Going on a Sea Cruise by MissMerlot

This is a PB from the lovely Deb Tanner.  

Brian wins a month long sea cruise...so Michael decides to move their relationship from PG to Rated R.  But things get in Michael's way...

Couldn't do this without my wonderful betas...The Muskababes!

Disclaimer:  I own nothing.  The copyright is owned by Cowlip and Showtiime.  No infringement is intended whatsoever.


Categories: QAF US Characters: Ben Bruckner, Blake Wyzecki, Brian Kinney, Carl Horvath, Debbie Novotny, Emmett Honeycutt, Ethan Gold, Gus Marcus-Peterson, Leda, Lindsay Peterson, Melanie Marcus, Michael Novotny, Original Character, Original Female Character, Original Male Character, Rodney, Ted Schmidt, Vic Grassi
Tags: 100k+ Word Count, Anti-Lindsay, Anti-Michael, Bottom Brian, Brain Bleach Recommended, Family, Friendship, Post-series, Rimming, Vulnerable Brian
Genres: Alternate Canon, Alternate Universe, Humor, Porny, Romance
Pairings: Brian/Justin, Debbie/Carl, Emmett/Other, Other Cast Pairing, Ted/Blake, Vic/Rodney
Challenges: None
Series: None
Chapters: 88 Completed: Yes Word count: 279921 Read: 637557 Published: May 09, 2017 Updated: Oct 18, 2017
Dumb Gets Dumber, Memories and Reading the Riot Act by MissMerlot





“What do you mean we’re getting married in three days’ time?!” I yell, springing up from the sofa. “Are you crazy?!”


“No.” He’s pulling me down to sit next to him. “We’re not getting married really. We’re letting them think that!”


“Okay, but how is that going to work? You and I being married is not going to affect them.”


He sighs. “Yes it will. You said it yesterday that she’ll not want that to happen…”


“Oh wait, I remember now! She will give you money or something not to do that and Brian will dump that blonde because I will now be part of the elite set.”


“Exactly!” He puts his iPad on my lap. “So pick a ring sweetheart.”










Oh my Godfathers, I have got to get out of this lawsuit! I had no idea who she is! She’s not kidding when she says she can destroy me. Shit, fuck and dammit! Millions... this woman is worth millions!  As I read more and more about the Charles-Prince family, I try to formulate a face saving plan!








“Okay we need you to not have a poopy diaper.” I beg and sigh in relief as my prayers are answered.


“How’s our girl doing?” Mel comes in, her face creased with worry.


“She’s great. Blake said he thinks she’s put on a bit of weight. When’s the appointment?”


“Tuesday at nine.” Mel leans tiredly against the wardrobe. “About Lindsay... I don’t think for one minute she’s going to back off where Ruby is concerned. She’s always wanted a little girl.”


I put Ruby back in her crib, take the monitor and her hand. I lead her back to the bed and order her back in. “Like Jennifer said, you’ve got us.” I lean down to kiss her. “Now I’m going to make breakfast for my ladies. And you are going to start picking furniture!”


“Yes ma’am!” She reaches for her iPad, Lindsay temporarily forgotten.






“My bed is better than your bed and my bathroom is definitely better than whatever the hell that’s supposed to be.”


“I can’t argue with that.” It’s the first time he’s been here since we got back home. “Is it what you expected?” He opens the windows.


“It’s definitely a fuckpad.” I laugh nervously.


Was a fuckpad. Can you relax? We’re not going to do anything other than make out in here, which is what the sofa is for.”


“Not the bed?”


“Definitely not the bed. I’m thinking of changing it anyway.” He rubs his temple. “Too many memories. Not all of them good.”


“You mean the cancer?” He nods then sighs, looking at it reproachfully. “Then let’s do it.”


“Do what?”


“Go buy a new bed. I would like to stay here when I’m working in the store.”


“Are you serious?” He looks incredulous but I can see he’s warming to the idea.


“Yes. Let’s make a list of things you want to replace in here. Though I really think you should give a certain cat owning, loving you blonde that blender since it’s clearly not been used since you took it out of the box.”


“Only if you give a certain cat loving, loving you brunet a kiss.” I stand on my tiptoes to administer payment.


Ten minutes later, we’re kissing and rutting on the sofa. “How close?” He pants in my ear.


“Oh God now!” I grind my hips frantically and he shudders against me. “What happened to not doing anything except making out?” I gasp.


“You’re hot and I got horny.” He kisses my neck, licking at the sweat. “And we’re definitely taking this sofa back to Britin, for the bedroom. We fit perfectly.”






“He has got to be kidding.” I mutter as I look at the stairs to the building and go inside. More stairs. But at least, there’s a lift. I press the button and wait and wait some more. “No fucking way! He’s not staying here.”


I head back to my car and drive back to my bungalow.






“Find out what you needed?” I ask as she comes in frowning.


“Yeah, got a friend who got shot. Needs nursing and…”


“You can say Markus’s name, you know.” I tease her and she pokes her tongue out.


“Emmy is such a chatterer!” She gripes. “So what else did he tell you?”


“Oh that you first met over three years ago, he’s gorgeous and you’ve been a proper Little Red Riding Hood taking him food to his bedside.”


“So nothing at all then?” She grouses.


“Nary a word.” I bat back. “But we need to talk about Lindsay Peterson. Will you consider dropping the suit if she apologises.”


She regards me carefully. “Why? Is this a reputational thing for Seabird?”


“No, not at all and she totally deserves to be hauled before a judge. But by keeping her registering at the precinct, then she remains here in Pittsburgh near Ruby. I know that makes Mel uncomfortable…”


“Shit! She has to register at the station? I didn’t know that. Okay I’ll drop it, no problem.”


“Great, then you can tell Mel to put her mind at rest.”


“I’ll call our lawyer and then Mel.”  She replies, reaching for her phone.








Leda squeezes my hand and mouths she’ll be fine at me. Brian and Justin are trying to remain as calm as me. The door opens and Dr Barker comes back in and places Ruby in my arms.


“Definitely gaining weight and getting stronger. Very pleased indeed. Keep doing whatever you are doing.”


Everyone heaves a sigh of relief and I blink back tears. “So now what?”


“She’s due her shots but because she’s prem, she’s not to have them until she’s a bit stronger. So I would like to see her in two weeks to see if she can have them then. But word to the wise, it hurts the parents more than the baby, so be prepared.” He looks at Brian when he says that and he swallows hard. “But for now, I suggest that you go home, express and then all four of you have a brandy! She’s doing great so stop panicking!”


An hour later, we’re debating whether or not to take her into the diner. We know that Debs wants to know how the appointment went and after a spirited debate, we agree to go to the store and Debs comes to meet us there instead.






I am never leaving this job! Justin didn’t want Rhubarb and Custard to be in the store so we have the next best thing. Adopting cats from the local shelter!  They are officially ours on Friday and I shall be here over the weekend to settle them in.


“Hey Nathan.” Justin calls out as he comes in with a carrier. “Can I take her upstairs?”


“Who’s she?” I ask, peering over the counter.


“Sorry, just got back from the appointment so we’re a bit scattered. This is Ruby, Gus’s little sister.”


“Oh she is little and cute!” I coo and then she opens her eyes. “Aha, take it he’s getting a licence?”


“When she’s eleven he said.” Justin smiles. “So...upstairs?”


“Of course, no problem. Is it just you?”


“No, the rest are coming, just parking.” He calls back as he carries her gently up.


Five minutes later, Debs comes flying in and I just point upstairs. I like Debs. The cruise has done her good; she seems to have softened. Brian then comes in with two women and introduces us.  But before anyone can say anything else, the door opens again and this time it’s a blonde woman who stops suddenly.


“Lindsay, what the hell are you doing here?” Mel demands.


“I’ve come to see Michael. What are you three doing here? Where’s Ruby?”


“Again, she’s none of your business.” Leda growls.


Okay, so that’s got to be the infamous only woman to have been fucked by Brian Kinney, is it? I can see why he fucked a guy straight afterwards...she’s got a coldness about her and no guy likes dick freeze.


“And what do you want to see Michael for?” Debs comes down and Mel loosens her grip on the counter and I wonder why...ah no Ruby.


“Excuse me, please.” I manoeuvre around Lindsay and head upstairs. “You want to go downstairs and I look after her for a bit?” Justin nods gratefully and hands her to me.




I could just kiss Nathan! Justin comes down and smiles at Lindsay.


“You’re still here, I see.” She scowls.


“And wanted, unlike you.” He smiles even brighter.


“You must be relieved.” Mel interrupts the about to blow up row. “Franc has called off the lawsuit.”


“I was surprised to receive that call.” She sneers. “Isn’t that an admission that I was correct or at least close or something?”


“No, it means that she’s looking out for the best interests of Mel. You having to report to the precinct was giving you a reason to stick around. Since she doesn’t need the paltry amount you would’ve had to pay her, she cut her losses. How’s that letter of apology going?” Brian retorts sharply and I relish the flinch.


“I want to see Ruby.”


“Absolutely not!” I yell. “Why can’t you just leave them alone? What is it with you? Because you’re miserable, everyone else has to be?”


The door opens and this time its Michael and he’s with a man who looks vaguely familiar.


“Oh you’re all here! Well except Franc, but we can tell her later and…”


“Tell me what? Oh boy, you and Ray? This can’t be good.” She sighs.


“We’re engaged! It was love at first sight!” Ray announces. “I know you’re most likely upset about this Franc but…”


“Why would I care? He’s just another brother through marriage I don’t have to bother with. But use your common sense and get a prenup.” She responds. “Where’s Nathan?”


“Upstairs.” Justin answers.


“Thanks. Oh by the way… You and you…” She points at Ray and Lindsay. “Aren’t welcome in my store, so get out!” Then she turns to Michael. “And you are fired for insubordination. I thought about it over the last few days and have decided that you would be a destabilising influence. Besides, you don’t need this job anyway, since you’re marrying a millionaire, right?”





End Notes:

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This story archived at http://www.kinnetikdreams.com/viewstory.php?sid=1001