the money to pay that, the support for Jenny and the money due to the IRS, plus what he still owes to Brian and Justin for the loan??

Can't wait for the opening and the aftermath.

You Are Amazing :)



Author's Response:

Michael sell his collectibles.  Heaven forefend, he has other plans to get the money.

Ted, evil?  No he was doing his bit for can't do it, yep he was evil, he'll never forgive Michael for what he did to Brian and said about Justin and Hunter and to Blake so any chance he gets to make his life miserable he will take it, staying on the right side of evil/illegal of course.

Jenny is a Marucs first, a Novotny sometimes but a Petersen not so much, so she will defend her mom first last and always.

Lindsay has no idea who the hell she's going to be dealing with in future chapters, Lydia is one but two other people are championing one young man and they won't let anything or anyone harm him.  

Michael is not above beign spiteful and nasty and stupid to get what he wants...and he doesnt care who he has to go to do get what he wants either.

Thanks for the 'amazing' mucha appreciated.

Happy reading


Reviewer: cookiebun Signed [Report This]
Date: Nov 05, 2016 7:36 pm Title: Chapter 15

I'll start from the bottom up... LOVE that Michael ignored it long enough, that he missed his divorce! lol

Way to go for Jenny speaking up for herself and for Mel with the wardrobe.  Why would Lindsay think she gets to forbid Jenny from roller derby if Mel hasn't even been talked to about it???

Just love the proverbial slaps in the face both L and M keep getting, but they still just don't get it at all!

the audit was just so awesome LOL

Author's Response:

Did enjoy doing this chapter, there is something rather comforting about slapping the twits, letting them get back up and slapping them again!

Happy reading 


Reviewer: Kinneysbitch Signed [Report This]
Date: Nov 05, 2016 4:54 pm Title: Chapter 15

Loved it..... Wish Mel would dump linsey's ass can't wait for the next chapter

Author's Response:

Hey nice to have you reading.

Mel will but she's got to go through hell to get to heaven [and we know who that is] but ass-dumping will come.

Hope you stay with me.

Happy reading


Reviewer: Nichelle Wellesly Signed [Report This]
Date: Nov 05, 2016 4:04 pm Title: Chapter 15

LMAOOOOooooo!! LMFAO!!!!! <singing in my Martha and the Vandellas vibe> Nowhere to run to Michael! Nowhere to Hide! Your ass is divorced now Michael! The court took Ben's side!!!!! LMAOOOOOOooooooo! Thank you so much for a splendid chapter to wake up to! OMG! So much to comment on!

First up is Lindsay! Well well WELL! Trickalicious certainly got her ass handed to her this chapter. Not only was she caught trying to comandeer Mel's clothes, she was called on it by both Jenny and Mel respectively! She kills me with pulling out the WASP buzz whenever she feels caught and slighted. I'm glad they are not falling for that crap. I'm glad that she is getting thwarted at every turn. I could just imagine the look on her face each time she was called on her crap. I LOVED the fact that Jenny told her off in front of the rest of the family. I really don't think Jenny will have to worry about being repaid in kind since Mel heard everything as well as everyone else. Jenny did at least ask if she could have the conversation in private but Lindsay in her arrogance brushed her off and gave her the floor to speak freely and openly. I don't think Mel will allow Broomhilda to treat her daughter the same way Lindsay was able to corner Gus on Christmas.

As for Lindsay's job: Sidney would just do well to fire her but I think this is more torturous. She is being forced to help the young lady who is the niece of the woman's gallery Justin's show will be held in. Sidney and Lydia should hold a class in "How to Pour Salt in an Open Wound 101." Mel called her on that too! 'Are you sure this isn't because you can't bask in the glory of being the person who found the great Justin Taylor..." HELL YEAH it was!! and 'Guess you won't be lording it over Martine anymore hmm?' Just added to Lindsay's future meltdown. If Lindsay doesn't do right by Martine, I'm sure that both Sidney and Lydia will have no qualms about burning Lindsay's bridges for her within the art world. *evil grinning and rubbing hands* I can't wait to see how this scenario plays out OR the one with her lies to Emily! But for now, I am even more content to talk about the stupidity of Michael....

LMFAO!!! What can I say except that you are brilliant in your 'maelstrom of mendacity!' Shit! I must stop hanging around Faal too....but you know what? I don't want to, LOL! Ted's plan was absolutely BRILLIANT having the IRS come in a audit Michael. Watching him run around trying to get Ben to save his ass was highly entertaining! I love that Eli and Monty loathe Michael so much that they are providing the getaway while seeming like innocent bystanders in Michael's drama. Good for Ben going on with his plans for the divorce!! He needed to be as far away from that ingrate long since but it's better late than never. So now Idiot Boy owes $22,000 to the IRS or risks Federal prison time. *evil chuckles bursting out* Guess there shall be some 'Return to Sender' stamps issued on those collectibles he's been ordering.

As for his relationship with Jenny....LAWD HAM TURKEY both he and Lindz in cahoots is not working out the way the two of them planned. First trying to basically steal her money and now trying to restrict her from Roller Derby has backfired both times. You would think he and the she-bitch would have learned their lessons about trying to run Jenny's life but I have a feeling things are definitely about to go nuclear when he finds out about Hank Cameron. Thankfully Jenny has the full support of Ben and Mel because she's going to need it.  

Lydia's reaction to both Lilah and Brian and Justin's impromptu makeout session was hysterical!! I think she is going to be a really welcomed edition to the family. Em and Zee tickle me pink! Zee threatening Faal made me spit my coffee! Talk about creative! I think even Mel learned a few good phrases that she can use on other lawyers in regards to their clients. I agree that they should wait until after the show to tell Brian and Justin what happened between Emily and Lindsay so Justin will have full use of that diabolical and malicious streak which shows up every now and again. Lawd I love that dude! 

Girl you have made my morning!! 

WRITE On Nicole! HUGS!


Author's Response:

Huzzah glad you liked it, it was fun to write.

And Lydia pours more salt into that open wound that is Trickalicious's seething resentment of not basking in the glow of Justin and Hunter having discovered the lost Taylors...and speaking of Hunter, well let's just say good things to come

Ah nuclear is an understatement when Mitch finds out about hank.  The maelstrom of mendacity is beginning to gather and Jenny gets briefly sucked in.  But remember she's a Marcus first and a Novotny second and she's got family behind her lots of family.

As for Zee's threat to Faal...I pulled that out of my Bitch Pants On list when one person was being spectacularly annoying...he still has his balls so he learned quick!

Justin's streak will come but he's all about patience, he doesn't need to hurt her yet.  But he will.  He will hurt anyone that hurts Brian and the family will help him hide the bodies...

Happy reading



Reviewer: YumYumPM Signed half-star [Report This]
Date: Nov 05, 2016 4:03 pm Title: Chapter 15

Melanie is being so sweet about Jennifer and Hank.  She seems to be the much better parent.  Jennifer was right to not let Lindsay obscon with Melanie's new clothing and how does Lindsay pay her back?  She and Michael try to stop her from playing roller derby.  Jennifer let it be known she wasn't giving it up and Melanie is sure to back her up.  Justin is all up in the air about the food that Zee and Emmett are planning.  He has food on the brain and Faal is right there with him.  Such yummy delights you've had planned.  I'm really liking Lydia and it was interesting to find out that Martine is her neice.  lol.  That is so going to come back to haunt Lindsay.  Best of all you managed to get Mikey audited.  It was funny that everyone new Ben had been audited but Mikey.  He actually thought that Ben would be made responsible for anything he owed.  He's still living in a dream world.  We learn from Tobias Schenk,(Tobias Schenk, Ted Schmidt hahaha) that he owes 22,000 and was unaware that he's now a divorced man.  Love how Eli is siding with Ben when it comes to Mikey trying to make trouble.  Poor Ben still having to deal with Michael but the wait is over.  So much goodness in this chapter.

Author's Response:

Had to have a moment of teen schmoopiness and pitbulledness for Jenny.  She's a doll to write for.

As you can tell I'm a bit of a foodie so love letting Justin and Emmy Lou be my outlet for all things epicurean.

You bet that Lydia is going to haunt Lindsay and then some.

The audit was fun to write but sadly, he uses it to his advantage, well at least he tries to.

Happy reading


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