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“Please!” I chortle. “Take it away, it hurts!” Franc bites her lip in concern and immediately switches it off. “So who is this guy again? And is it in there?”


“Last question answered first, yes it is but you’re one short. The reason is called Gus…”


“The little guy?” I take the proffered truffle box and bite into one savouring the sweetness and feel like a kid as it pops on my tongue.


She nods. “He gets his brains and compassion from Brian’s side.” I frown and she does the ah you don’t know face. “Lindsay Peterson is his birth mother. Yeah, who’d have thunk it?”


I just shake my head in disbelief.


“This time, I brought plates.” She starts to unload the basket. “As a matter of interest, how are you going to cope with cracked ribs and that hip?”


“Well I’m being discharged next weekend so I’ll figure it out by then. Unless you’re offering to give me a bed bath…”


“Oh, you wouldn’t want me to do that. I don’t have the patience for patients.” I cock my head. “And trying the puppy head tilt with big eyes aren’t going to work either. I worked through having pneumonia. That’s how little patience I have with being incapacitated.”


“How about if I say please?” I look at her seriously. She really didn’t have to come and see about me, but she did. I really want to get to know this determined woman without someone coming in to check my wound.


“Dunno, you’ve not said it.” She replies with false bravado.




“Suppose so. So do you want me to pick you up to or will you…”


“Franc.” I reach up and stroke her bottom lip. “Please.”


Her mouth tastes of truffles and mango juice. I put my arm around her waist and give a gentle tug. She sits on the bed and her sigh into my mouth has me praying that the nurse doesn’t come in right at that second!






He’s been banished from the store today on the orders of Franc. I had a quick word with Brian when he came to join us for breakfast. He told me that I have nothing to worry about, to just keep doing what I’m doing and let Michael go fuck himself.


We’ve had an excellent day. Once we all got back in, there were lots of questions and the animator I brought in was patient and really engaged the kids. He and Justin really worked together well.


I feel a tug on my hand and look down and there is Gus. “Mr Nathan…”


“Gus just call me Nathan, okay?” He nods. “So what can I do for you?”


“Can I ask you a question about the cartoon books?” He looks nervous.


“Want to sit up here and ask?” I point at the counter and help him up when he lifts his arms. “Okay, ask away.”


“Why aren’t you scared of them?” He looks at the shelves warily.


“I’m not sure what you mean.” I look up and see Brian and Justin at the top of the stairs but they put their fingers over their lips. “Why are you scared of them?” He tells me what Michael did and how he told him he didn’t like it. But he’s still confused as to how it scares him.


“And I want to be a big boy and not be scared of them. But…”


“You know what I’m scared of?” He shakes his head. “The dark.” He looks at me in wonderment.


“How do you sleep then? You have to close your eyes and then it’s dark.” He blinks up at me.


“It’s a different kind of dark. When I close my eyes, I know I’m going to sleep, so it’s fine. But when the room goes dark and my eyes are open, that’s when I’m scared. Because I can’t see what is in the room, I ima...think what is in the room is going to be bad and scary. So I have a nightlight.”


“You do?” He looks at me in awe.


“Yes. Have you asked your daddy and Papa Justin if they are scared of anything?”


“Oh they aren’t scared of anything. Well not now I told them to say their I love yous. Daddy was so silly about that as if Papa Justin would be mean to him.” He looks thoughtful. “Do you think I should get a nightlight for when I read cartoon books?”


“No. You don’t have to read them, especially not these.” I point to the shelves. “Do you know what mature means?”


He looks scandalised. “You said the word horse poopy!”


“No, that’s a different word. I said mature. It means to be age ap...um...for you to be old enough to do something, like read these and you’re not.”


“Is that why they scared me because they are too old for me?”


“Yes.” I smile at him and get the thumbs up from Justin and an eye roll at the thumbs upping from Brian.


“So how old would I have to be then for them not to be scary?”


“It’s not a matter of how old you are. It’s when you are ready and sometimes you never are.  Now let’s change the subject, are you looking forward to Junior Club next weekend?”


“Yes! I was going to do a cartoon book about my little sister Ruby but I’ve told my daddies I don’t want to do that anymore.”


“Why not?”


“She’s not strong enough yet. She was born pre-prearm-perma...early and she’s too little. I want to write it with her. We have to share things and I want to share this with her. So we’re going to wait.”


I watch Justin head back upstairs, wiping his eyes and Brian makes a great show of clearing his throat as he stomps down the stairs. “Where’s my Sonny Boy?!”


“Daddy! I’ve been talking to Mr Nathan, I mean Nathan, and he’s so nice.” He looks round the store. “Daddy does Franc really own this now and not Unca Michael?”


“Yes she does.” Brian replies, sitting on the counter next to him. “Why?”


“Nathan, do you like cats?” He asks.


“Yes I love them. Why?”


“Do you think she’d let Rhubarb and Custard come here while Papa Justin works on the comics?”


The look on Brian’s face is positively Machiavellian. “Oh yes, I think that could be arranged! Stay with Nathan, okay? Justin!” He yells, racing up the stairs.






Banned! Banned from my store! I went back after she went but Nathan was at the counter. HA! So much for his Saturday Club; bet it was a bust! I flick through the channels and there it is...the cause of all my fucking problems! The Seabird advert! I roll my eyes and grab my coat. Might as well go to Woody’s. At least, I won’t be bothered by the advert there.








I finally get the attention of the barman. “A martini please.” I settle down next to the restaurant and then I hear it... the familiar laughter that can only mean one thing. Debs is here!


“May I book a table, please?” I ask the barman as he puts my drink down.


“You’d need to speak to the hostess over there, ma’am.” He walks off to deal with another customer before I can say anything else.


“Excuse me.” I approach the hostess. “May I…”


“Sorry ma’am but this gentlemen was before you.” Her smile doesn’t reach her eyes.


“My apologies.” I step back and smile, hoping that he will let me go first but he doesn’t. I need to hear what is going on at Debs’ table. She’s passing around her phone and talking to among others...Jennifer Taylor!


“Yes ma’am, how can I help you?” The hostess asks.


“May I book a table, please? Preferably in that section.” I point to where Debs is sitting. “In fact, why don’t I just seat myself…”


“No ma’am, it is my job as the hostess to seat you. Now if you could follow me.”


Debs spots me immediately and goes leans in to talk to the rest of her table. As I take my seat, I look across and see Mel and Leda at the table. Mel has a drink in her hand as they regard me coolly.


“Should you be drinking, Mel? You’re almost full term, aren’t you?” I say loud enough for a few people at other tables to turn to look at her.


“Oh yes, I should and no I’m not.” Mel replies. “After 7 months of no booze, this is like ambrosia!”


“Seven months?” I frown and then look her at properly. “What…”


“She’s at home with her fathers, in case you hadn’t worked that out.” Debs explains like I’m stupid.




“Yes as in Brian and Justin. They and the boys are looking after Ruby. So we’ve got a girlie night! Which we would like to get back to without you trying to eavesdrop like a badly dressed and wholly inadequate Mata Hari…”


“What are you blathering on about?!” I demand and signal the waiter for another drink as the sense of dread settles over me.


“Ruby is not a cat.” Leda laughs. “She’s their daughter. And she’s thriving and she will continue to thrive without you being anywhere her.”


The sound of the martini glass hitting the floor echoes round the dining room as I drop it.


“You’ve had our daughter?! Why wasn’t I told?!”


“You’re not her mother, I am! You walked away to get a cock, which for a change, wasn’t Brian’s. And there’s the little matter of you having no rights to Ruby. When you signed away your rights to Gus, remember I also included the phrase or any other biological children of Brian Aiden Kinney or Melanie Marcus.”


“That’s easily reversible!” I hiss at her. “You forget that I have…”


“Nobody.” Jennifer interrupts. “Your former relationship will have no bearing in any case you want to bring but your previous behaviour will. You also forget the little, well actually according to the way Justin was walking the last time, the big matter of him and Brian… what I mean is that they all have us.”


I feel a coldness wash over my body. I get up and throw down some money. “You underestimate me ladies, and for some of you I mean that term loosely and…”


“Seriously? Do you like lawsuits?” Franc returns to the table with another woman. “That’s her.” She points me out to the woman.


“Oh honey, won’t you just drop it? She looks like she’ll need what little she has.”


“And who are you?” I demand, pulling myself to my full height.


Her laughter grates on my nerves. “Oh I see what you mean about the silver-backing and the bra thing. I’m her mother and I dislike what you said about my daughter.”


“Excuse me, ma’am. You are disturbing the other patrons. Could you settle your bill and leave?” I look aghast at the manager.


“They are arguing with me too!” I point out.


You started the argument and they have asked you to leave. As the manager of the restaurant and the hotel, I’m telling you. Please settle your bill and leave.”


He steps back. “This way, ma’am.”


I flick my hair and walk out, ignoring the ripple of laughter echoing around the room.






I can’t fucking believe how many times I’ve seen that fucking advert! I sit next to someone, who looks equally unimpressed. “May look hot but the company who made it is a shit!” I hiccup.


“What?” He slurs before staring at the screen. “See that bitch there, she’s my stepsister and love of my family’s life. It should be me! I’m the biological child; I should be first!” He slams his fist on the bar.


“She’s my new boss. Can’t stand her. If I could walk away and piss her off it would be perfect!”


“Okay, let’s concock...I mean concoct a plan!” He signals the barman. “Two Dewars barkeep!”


“Sorry man, I’m cutting you two off. Go home and sober up before you do something stupid.”


“I can buy this place and fire you!” My new friend wobbles off his seat. “Come on...let’s go somewhere where we can talk properly!”


The cold air hits us and we both shiver. “So what’s your name friend?” He asks me.


“Mikey, I mean Michael and you are?”


“Raymond. And you, Michael, are very cute! Now come let’s go plan some misery.”










I open my eyes and immediately close them. My head is killing me! I turn over and find myself staring at a smiling Ray, who’s sitting on the sofa opposite.


“How’s your head?” He asks. “Want some water.” I nod as gently as I can. “Bathroom is just over there.”


I get up and head gingerly to use it before sinking onto the sofa next to him. “What the hell happened after we left Woody’s?”


“We bitched and moaned about Franc and Brian. Before we finally settled on a plan to really annoy her and make him realise what he’s missing by not going with you.”


“And what was that?” I stretch and pull back when he goes to kiss me. “What are you doing?”


“What do you think I’m doing? I’m kissing my husband. Well my fiancé.”





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