Schmidt's the Shit by Annie-Eliza


There's a new king of Babylon and, honey, he's not getting overthrown any time soon!

Categories: QAF US Characters: Blake Wyzecki, Brandon, Brian Kinney, Emmett Honeycutt, Justin Taylor, Ted Schmidt
Tags: Bottom Brian, Non-Monogamous Pairings, Orgy (plays well w/others), Post-series, Rimming
Genres: CrackFic, Humor, Porny
Pairings: Brian/Justin, Brian/Other, Brian/Ted, Justin/Other, Ted/Blake, Ted/Other
Challenges: None
Series: None
Chapters: 3 Completed: Yes Word count: 13249 Read: 5056 Published: May 12, 2016 Updated: May 12, 2016
Schmidting me Softly by Annie-Eliza

He knows Ted tends to arrive to the office early, sometimes earlier than he does. So, after not being able to sleep due to disturbing thoughts and spontaneous jerk off sessions he will never admit to having, Brian heads to the office at 6:30 am. He overlooks some storyboards that he can make notes on for the newer additions to the art department as well as writes the first draft of a script for a Clorox Bleach commercial. There. He was productive. He had reasons for coming in early.


Now he could go wait for Ted in his office.


He only has to wait there for about twenty minutes until Ted comes in and jumps at the sight of Brian sitting there. He doesn’t see why Ted looks as though he is violated. If he thinks he can move in on Brian’s territory then Brian can surely do the same, especially when he owns both Babylon and Kinnetik in the first place.


“Uh hey, Bri!” Ted greets, confused but friendly as he closes his office door, “What are you doing here?”


Brian shrugs, “Just getting some work done.”


“Great. That’s great. In my office though?”


“Have a seat, Theodore,” Brian orders, ignoring the questioning statement.


Ted glances longingly at the chair Brian is occupying before sighing and sitting down in the chair across the desk.


“Something you need to discuss, Bri-”


“I don’t understand why smart men insist on playing dumb. Is it because they have no balls? It can’t be that, considering I had a good view of yours last night.”


“Uh, right. Sorry you had to see that. It was a crazy night,” Ted admits, scratching the back of his head.


“Is that what it was, King Schmidt?” Brian in no way grits out.


Ted bites his lip and his eyes widen, “I-I never told them to call me that. I tried to get them to stop but they just kept insisting by bowing and kissing my hand! It...It isn’t hurting anyone so I just let it go. Everyone seems to be pretty happy so why ruin a good thing, you know?”


“It makes everyone happy,” Brian mutters, “Yeah, I’m just ecstatic about my dorky CFO becoming a walking royal dildo.”


Brian knows he touched a nerve when Ted glares and stands up, “Excuse me? You’re one to talk! You’re a bigger slut than I am!”


“I never made people stand in a line in order to wait to get fucked by me!” Brian shoots back, “At least I had some fucking standards! I am not going to be overthrown by someone like…you.”


“All the men who want to get with me are extremely attractive,” Ted argues, “And a lot of them are tops! Even though I don’t have the love of my life regularly in my life anymore at least I am finally getting appreciated for something I know and love and that is sex! Sex sex sex! Fucking! And I won’t apologize for making it so good for every single trick that they beg for more! It was not my intention to overthrow you or whatever you want to call it but the people have spoken!”


Ted storms out of the office, leaving Brian a fuming ball of fury, before returning twenty seconds later.


“Okay, this is my office. I really need to get those contracts done for Remson and Brown so you can sign them and get them faxed before noon. So if you could-”


“Oh, I’m leaving,” Brian interrupts as he stands from Ted’s chair and walks over to lean in closely to whisper into Ted’s ear, “But I will get to the bottom of this. For once and for all.”


Brian storms out of Ted’s office and returns to his own desk. Oh, he will find out what’s going on, alright. Whether Theodore is paying people off or got Marilyn to cast a spell, he doesn’t know.


But he will.


He knows a man who earned the title “King Schmidt” wasn’t going to miss a night at Babylon. Brian meant it when he said he was going to get down to the bottom of this and that starts by observation. So, after he talks to Sunshine for a bit and lets him know that all is well with the Pitts and tries to hide his disappointment when Justin says he won’t be able to make it in next weekend, he goes to Babylon. Even if he couldn’t get laid, he could at least get drunk and try to forget that he had a boyfriend 371 miles away who obviously didn’t want to see him.


He surpasses the line in the front and makes his way into the club. Immediately, he spots the line. And, wouldn’t you know, Fabio has changed stations and is manning the entrance to the back room.


“Fabio!” Brian calls out, making his way over, “You’re supposed to be stationed by the bar.”


Fabio nods over to another man in black, “I have the new guy handling it. This crowd is a pretty intense one. If King Schmidt wasn’t bringing in so much business then I would want to throw a few of his loyal subjects out. This guy even flew in from Hong Kong.”


Brian turns to see the guy Fabio is pointing at. The man is vibrating with excitement, squealing, and jumping up and down. He turns to lock eyes with Brian, giggles, and yells out, “I love King Schmidt!”


“How do you even know him?” Brian growls.


“PornHub,” the man answers in a strong accent.


“Great,” Brian mutters before turning back to Fabio, “There are people filming back there? That’s against the rules and you know it.”


“I do know it. And that’s why I’m manning the entrance and have another man inside to make sure no one is filming.”


“This is fucking up what the backroom is supposed to be all about,” Brian finally explodes, “Couples, threesomes, orgies even! They are all supposed to be free to go in and fuck as they please. They shouldn’t have to wait in a line if they don’t want to fuck King Schmidt.”


“Don’t worry. We’ve left part of the backroom designated for people interested in sex with someone other than Ted. But the thing is...barely anyone wants that.”


“Yeah, right,” Brian scoffs, “Not all of these people want to fuck Ted. I’m sure most of them only want to fuck each other.”


Fabio raises an eyebrow and clears his throat, “Attention, please! Is there anyone in line who is NOT waiting to be fucked by Ted Schmidt?”


No one raises their hand until one person speaks up, “Um...what if you just want to watch King Schmidt?”


“No, Lionel,” Fabio sighs, “You know that lurking is not acceptable.”


“But I won’t film anything!” Lionel cries, “I just want to bask in his presence!"


No. Anyone else?”


No one else raises their hand.


“Seriously?” Brian asks, “All of you, ALL OF YOU, want to be fucked by Ted Schmidt?”


Excited chattering starts in response to the words until someone starts to chant, “SCHMIDT’S THE SHIT! SCHMIDT’S THE SHIT! SCHMIDT’S THE SHIT! SCHMIDT’S THE SHIT!”


The whole line of approximately fifty people join in and Brian throws his hands up.


“I’m going in,” Brian tells Fabio.


“To be fucked by Ted? Have fun,” Fabio winks, “He fucked me on my night off and I swear I met Jesus, Mary, and Joseph all at once.”


“Sounds like a downer of a time,” Brian sneers before pushing past the front of the line to get inside.


“Mmmm...oh my god, you are as good as they say!” the trick moans as he pushes back onto Ted’s cock.


“Want it hard?” Ted whispers, “Stay still. I’ll give you something to really moan about.”


Ted grips onto the man’s hips and drills into his trick, making the man scream out in ecstasy.


“Ahh Ahh!!!” the trick screams, “BEST...FUCK...EVER!!!!”


“You wanna come?” Ted growls.


“Yes! Yes, sir, please!”


“Beg for it.”


“King Schmidt! Please allow me to come! I will be your humble subject for the rest of my days!”


Ted takes the ring off of the trick’s cock and he comes against the wall. Another stain the janitor will have to clean up once the doors close for the night.


After Ted comes and the trick gets a hold of himself, he bows down on the filthy floor and kisses Ted’s hand.


“Thank you, King Schmidt,” the trick whispers reverently as he kisses each one of Ted’s knuckles, “Thank you for showing me the best experience of my life.”


Ted strokes the man’s face, “I accept your gratitude. Now move forth and tell Fabio to send the next trick inside within three minutes.”


The trick nods, stands up on shaky legs, and goes out the door as Ted turns to Brian.


“Were you the next line in line Brian?” Ted asks as he strokes his cock to get himself hard again.


“What? No,” Brian answers as he pulls a face.


“Oh. Then why are you here?”


“I’m trying to figure out what the fuck is going on.”


“And you think that I would know?”


“Well, you are King Schmidt” Brian glares.


“Well, I’m almost as clueless as you are. All I know is that I am making many men happy each time I grace the backroom with my presence. I don’t know what has changed but if I can make men feel good then I’ll embrace it.”


“Well, enjoy it while it lasts,” Brian growls, “Because it won’t last long. I’ll figure you out, Schmidt.”


“Better figure out a way to take care of that boner first,” Ted points out as he nods towards Brian’s crotch.


Brian feels himself blush as he covers his denim clad erection with his hands and calls out, “I’m onto you!” before rushing out of the backroom.


He forces himself not to snap at the line when they get excited as the door opens. Two of them faint before they get to realize that Brian Kinney is not King Schmidt and medics are called to take them away. That only makes the people behind them happier since there are two less people between them and the backroom. Fucking freaks.


Brian goes behind the bar to pour himself a line of shots and takes them in quick succession, ignoring the bartender’s pitying glances. As he looks around the dance floor, he wonders what has become of Babylon. Hell, what has become of his life? He let himself agree with Justin that marriage wasn’t the best thing for them only for what? It was supposed to be so that Justin could go become a big boy in New York while Brian was supposed to avoid becoming a shell of himself by not relinquishing his top stud status. He thought they had achieved that, even though Brian always fell asleep with a little bit of a hole in his heart. But fucking had helped. Having so many men into him had taken away the sharpness of the pain, leaving it only as a dull ache.


But everything has changed.


“Brian, maybe you should slow down,” the bartender says quietly, “It really isn’t that big of a deal.”


Brian scoffed at the kid. Chase was 21 years old, hot, but really dependable and didn’t fuck the clientele. He had to be the first bartender Babylon has ever had who hasn’t. But that was because he was also the only straight Babylon bartender in the club’s history. Brian had felt hesitant about hiring a straight employee. Gay people faced a harder time in the workforce, after all. But Chase had two dads and had very publicly spoken out against homophobic views towards gay parenting, getting himself arrested in the process. Even though the kid liked pussy, he had some trouble with the mark on his record and had asked Brian for a job so he had given in. He actually respected him, despite the fact he was a breeder.


Not that he would admit that.


“You wouldn’t understand,” Brian insists, “You’re a breeder and aren’t capable of understanding the gay club mentality.”


“But I work in one!” Chase objects, already diving into a counter argument, which Brian tunes out.


And, as he is tuning his employee out, he sees something peculiar at the entrance to the club. When he realizes what’s going on, he lets out a sigh and walks back around the bar to stop Brandon from making a fool out of himself.


“P-Please!” Brandon gasps, holding onto a man’s shirt, “You liked it when we fucked a few months ago, didn’t you? You were gagging for it. Just...Just do me this one favor! I haven’t gotten off all evening!”


“Dude, let go! I’m here to get fucked by the king!” the man orders, pulling away from Brandon.


“No! Don’t go!” Brandon cries out as the man runs for the line.


“Brandon!” Brian barks, “You need to get a grip.”


“I can’t,” Brandon mutters, eyes wild as they dash back and forth.


“Yes. You can. might be strange, concerning our history, but I see ourselves in two very similar situations. I’m hard. You’re hard. We can find some relief with each other.”


“Ew!” Brandon gags, taking a step back, “That is disgusting.”


Brian glares and tilts his head, “Have fun sporting that hard on all night then.”


Brandon straightens his shoulders and bites his lip.


“It looks like we aren’t getting our spots back, huh?”


“Looks that way for now.”


Brandon nods and Brian raises his eyebrows, shocked at the prospect that the younger man might take him up on his offer until-


“Well, if you can’t beat ‘em, join ‘em.”


With that, Brandon walks over and joins the end of the line.


“Brandon! Brandon, get your ass back here right now! We are NOT giving in!”


Brian rushes over to pull at Brandon’s arm but Brandon stays firm in his spot.


“No! You are not going to make me lose my place in line!” Brandon grits out as he swats at Brian.


“I can’t believe you,” Brian laments, disappointed in his competition’s quick decision to surrender, “You don’t even bottom. As far as I know, Ted is only topping back there.”


“I don’t care anymore. I need to get off and he’s supposed to be the best of the best. I’ll take what I can get.”


Brian fumes at the loss of his one chance at camaraderie until he feels hope when Brandon grabs his arm.


“You’re the owner,” Brandon says suddenly, his eyes lighting up, “You could get me to the front of the line in no time and no one could say a thing.”


“You think I’m going to help you get fucked by Ted Schmidt?” Brian scoffs, “Think again.”


“I can act as inside intel. Tell you how good he really is at fucking and figure out if he’s drugging people or something.”


Brian lets out a laugh, “He’s not drugging people. He’s not a fucking sociopath.”


“Just get me to the front of the line! I’ll let you watch me get fucked! I just need to get off!”


Brian studies Brandon’s desperate demeanor and lets out a sigh.


“I can’t believe I am doing this ESPECIALLY when I offered to fuck you. But whatever. You’re desperate and I don’t fuck desperate people anyway. Come on.”


Brian leads Brandon up to the front of the line, ignoring the outraged screams from the crowd and gets him into the backroom, where Ted is already trying to gently push away a clingy trick.


“Sir, I just want to hold you-”


“Come on, other people are waiting,” Ted says nervously.


The trick lets out a soft cry and nods before heading back outside.


Ted directs his attention to Brian and Brandon and raises a brow.


“Hey, guys! You need something?”


“Brandon needs a good fuck,” Brian drawls as he pushes Brandon towards Ted.


Brandon starts to get stiff and nervous as he walks closer to the man.


“Just let me get it up,” Ted smiles kindly as he jerks his cock, “How are you wanting to be fucked, buddy?”


“Uh...gently?” Brandon says nervously as he starts to unzip his pants.


“Of course,” Ted says softly, urging Brandon over to the couch to spoon him.


Brian gulps as he Ted fingers Brandon, the young man stifling the moans of pleasure but not quite able to stop his hips from thrusting into Ted’s fingers. When Ted pulls them out, he strokes Brandon’s cock a few times with one hand and slips the condom on with another.


“Ready?” Ted whispers, pressing his cock against Brandon’s hole.


“Y-Yeah,” Brandon whimpers, moving his hips back to feel the cock against his entrance.


Brian’s eyes widen as Brandon gasps on Ted’s first thrust. He’s sure that Brandon will come to his senses and move away but when Ted tilts his head up to check on how Brandon is handling this, he puts his hand on top of Ted’s, urging him to keep going. Ted fucks him slowly and but steadily and Brandon’s eyes glaze over with what looks like euphoria. He lets Ted know when it’s okay to increase his speed by lifting his leg. Ted really takes control from there, thrusting in more deeply until you can hear Ted’s balls slap against Brandon’s ass. Brandon tries to stifle the moans at first but ends up wailing out his pleasure, as though he has finally found out what perfection feels like. The younger man doesn’t even need to be touched as his cum shoots onto the couch cover. Ted keeps thrusting, biting Brandon’s shoulder, until he grunts out his release.


“Feel better?” Ted asks him quietly, tucking a golden strand of hair behind Brandon’s ear.


“That was...That was the closest thing to love I’ve ever felt in my life,” Brandon chokes out, emotional over the encounter.


“ do know I am involved with someone, right?”


“I...I know. But I’ve never felt so free. So euphoric. So well taken care of. Thank you. Thank you, King Schmidt. You are the perfect ruler for Babylon.”


As Brian curses at Brandon and clenches his fists in anger, Ted accepts a hug from the younger man. Holding him close in comfort.


Brandon sniffles and turns to look at Brian with bright eyes.


“He really is the best of the best, Brian,” Brandon says happily, as if his whole world has changed, “He really is meant to be king.”


“Go the fuck away.”


As Brandon almost skips towards the exit, humming his way out of the backroom, Brian watches him leave with a glare before he turns on Ted.


“What the FUCK, Ted?” Brian growls, storming over to the man.


“I don’t know,” Ted sighs happily, “I think...I think I may have found my purpose. It’s a strange purpose and it took a while for it to kick in but if I can make that young, hardened, damaged man happy, then I’ll take it.”


Brian huffs out a ruthless chuckle as he stares into Ted’s eyes, “This isn’t over. I don’t need Brandon. I will get down to the bottom of this.”


“You might want to get the cum stain out of your pants first,” Ted points out, nodding down to his crotch, “I’m really glad you got off tonight, Bri. You’ve seemed so stressed lately.”


Brian lets out a primal yell before storming across the room to kick over the table. With one last silent promise for justice, he leaves the backroom. He doesn’t even bother hiding the stain. The whole line is too focused on their turn with the king anyway.


He meant what he said. He WILL get to the bottom of this. He will enlist help from anyone who has been close with Ted Schmidt. He doesn’t want Ted to fuck things up with Blake. He’s not that much of an asshole. So he’ll start with the next closest person to Ted’s heart.


Emmett Honeycutt.

End Notes:

Let me know what you think ;)

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