Date: Jan 19, 2025 11:09 pm Title: Chapter 6: THOUGHT-PROVOKING CONVERSATIONS
Oh, my dear god, Lindsey - what the hell are you about to do???

Date: Dec 22, 2024 5:13 pm Title: AUTHOR NOTES and THE END FOR NOW
Hugs, Cathy
Date: Mar 11, 2024 3:14 pm Title: CHAPTER 41: MONEY MATTERS vs. MANIC MONDAY Part 2
Brilliant - I have just reread this again.
Date: Mar 11, 2024 3:14 pm Title: CHAPTER 41: MONEY MATTERS vs. MANIC MONDAY Part 2
Brilliant - I have just reread this again.
Date: Mar 11, 2024 3:14 pm Title: CHAPTER 41: MONEY MATTERS vs. MANIC MONDAY Part 2
Brilliant - I have just reread this again.

Date: Mar 07, 2024 3:23 pm Title: CHAPTER 41: MONEY MATTERS vs. MANIC MONDAY Part 2
Love your acronyms; I always get such a kick out of them. <3
Please update - I can't stand the wait for Constance to have a FEW words with "Miss Lindsay." Hopefully in front of Brian, Justin, and Mel. Fun times are ahead!
I know the smart thing for Gardner, was beating it out of the office, but I would have liked to see him wheedle a bit more. Really get Constance's dander up, before her meeting with Lindsay.
If he goes to Chicago permanently, he wouldn't need the title of co-CEO, would he? Or is that the title he would have fallen into in Chicago? So in Chicacgo, he'll the Executive Manager?
In regard to: Trying to give the pitch of my life to one Brian Kinney. I'm not sure if I follow, because they've already got everything lined up for Kinnetik. Work done on the building, and employees lined up, right? I sometimes wonder if I'm mixing stories up.
Have a good one. I really appreciate you taking the time and giving us these chapters.
XO ~Cathy

Date: Mar 05, 2024 8:12 pm Title: CHAPTER 41: MONEY MATTERS vs. MANIC MONDAY Part 2
Constance Came To Slay!!! lol
Gardner really should have realized that Karma would come for him eventually when you treat others like scrap it will always come back on you....Always!!!
Constance is giving Gardner one last final chance and if he screws up he is out with no safety net.
The percentage for Gardner screwing up before six months is out?
Lindsay and Mommy Dearest having to pay rent to Constance is going to be funny, but what choice do they have left after all??
If Gardner were smart he would delete Lindsay and Nancy's number quickly and forget they ever existed.
Constance will need to fumigate the place and burn that bed then send the ashes to Gardner and Lindsay to remember better days lol
Is Constance going to ask Brian to take over or join in with him?
Lindsay is going to have quite an interesting meeting lmao
Thanks For The Update????

Date: Aug 02, 2023 8:38 pm Title: CHAPTER 40: MONEY MATTERS vs. MANIC MONDAY Part 1
Melanie is coming to realize that toy gotta look beyond the exterior to find out the real side of a person and that sometimes are instincts should be listened to more.
Brian would listen to Justin first and foremost because even though Justin is young he is wise beyond his years and he would be able to see through Lindsay and Michael better than others who have known them for years.
It also goes to show that even though Brian didn't know Justin long he trusted him more than either Michael or Lindsay.
Brian's instincts were telling him that this seventeen year old kid could be trusted with Brian's most precious gift in the world which is Gus, and his !most treasured secret which Justin would never tell to anyone including Daphne who would never betray Brian either and still Justin wouldn't say a word.
Guess that is why Brian gave his heart to Justin because despite his fear that Justin would crush it, he still had faith that Justin would cherish this gift with his last breath.
Trust like respect is something earned not just given and in one night Justin earned Brian's respect and trust by jyst being himself and accepting Brian flaws and all.
Brian will figure out a way to keep Gus safe along with everyone else in his family he just doesn't have to do it alone anymore.
Lindsay might just wished she stayed in bed because Constance is about to have some serious fun screwing up her and Gardner's plans.
This Is Going To Be Fun!!!
Thanks for the Update.

Date: Aug 02, 2023 8:26 pm Title: CHAPTER 39: REVELATION KNOWLEDGE
Brian and Melanie ate Billionaires are Lindsay will come a snigging, crying and declaring she has changed while the others will be be washing their teeth that cause they we never see a cent of that money.
It also seems that Gus, John and Peter will be well tar care of as well until Brian is ready to pass their portion if the inheritance to them.
Joan only gets forty thousand?
Still too much for her, but at least Brian will be free of having to continue to take care of her.
Brian's grandmother was a smart woman and that will be bring along sharks looking for a chunk but it will also help to protect this Brian, Justin and Melanie from those seeking to destroy them.
Nice to know Brian doesn't need to marry Lindsay to inherit and that she will never and that Nancy as usual backed the wrong horse and may just have to get a job after all or start finding a nice street corner yo pedal her old, overused wares. Lol
Brian, Justin and Melanie are building quite a Family

Date: Jul 22, 2023 6:18 pm Title: CHAPTER 40: MONEY MATTERS vs. MANIC MONDAY Part 1
Lindsay's list of grievances had me laughing. All the way from Brian down to lowering Russo's zipper. Criminy... how does that woman even walk straight? LOL...
I've just got to say, "Good luck, Lindsay, if you think you can get in good with Murph so that he will give you access to the mainframe." LMAO. If only she was able to hear his thoughts about her!
I just can't wait for this whole sordid mess to blow up in Lindsay AND Gardner's faces. I can see Gardner spitting and sputtering that Constance ruined his fun. Although, maybe Gardner should thank Constance for getting Lindsay out of his hair. Because I'm under no illusions Lindsay WILL double cross him if it will benefit her.
Needless to say, I sure hope Carl and Shavonne can find the weak link in the station, and find that report. But yet, I think there is a way of getting deleted info on a computer. Hmm, I'll have to ask my son. He's the computer wizard.
Lastly, FBF... out of all the acronyms I could gather in my head, does it stand for: F**K Buddy Friend? None of the others fit, as I don't see them being FB friends. (and it took five minutes before I came up with that one.)
Well, I'm still giggling here. Thanks for the double post today. I thoroughly enjoyed them.
Date: Jul 17, 2023 2:52 am Title: CHAPTER 39: REVELATION KNOWLEDGE
Thanks for the update, I'm re-reading the whole story and wondering if you're gonna let Michael die? To be continued...
Author's Response:
Hey!!!! Part of me really wants to let him meet his maker, but at this stage of the story as a whole, that wouldn't be practical. No worries though, since we'll be getting an update on him very soon.
Happy Reading and HUGS,

Date: Jul 11, 2023 10:31 pm Title: CHAPTER 39: REVELATION KNOWLEDGE
Oh dear me! I came over to look through Ambigusweetie, and it suddenly hit me that one of the biggest reveals of this chapter, was the dollar amount of the will. I mean - OMG! How can a couple of families amass that quantity of money!!! That's just unreal! Anyway... please give us a warning in advance when Lindsay is going to find out, so we can put on noise-canceling headphone. She might break the sound barrier and be heard in the U.K., Ireland, or possibly the world. If Ms. Loosy Goosy would have just been a little more patient, she would have more money than her little heart could ever spend. I have to wonder if she'll connect the dots and remember that it was Nancy who sent her to the bank that day, and that was what started her downfall.
Well, maybe Brian and Mel will give a million dollars to everyone at Christmas! LOL...
Author's Response:
LOL!! Yeah, all I can say is that Ms. Plans is in for quite a few surprises, beginning next chapter. I don't think she'll be able to come up with enough contengencies to prepare her for the knowledge of both Brian and Mel being out of her reach permanently. But we all know Lindsay always seems to regroup instead of retreat. On the surface, I already know when the whole Circle of Cuntery is going to find out about Brian's inheritance, but it's going to take a while to set up.
Happy Reading and HUGS,

Date: Jul 11, 2023 6:25 pm Title: CHAPTER 39: REVELATION KNOWLEDGE
OMG! OMG! OMG! When I saw the update in my email, I was wondering if I could try to do some somersaults, but realized if I got down on the floor, I probably wouldn't be able to get back up! LOL...
Where do I start??? I've been rereading this for the last two and a half days. I just finished it a short time ago. WOW! To have a wish come true! I was actually contemplating leaving a review.
I actually read this chapter twice. I think I read it too fast the first time, then slowed down to help me take in everything. I was going to ask about the seals. I was wondering if it was probable to have something like that duplicated. I mean, when you have experts that can read or duplicate a signature, then aren't there professionals like this? But then after Emmett's process of elimination, it was found anyway. Now, the copy that Frankie found, will that match the one that Gene read out loud? And just who did they get to make all those phony wills and testaments? I'm also curious about how each one differed. And wouldn’t it be funny if Joanie’s “care and feeding” took care of her monthly stipend and emergency fund? Boy would that chap her hind end. The fact that she still owes money on her house is kind of unreal, anyway. BUT... this brings me to question if you are going to let “widdle Mikey” die? Because if he does, I doubt Joan would ever see the light of day again. Granted, she will get prison time, but with death, it will be life. But maybe Mikey will have no desire to heal, especially if doesn’t hear Brian talking to him. Granted, I heard nothing or even knew time passed when I was in my coma from having my neck broken. But there are others who say differently.
I really had a laugh when rereading this story. It cracked me up when Lindsay was thinking about how it was wrong for Melanie to have slept with Shavonne. Well, I think she should look in a mirror… and see what the face of a “wrong person” looks like. At least Melanie had class (until Lindsay), and didn’t sleep with bottom feeders.
Thank you, thank you, thank you, for this wonderful update. And I so appreciated your sentiment. I’ve missed you so very much, too. Good luck with your paper. I’m sure they are no fun.
My love and tight hugs, beautiful lady!

Date: Jul 11, 2023 5:34 am Title: CHAPTER 27: MIAMI HAPPENINGS
Hey Chelle,
I've been rereading this story, trying to get it done before you update it.
This chapter wasn't ringing any bells, so I wonder if I had missed it when it was posted, since I didn't leave a review. Anyway... my question is... has too much time passed for Brian to file any abuse charges against Joan? And, would the laws back in 2001-2002 be the same as for 2023? Maybe they have been uodated since the telling of this story vs today's laws?
Well, needless to say this has been a lot of fun reading it all at the same time. It really helps to get the excitement of waiting for an uodate all the more fun.
Take Care.
Hugs and Luv,

Date: Sep 17, 2022 6:29 pm Title: CHAPTER 37: I AM SINGING
Do I sense another dyke in town in Desi? Ooh... Emmett would be so proud! And Lula has proven to be the fun-lovin' aunt we all expected. I think everybody is in for some laughs. And I can only imagine the lip-kicking a few women and Michael will have coming!
I'm so happy for Heather and Joan. They can finally be together the way they've wanted to be!
Lookout World... here comes another twosome with the namesakes of Justin and Daphne! Should be lots of fun!
AND OMG, Joan is awake! Let the FUN begin!

Date: Sep 17, 2022 6:03 pm Title: CHAPTER 36: SONG OF THE HEART
As son as I read: but there’s also been a new development - I was fairly sure there were two babies. Oh God, Emmett's going to go broke buying all those girl clothes. Even though they are babies, I can see him insisting they each have their on wardrobe!
No smelling salts - or fish - this time! LOL...
Emmett's gonna be a fantastic father!
Date: Aug 25, 2022 5:09 pm Title: CHAPTER 38: FUNNY HOW TIMES HAVE CHANGED... OR MAYBE NOT
If I had to make a guess, Michael is faking his amnesia so he can act all innocent and get Brian back. Thanks for the update.
Date: Aug 24, 2022 3:56 pm Title: CHAPTER 38: FUNNY HOW TIMES HAVE CHANGED... OR MAYBE NOT
Ok ok ok. I've re-read the entire story, and I can only say.. I WANT MORE! Thank you.

Date: Aug 19, 2022 10:54 am Title: CHAPTER 38: FUNNY HOW TIMES HAVE CHANGED... OR MAYBE NOT
Michael wanting to get up and make an effort yo better himself that doesn't call for Brian to hold his hand will not be easy for him to do since HR basically depends on others to do everything for him including thinking.
Without Brian to come running to his aid Michael isn't going to be much UAE to himself or others not that he ever was.
Looks like Joan is about to get her comeuppance and Brian can enjoy it from afar safe from her, John and Peter are much safer with Brian and Justin they would ever be with Joan Kinney or Claire.
Nathan distancing himself from his former paramours is a good thing where they are going he definitely should not follow.
Nancy and Lindsay are underestimating the power of an pissed of ex wife with time to think, money to spend to make someone pay and connections willing to help for such a feast.
Deb is underestimating her influence on Brian he is moving away from the mother and son they have hurt, abused and used him for the last time, everything that happens now does not concern him anymore he has a family of his own that needs him more now.

Date: Aug 19, 2022 10:21 am Title: CHAPTER 37: I AM SINGING
Kaia Justine Honeycutt and Heather Daphne Honeycutt are going go be so well loved in this family and they will never be lonely because they will have too many homes to run to.
So Aunt Lulu is in Pittsburgh and ready to join this ever expanding Family that is just so full of love despite others who would love to take it away out of jealousy and spite.
Love that Emmett considers Jennifer like a mother to him think they all are finally seeing what a Real Family is like and that what they had before wasn't it.
Heather and Judy are going to be quite happy in Abu Dhabi and Heather isn't losing anything by leaving she gained more than she could ever imagine because when the time comes for them both to return they will have a family and two little girls waiting to Welcome Them Home.
Bet John and Peter are happy to be witnessing what a real family and happiness is and it it is only just starting for them.
Hooray Joan is awake and now the Real Fun Begins!!!

Date: Aug 19, 2022 10:02 am Title: CHAPTER 36: SONG OF THE HEART
Congrats Emmett! He hit Double Digits on the first try lol!!!

Date: Aug 19, 2022 9:31 am Title: CHAPTER 37: I AM SINGING
How I missed your witty repartees: “Yeah well, if the splinters didn’t maim the bitch in her girly bits, I was hoping the lightning would.”
And yeah, Aunt Lula should fit just right in Brian's pack, as Vic was quick to notice.

Date: Aug 19, 2022 9:10 am Title: CHAPTER 36: SONG OF THE HEART
Excellent! What a bang! Welcome back Nichelle!!!!
I was wondering writing to you last week-end as I haven't seen updates for a long time; I hoped everything was all right for you since the covid.
I was delighted to see 3 emails from KD this morning. Thank you :)

Date: May 18, 2021 2:24 pm Title: CHAPTER 35: A NEW DAWN
Lindsay telling Nancy fibs - doesn't she realize the TRUTH wil come out? "Gardner and I decided..." More like, Gardner laid the law down, even after you begged and cooed.
And if either of them think Nathan is going to help them... Well, you just made me LMAO! Ooh, do let us hear them ask and try to cajole the help from him! I will want popcorn for that! It should be entertaining.
“If you have an emergency, please dial 911.” WAY TO GO, RONALD! And why do I have a feeling Nancy is about BROKE? 6k isn't going to last long at the Hilton.
Mikey, Mikey, Mikey - you are persona non grata. Do everybody a favor and leave. Because even if Brian or Justin can't come near you - doesn't mean there's not at least twenty other Liberty Avenue people willing to don dark ski masks and do the job themselves. And I'm very curious about his last statement about what Lindsay does with the EXTRA money from Brian. But - fun could be had for all (except Mikey) if he shows up at what he assumes is Mel and Linds' house! LOL.
I'm going to have to go back and read a little on those conditions on the inheritance because I was thinking about how Joan got the inheritance if Brian married her choice. But since Brian isn't Joan's - will that matter? If I get stuck, I may come hollering... be prepared! LOL
Good Chapter - and thank you so much for finding the time to bring this to us!
Date: May 18, 2021 10:43 am Title: CHAPTER 35: A NEW DAWN
Thank you for the update! I really love this story. Can't way to see how Nancy and Joan react.