Date: Dec 13, 2022 3:14 pm Title: Chapter 1 - A Fresh Look At Zephyr.
whew, at least it was a short one, too!! And good for Brian for coming to his senses and ran away screaming - SMART!!!
Author's Response:
Yep, good thing it didn't last too long. Lol. Thanks for reading. TAG

Date: Jul 26, 2020 11:59 pm Title: Chapter 1 - A Fresh Look At Zephyr.
You don't know how many times I avoided this. Lol. Yeah you got me. Love it
Author's Response:
Hehehehehe! TAG
Date: Oct 07, 2018 1:12 am Title: Chapter 1 - A Fresh Look At Zephyr.
I was messing around, and for the first time I clicked on challenges. I debated about reading this, but three things calmed me enough to read this. First, you wrote it...I trusted you to NOT go there. Second, the word count.. I figured if it was bad, it would be over quick. And most important, it was a April Fool's joke.
It was awesome! I can't imagine Brian even thinking that in the first place. Good thing he went running down the street. I hope he didn't stop until he got home, then called Justin and had some hot, porny, phone sex, before he went insane trying to get that image out of his head.
Hugs, Cathy
Date: Dec 05, 2017 11:45 pm Title: Chapter 1 - A Fresh Look At Zephyr.
Nobody would be better than Michael. Made me laugh !!!
Date: Aug 30, 2017 2:13 am Title: Chapter 1 - A Fresh Look At Zephyr.
Lmaf. U scared me for a second. Never Michael
Author's Response:
NEVER MICHAEL! Lol! Thanks for reading even tho I scared you! TAG
Date: Jun 12, 2017 11:30 pm Title: Chapter 1 - A Fresh Look At Zephyr.
OMG, you got me...I read the summary and honestly read this with one eye closed!
Author's Response:
Lololol! Sorry to scare you like that, but I couldn't resist! TAF
Date: Apr 10, 2017 5:41 pm Title: Chapter 1 - A Fresh Look At Zephyr.
"Nope. He couldn’t possibly do worse."
Author's Response:
Happy Late April Fools Day! TAG
Date: Apr 05, 2017 3:09 am Title: Chapter 1 - A Fresh Look At Zephyr.
LOL! I was running down the street screaming along with Brian! Well done!

Date: Apr 03, 2017 3:20 pm Title: Chapter 1 - A Fresh Look At Zephyr.
OMG!!! I think that was the scariest intro to a story I ever read....I had one eye closed while reading until he ran Whew!

Date: Apr 02, 2017 12:23 am Title: Chapter 1 - A Fresh Look At Zephyr.
Great story. The summary is too scary.
Date: Apr 01, 2017 10:31 pm Title: Chapter 1 - A Fresh Look At Zephyr.
You are SO SO evil..😘
Author's Response:
I'm not evil. I'm sweet. Even if I am sort of a brat too! Lol. Happy April Fools Day! TAG
Date: Apr 01, 2017 8:02 pm Title: Chapter 1 - A Fresh Look At Zephyr.
Oh My God!!!!I've been suffering since i woke up this morning when I read the plot,and now it's already bedtime and i finally got courage to open it,but because i read all the reviews😅😅😅You''re soooo naughty Ms Tag😉😉Best April fools day🤗🤗
Thanks for sharing and made my night exciting before going to bed😚
Author's Response:
Sorry to have made you worry all day. I did tag the story as being 'Horror' so it's no wonder you're scared. Glad you liked it anyway. Happy April Fools Day. TAG
Date: Apr 01, 2017 6:03 pm Title: Chapter 1 - A Fresh Look At Zephyr.
Seriously!!! I had to have fortifying wine and my blankey close by!

Date: Apr 01, 2017 3:49 pm Title: Chapter 1 - A Fresh Look At Zephyr.
Lols....Hahaha! April Fools ...thanks for the laugh.😂
Author's Response:
Everybody needs some laughter in their lives, right? Thanks for taking the dare and reading this. Happy April Fools Day! TAG
Date: Apr 01, 2017 2:55 pm Title: Chapter 1 - A Fresh Look At Zephyr.
Loved it! Best Brian/Michael story ever! Please write more wonderful Brichael stories for us. We just can't get enough of them. Bless you, TAG! Huge hugs, Grammy
Author's Response:
It IS the best Brian/Michael love story ever, isn't it? So beautiful. So touching. And then the screaming in the end . . . Lol. Happy April Fools Day! TAG
Date: Apr 01, 2017 2:46 pm Title: Chapter 1 - A Fresh Look At Zephyr.
P.S. Brian would have had to make room next to him in REHAB for ME!! The image and possibility alone has me reaching for the Beam! LOL
Author's Response:
You could join him in the screaming and running down the street! TAG
Date: Apr 01, 2017 2:46 pm Title: Chapter 1 - A Fresh Look At Zephyr.
WTF? Tag! You are an evil sorceress you know! And why is this not completed? Are you really going to drag this out all day long....ugh!
Author's Response:
Not EVIL . . . Just a little bratty. Lol. And I left it open ended because I feel the true beauty of this story (or the horror, depending on your POV) can't be contained in just one chapter. Hehehe. Thanks for daring to read it though. Happy April Fools Day! TAG
Date: Apr 01, 2017 2:41 pm Title: Chapter 1 - A Fresh Look At Zephyr.
LMFAO!!!!!!! Damn my heart was in my throat reading this! I think I ran screaming too! LMAO Great one TAG!!
Author's Response:
I knew that THIS would be your kind of story Chelle! Did I scare you? Lolololol! I was cackling so loudly at my computer as I posted this that I think I woke up my neighbors. Glad I could start your day off with a laugh though. Happy April Fools Day! TAG

Date: Apr 01, 2017 2:06 pm Title: Chapter 1 - A Fresh Look At Zephyr.
ah ah ah !!!
Author's Response:
Merci! Happy April Fools Day! TAG
Date: Apr 01, 2017 12:58 pm Title: Chapter 1 - A Fresh Look At Zephyr.
I just wanted you to know the only reason I clicked on this story was because of the word count. Then I read the last sentence first. Then I figured it was ok to read the rest. 😂 I liked it. LOL Happy April Fool's Day.
Author's Response:
Hey, reading the last sentence first is cheating! Lol. I'm glad you took the dare though. Happy April Fools Day! TAG
Date: Apr 01, 2017 10:20 am Title: Chapter 1 - A Fresh Look At Zephyr.
At first I didn't dare to read this particular story for Brian and Michael together are definitely not my cup of tea.
Then I boldly opened the link and spat my coffee all over my keyboard.
I actually heard Brian screaming all the way here in the Netherlands.
THE best april fools story yet.
Bravo!! And thank you for giving me a nice belly laugh!!
Author's Response:
Oops! Sorry about your poor computer. But you can't put a 'hilarity' warning on a story like this without ruining the joke. I'm glad you're still laughing after that though. Happy April Fools Day! TAG
Date: Apr 01, 2017 9:45 am Title: Chapter 1 - A Fresh Look At Zephyr.
Ha ha ha. Love you too Tag!
Author's Response:
Love you right back! Glad you took the dare and read the story. Happy April Fools Day! TAG

Date: Apr 01, 2017 9:09 am Title: Chapter 1 - A Fresh Look At Zephyr.
Thank goodness. You had me scared.
Author's Response:
Hehehe. I scared myself with that one! Happy April Fools Day! TAG
Date: Apr 01, 2017 8:52 am Title: Chapter 1 - A Fresh Look At Zephyr.
Ha ha ha, you got me! I'm happy to read this at breakfast, it would have given me nightmares.
You should bleach your keyboard for daring writing this.
Author's Response:
Lolololol! I did put the 'Brain Bleach Reccomended' tag on the story, you know. But I just couldn't resist. Thanks for taking my dare and reading it. Happy April Fools Day. TAG
Date: Apr 01, 2017 7:27 am Title: Chapter 1 - A Fresh Look At Zephyr.
You know it took everything in me to click the link for this story. It was only that you wrote it that convinced me. WOW Brian definitely needs to bleach his brain. LIL
Author's Response:
We ALL need that brain bleach after this story. Thanks for taking the dare. LOL. Happy April Fools Day! TAG