The Good Fight by Willameana

AU, Brian and his children go out to dinner and his life is forever changed. 

Categories: QAF US Characters: Ben Bruckner, Blake Wyzecki, Brian Kinney, Carl Horvath, Daphne Chanders, Debbie Novotny, Drew Boyd, Emmett Honeycutt, Gus Marcus-Peterson, Justin Taylor, Melanie Marcus, Michael Novotny, Molly Taylor, Original Character
Tags: Anti-Ethan, Family, Justin/Other, Responsible Justin
Genres: Alternate Universe
Pairings: Brian/Justin, Debbie/Carl, Emmett/Drew, Michael/Ben, Ted/Blake
Challenges: None
Series: None
Chapters: 21 Completed: Yes Word count: 51583 Read: 40154 Published: Oct 14, 2018 Updated: Sep 07, 2020
Confession by Willameana




          One Month Later


“Are you going out with Brian again tonight?” Molly asked as he packed the kids a snack.

“Yeah, don’t worry I’m not going to ask you to babysit. Emmett wanted to take the kids to some early Halloween party. They are excited, mostly because he’s letting them pick out a new outfit.”

“That sounds fun, why wasn’t I invited?”

“I guess he thought you would be busy. I mean has there been a night you and John haven’t gone out?”

It was weird how the two of them clicked. It was a good thing because while Gus was trying to be accepting, he had become odd around his brother. So, he’s been hanging out with his soccer friends more often and less with John. Molly at first was trying to take John’s mind off of his brother dropping him like a hot potato. But soon they became the best of friends.

“Well, we are going out tonight but still,” she said, clicking her fingernails on the tabletop.

Justin noticed she was a bit more dressed up than she usually is. “Where are you two going?”

“You know just out,” she said waving her hand, she seemed a little cagey.

“Nothing illegal?” He made sure.

“We’re not robbing a bank if that’s your question.”

Good dodge, but that wasn’t my question, he thought. “Promise me to watch out for each other.” She nodded.

He really couldn’t stop her; she had been taking care of herself too long to pull that. Anyway, he and Daphne used to get into some trouble but nothing big. Might as well let the kids have their secrets.

The doorbell rang, it was probably Emmett to get the kids. When he opened the door, he about slammed it back in the person face. “Tara?”

He had stopped worrying about her every moment, that law finally was leaning towards his side. She hadn’t called or anything since she left. What was she doing here?

“I need to talk to you,” she said stiffly.

“One minute,” he said, shutting the door in her face. He ran into the kitchen to where Molly was still sitting. “I need you to get the kids go through the side door and take them next door to Brian’s. Call Emmett from there to get the kids.”

“What? Who’s at the door?”


“The deadbeat mother?”

“Just go.” He gave her a small shove when she stood and went back to the front door. Taking a deep breath, he opened the door and again was shocked by what he saw. Brian was now there, talking to Tara.

“What’s going on?” he asked.

“I was just talking to Nan and Mika’s mother. She wants to take them for the week.”

“What? You can’t, you haven’t even called in months.”

“Look Justin, I didn’t want to do this but I’m taking the kids for good. We’re moving to California.”

Like hell. “The judge gave you every other week not full custody and that was the last judge. My lawyer contacted yours personally and we have the papers that you were served. You’re delusional if you think you can come here and take my kids. We saw the judge just last week. She gave me back full custody because you didn’t show and have no relationship with them. You do get one weekend a month, but when is at my discretion. I’m telling you right now you’re not selling me on it right now. I have no idea why you are pretending to want them when you never have before. You’ve never been a mean or cruel person before so tell me, why? I know you love them, but you never wanted to be a full-time or even a part-time parent. Please don’t punish them like this.”

“Gregor Michaels.”

“What does that scumbag have to do with anything?” He knew she was on the guys label now but what did his kids have to do with anything?

“Can we sit down; this is a conversation that’ll need a stiff drink with it.”

He nodded and lead her and Brian in, he hoped Molly had gotten the littles out already. They weren’t anywhere in view when they got to the kitchen. He didn’t have a lot of alcohol in the house, but he had some scotch he kept for Brian. He poured them all some, not much but just enough.

“So, what does Gregor have to do with this?”

She drank hers in a gulp, making a face. “Did you know Gregor had an insurance policy for Ethan?”

Justin shook his head. “No.”

“There had been rumors with other musicians that if a performer doesn’t live up to Gregor’s expectations, they have an accident. A few years ago, an oboist name Keya shattered her hand when a stone column fell. She wasn’t ever able to play again but Gregor had her hands insured. He got a nice payout while she barely keeps food on her table.”

“Did Ethan know about that?”

“Yeah but you don’t get anywhere without Gregor Michaels in this field, he took the risk.”

“Ethan sold out his shows though.”

“Yeah, Ethan also didn’t break his hand so bad that pins are keeping it together. Ethan was sleeping with others, I’m sorry.”

“Some guy already called me to tell me he was fucking my husband. Collier confirmed it. But this still doesn’t make sense.”

A warm hand gripped his, he smiled at Brian. He was giving him support without being intrusive. It was just what he needed. He held onto that hand for dear life. Tara eyed the hands but didn’t seem upset about it.

“Let’s just say Ethan fucked the one person he shouldn’t of…himself.” (Yeah had to do it. It was a good line had to use it. The  QAF writers were good.)

“Just spit it out, who was this guy he fucked, besides himself? Why did Gregor give a damn? I met the man, never got the gay vibe off of him so I don’t think it’s his husband or anything.”

“It was his son, wasn’t it?” Brian asked.

Tara nodded. “But that wasn’t what caused Gregor to want him gone. His son, Levi, was head over heels for Ethan. Ethan promised him the world. He was going to leave you; marry Levi and they would raise Mika together.”

“Over my dead body,” Justin snarled.

“Why only Mika?” Brian asked.

“This is only what I found out after all this, so take it with a grain of salt. I was told that he didn’t want you to be alone after it all went down. All was happy and great with them until Levi walked in on Ethan and some guy named Jeremy. Levi had severe depression, had been getting help since he was a young teen. But that night, he left the hotel room in Boston and walked into oncoming traffic. He death was brutal on everyone.”

“When did this happen?”

“Two months before Ethan died. Levi left a message on his dad’s cell phone explaining what happened and saying he was sorry. Gregor blamed himself at first for not answering the phone, but do you know who he was talking to? Ethan. He called and tried to do damage control without telling Gregor what he had done. Then the accidents started to happen.”

“Accidents?” Brian asked.

“Are you talking about being mugged and the bad wiring in the hotel room?”

“Yes. They weren’t bad luck, they were intentional. Gregor wanted him dead for what he believed was killing his only son. After the elevator claimed his life, Gregor claimed the life insurance policy he had on him. Turns out that didn’t make his life alright again, so his blame went to someone else. Someone who he now blamed for Levi’s death.”

“The driver of the car?” Justin asked.

“I think I know. It’s husband who couldn’t keep his cheating husband on a tight rein,” Brian said.

Justin laughed. “That’s absurd.” He looked at Tara and saw she wasn’t laughing. “You’re kidding me? Ethan cheats on me, lies more than tells the truth but I’m to blame for it?”

“He’s hurting, he doesn’t see reason,” Tara said with a shrug.

“But why are you helping him? I’m guessing taking the kids from me was to hurt me. But I don’t get, why you would go along.”

“Like I said, no one gets anywhere in this business without Gregor Michaels. I told him no to begin with, hell Ethan had only been dead a few days at the time. But once I turned him down, he all my shows were cancelled. When I started fighting for the kids, I got more shows. Then when I got them every other week, he signed me to his label. I guess he realized I wasn’t trying to get them from you anymore. He’s pulling me hard right now. I either get them or I breached the contract. I got the court date papers, I just thought he gave up. I was wrong.”

“Well, you’re not getting them. Now I know the truth there is no way I would let that happen. My question is, does he have an insurance policy for you?”




“Are you nervous?” Molly asked him.

“Hell, yes I’m nervous, if my dad finds out I’m dead meat. I’ve never felt so alive though.”

They were going to Babylon, he hoped they’d be able to get in. Molly had snatched two guest passes while at the diner. They were having some promotion last week. It had been Molly’s idea, a way to get over Ozzy. And he had heard his father and Uncle Mickey started going to Babylon when they were sixteen. Well, he was sixteen now. Like father like son, right?. Gus wouldn’t be caught dead here and that was a plus. His brother had started being macho to the extreme. Like gay guys couldn’t be macho, he just didn’t want to deal with him right now.

As they moved up the line, he hoped they didn’t see anyone he knew. If the bouncer recognized him from the diner, he was dead. He didn’t think he knew him so they might pass. Their fake IDs were really good too, he did them himself.

“Membership?” the mountain of a man asked.

“We have guest passes,” Molly said pulling out the passes.

“Alright, go on in.” Their eyes widened but they didn’t wait and asked questions they booked it inside. The music was so much louder inside than outside. It almost felt like it was in your head.

“Should we try and get a drink?” Molly asked.

“I think that would be asking for trouble. Neither of us look twenty-one. We shouldn’t risk it.”

“Okay, so we dance?”

He smiled at her and nodded. They found an open space and started to dance. He wasn’t great but Molly being a really good dancer made up for it. She looked gorgeous in her blue minidress. Her hair was pulled back with pins making it look like it naturally stayed out of her face. That wasn’t the truth usually her red hair was always covering her face. He went simple with his clothes, a tight white shirt and jeans that were cutting off his circulation.

“Mind if I cut in,” a voice said in his ear. He felt the a at his back, pressing himself against him.

Molly looked at him to see what he wanted her to do. They had talked about it. They even had a sign if he wanted out of the situation. But he wanted to dance, it was just dancing after all. So, he nodded to Molly and she fell back, and took a spot back near the bar to watch him.

Turning around he finally laid eyes on his dance partner. He did his best for his jaw no to drop. Tim Anderson, his bully was here pulling him across the dance floor. The other boy was a senior, tall and built. He was Mr. Popular and John’s biggest nightmare. What was going on? Was this some sort of elaborate trick. Tim stuck his tongue down John’s throat, so it probably wasn’t a trick. He started to rub against him hard and heavy.

“Let’s go to the backroom,” Tim said pulling him again.

What was the backroom? Was it a place to sit down? He hoped it was quieter because he couldn’t really hear out here if they wanted to talk.




Brian was watching the news while he wanted for John to get home. Gus got home an hour ago and Peter hadn’t gone anywhere. After all the information Justin got today, he wanted to be alone for the night. Brian understood, he would want the same.

The door opened and he breathed out a small sigh of relief. This raising teenagers sucked.

“You’re home. You just made it in time,” he said.

John jumped at his sudden voice. “Oh, yeah sorry. Night, Dad,” he said before practically running upstairs. What was that about? He thought about going up there, but he didn’t want to seem overbearing.




John rushed to his room and shut his door. He was worried his father might notice. When he saw what the backroom was, he almost went right back out. But he stayed, he wondered if Tim was his boyfriend now. He would have to ask on Monday. Molly and he talked about it on the way home. He wished they went to school together; it would make it better if he had a friend once everyone found out he was gay. At least he’d have Tim, they may have to pretend not to like each other because Tim isn’t ready, but he’ll come around. Tim didn’t say that they were together, but you can’t do what they did and not be. Tim also said that he loved him, it had to be true.  


This story archived at