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Author's Chapter Notes:

Justin outs himself to his Father and gets the exact opposite response that he received from Mom and Daphne.  It tears apart the family and sends Justin in despair back to Brian.

The sound of his dad's pride and joy, the Porsche, pulling into the driveway alerted Justin to his dad's arrival. He felt a momentary sense of impending doom, but shook it off as quickly as it came. He couldn't wimp out now. He would never feel a hundred percent free to live his life the way he wanted and be a part of Brian's world if he wasn't completely honest with everyone, including his own father. He prayed his dad would love him enough to throw out his prejudices, but what would be would be. Justin got up from the living room couch and went to the door to greet his dad for the first time in years.

Craig Taylor limped into the house. He was favoring his right leg and moving slowly. A moment later he caught sight of his blond-headed son, who was the spitting image of his mother. He stopped dead in his tracks. His wife had mentioned that Justin might be coming for a visit on the weekend, but Craig had dismissed it. The boy had avoided his home for five years now. What made her think he had changed his mind now, just because he was filming a movie close by? But here he was, finally in his own home. Craig felt a brief surge of hope that Justin had finally come to his senses and would get a real job... maybe even join the family business. It certainly wasn't too late for that.

Justin stepped forward. "Hey Dad. It's good to see you again." He pointed down to his father's leg. "What happened to you?" he asked.

"Oh, nothing much. The club isn't run as efficiently as it used to be. The groundskeepers have fallen down on the job and I had a little accident. Some stupid gopher had left a hole near the wooded area on the tenth hole and I tripped on it when looking for a missing ball. I've thought about suing their asses, but it's just a sprain. It could have been worse. I could have been attacked by a rabid gopher protecting his home," Craig laughed.

Justin was relieved to see that his dad's sense of humor was intact. This might not be as hard as he anticipated. He stepped back to make room for his dad, and the two men settled into their old familiar positions in the living room... Justin on the couch and his dad in the big old easy chair across from him. Moments later, Jennifer stepped into the room and observed the two men in her life warily sizing each other up. She broke the noticeable tension in the room by announcing that dinner would be ready in five minutes.

Craig offered his wife a slight nod of his head in acknowledgment and Justin smiled a thanks. When she left the doorway to return to the kitchen, Craig asked his son if he was staying for dinner. Justin nodded yes and the men again stared at each other, almost like strangers. Finally, Craig broke the silence.

"So, I hear you have the lead in a new film and that's why you came back to town."

"That's right, Dad. It's an action adventure film about a super hero and I play a victim that he saves and then befriends. It's a very good part. The ironic thing is the character's name is JT." Justin gave his dad his best smile.

Craig smiled back. "That sounds exciting. I've always liked action films...Die Hard, Lethal Weapon, stuff like that. Maybe the film will be good enough to offer you a shot at a bunch of sequels. This is your first lead role, if I'm not mistaken. I mean, your mother has been keeping me up to date on what's been happening with you."

Justin felt a momentary thrill. Apparently his dad cared enough about him to keep tabs on him, even if it was through his mother. It was better than thinking the man who brought him into the world didn't care at all. Just then his mother called the men into the dining room and shouted up the stairs for Molly to get off the phone and join the family for supper. A minute later, the young ball of energy came flying down the stairs, almost knocking into her dad and brother. One look from her dad and she pulled herself together, and fell in step behind the men as they walked into the dining room.

Jennifer had laid out a small feast on the ornate Early American oak dining room table that stood proudly in the center of the room with at least ten chairs around it. It had a beautiful cut glass two tiered chandelier directly above it that screamed affluence. It's lights illuminated the fine cream colored china and beautifully patterned silverware that lay on the table. His mother had gone all out for the return of her son, even using her best goblets for drinks. Her husband noticed that she wasn't using the everyday tableware. One would think a prodigal son had returned from the dead rather than a stubborn one who was finally willing to meet his family half way.

Craig had secretly, or not so secretly, hoped for some time that Justin would fail miserably at his rebellious choice for his future, but if he was going to be a success at it then Craig could compromise. At least he would make a really good living if he became a real star and not just a starving wannabe. Craig could respect that. Besides, if his son became a star, his name power could help the business immensely. That was better than no contribution to the family business.

Justin's favorite childhood meal of braised lamb chops with mint jelly, peas with pearl onions and mushrooms, and stewed apples with raisins was laid out on the table. The reunited family sat at the end of the table and enjoyed their meal as they talked about superficial things. Justin heard how his father's business was blossoming to include electronics and appliances as well as furniture. He heard of how proud his father was to be on the Chamber of Commerce board now and of all the excellent contacts that he now had, even outside the business. His mom talked about her reading club and charitable pursuits, while Molly talked about her grades (that almost were as good as her big brothers) and all the boys in school who had crushes on her... which earned her a slight scowl from her dad. Once the meal ended, Jennifer suggested everyone retire to the living room so they could talk more comfortably.

Justin immediately began to regret his enthusiastic indulgence in his mom's excellent cooking as he felt his stomach do a nervous flip. He had begun to forget the real reason he had come home in the excitement of reliving the old days. As the threesome settled into their seats, Justin toyed with the idea of delaying the big reveal but dismissed it just as quickly. As Brian had told him, he could never be entirely true to himself until he was true to everyone else in his life. There was no putting it off. They exchanged a few more pleasantries until Jennifer joined them.

When Jenn entered the room and sat down in the other recliner, she looked at Justin for a silent signal. He nodded his head and Jenn turned to her husband beside her.

"Craig, Justin came home to see us, but he also has some things he needs to tell us. He needs you to stay quiet and listen for a while before you say anything. Can you do that?"

She sounded so serious, but Craig had the thought that maybe Justin was coming home to stay after all, so he nodded his head eagerly.

"The floor's all yours, Son."

Justin hesitated only a second and then plunged right in. "Okay, first of all...about the movie. I think you may have the wrong idea about it. First of all, it's not a cops type story.  It's a Superhero story."

"Not another Batman or Superman or Spiderman, I hope. Those have been done to death."


"Sorry! Go on." He made a zipper motion across his mouth.

"No, you've never heard of this Hero. He's pretty new in comic books. He's called Rage... and he's a gay Superhero."

No reaction. Justin continued. "And I'm a gay teen who is rescued by him after a bashing. We become friends... and well... then we become lovers."

Craig jumped up from his seat. His face had been slowly turning red and was now blazing.

"What the fuck are you talking about? You're going to play a fag who has an affair with a fag Superhero? Are you crazy? You'll ruin your chances of ever having a career. Everyone is going to think you really are queer, Justin! Do you want to ruin the rest of your life, not to mention my reputation in this town? I forbid it."

Justin sat in stunned silence. Then he rose to all five feet seven inches of himself and stood directly in front of his slightly taller father.

"By the time the movie is made, everyone is going to know for certain that I'm queer Dad, if they don't already. And who the hell do you think you are, telling me you forbid me to do my job?"

What Justin had just said sunk in suddenly to the stunned man. Craig turned to his wife and waved his hand at her.

"Did you know what your son was coming here to tell me? Say something! Talk to him... put some sense into your son. He listens to you."

"What do you want me to say, Craig? Justin, don't be who you are because it upsets your dad's perfect world? And no, I didn't know what he was going to say, but I already knew who our son was... and so did you, deep down inside."

"That's bullshit. Molly leave the room. I don't want you hearing this filth coming from your brother."

"It's not filth Craig, and Molly can stay if she wants. She's a member of this family too. And it doesn't matter whether you knew or suspected or never even cared enough to notice... but our son is gay and that's all there is to that. If you love him like you say, you'll learn to accept it."

"Never!" the older man shouted. "As a matter of fact, as of this minute I don't even have a son anymore." He turned to Justin, who had remained silent during his parent's exchange. "And I'm telling you right now that I want you out of my house. I don't ever want to see you here again unless or until you change your ways. You give up this crazy notion, get out of that filthy Hollywood place and get your life back on track, or don't ever step foot in my door again."

"Excuse me!" came Jennifer's voice beside him. "Your house... your family... your life! This is my house too, and my life. This is Justin, our son and a part of our family... always. And if anyone should leave this house for bringing shame on it, it's you Craig Taylor. As a matter of fact, you've got one hour to gather enough to get you by for a day or two, and you can take your fancy car and drive yourself over to one of those girlfriend's houses you visit a few times every week.  You can make the rules there, because you are through making rules in this house."

She never raised her voice. The calm in her voice was even more forceful than if she had shouted her announcement.

The room went deadly quiet. The look of shock on the faces of both men would have been funny to Jennifer if it weren't so pathetic. But she wasn't going to be backing down... not this time. She had spent years turning her eyes away from the truth of the real condition of her marriage, but enough was enough. Craig had gone too far this time. Suddenly, Craig let out a snort and cursed.

"You two fucking deserve each other. I'm out of here. You'll be hearing from my lawyers in the morning."

A few minutes later, the pair heard the front door slam and Craig's car engine revving. The sound of squealing tires heralded his departure. The sound of held breath being released echoed in the room. Jennifer sank to the chair behind her. Justin rushed over and sank to the floor in front of her.

"Oh God, Mom, I didn't mean to wreck your marriage. Please, please forgive me," he pleaded.

"Stop it, Justin! Don't say that. Don't you see? You didn't wreck anything. You just gave me the backbone I've needed for years to set things right in this family. Our marriage has been dying since before you went to Hollywood. This really doesn't have anything to do with you. It's about your dad and I, and it's what I want. Now look, it's getting late, hon. You need to get back to town before too late. Besides, I'll bet your young man is worrying about you... Brian something, right?"

"Brian Kinney, but what about Molly?"

"Don't worry about your sister, dear. I'll talk to her. She's not a baby any more. She's known for some time that things weren't rosy at home. I don't think this will come as that much of a surprise. Now I want you to get going, and don't forget to call me to let me know you made it safely back. I love you Justin. I always will."

Justin wrapped his arms around his mother and squeezed her for all she was worth. He whispered in her ear.

"I love you too Mom. I'll call and see you next weekend... if that's okay with you."

"Okay? You are welcome anytime you want, Son. And next time bring your Brian."

"I will. I love you."

Justin moved hurriedly out the door and ran to his car. Suddenly he had an overwhelming need to see Brian. He couldn't get back to Pittsburgh fast enough. As he started to get into his rental car he saw Molly at her window. She smiled sadly at him and waved. He waved back, slid into his seat, and drove away. As the house faded in his rear view mirror, he felt the first sting of unshed tears in his eyes. Suddenly his stomach did a giant flip and he pulled to the curb. He opened the door and leaned out. Half his mom's good cooking rushed out and onto the side of the road.

A few more gags and Justin pulled back into the car, grabbing a tissue from the glove box and wiping his mouth clean. He took a swig off the water bottle he had left in the passenger seat earlier and spit out the window. A couple more swigs swallowed and he was ready to move on again. He wiped angrily at the tears that had formed in the corner of his eyes. He gunned the motor and got back on the road. The next twenty minutes or so were the longest of Justin's life.

Justin finally pulled up in the back of Brian's apartment building. He made a quick call to his mom and reassured her that he was safe and sound and back home. He thanked her for all her love again and promised to see her the following week. They bid each other good bye and Justin closed his cell with a deep sigh. He did his best to pull himself together. He was not going to show Brian how upset he was... not if it killed him. When he felt he was finally in control, he locked up his car and entered the building, using the key Brian had given him the day before.

Justin called for the elevator and rode the old thing up to the top floor. When he pulled up the gate and slid the door open he saw Brian at his opened door waiting for him. Brian saw the look on Justin's face and knew in an instant the gist of what had happened. He opened his arms wide and Justin stepped into them, burying his face in the older man's chest. A sob escaped him, despite his best efforts. Brian held him close for several minutes, rocking Justin and soothing him. After a bit, he led the young man into the room and slid the door closed behind them. He led Justin over to the large sofa and sat him down, taking a spot right next to him.

Justin's head fell back onto Brian's chest and he let the tears fall. Brian continued to comfort him, running his hand slowly on his neck and into his silken hair. Brian held onto Justin's arm, that was draped over his stomach, and waited. Finally the blond hiccuped and the tears ceased. He sniffled a couple of times and raised his head. Brian handed him a tissue and he blew his nose heartily. He tossed it into a nearby trash can, and looked at his lover with red rimmed eyes.

"I'm sorry," he moaned. "I didn't mean to lose it. It's just... it's... I mean... Oh God, Brian, he told me I wasn't his son anymore and that he never wanted to see me again. Well, at least not if I stay gay."

Brian's face darkened. If Craig Taylor had been in the room at that moment he wouldn't be breathing any longer. It tore at Brian to see the pain in Justin's face. Justin was meant for sunshine, not storm clouds. He forced himself to remain calm.

"What did your mother have to say about all this?"

"She kicked him out of the house. I think they'll get a divorce after this, but she says it has nothing to do with me. From what I gathered, my dad's been two-timing Mom for a long time now. Oh, and she wants me to bring you over next weekend. She's dying to meet you."

"Oh goody." Brian tried to sound sarcastic, but wasn't quite able to carry it off. His estimation of Jennifer Taylor rose a hundredfold after hearing how she reacted to her husband's tirade. He actually looked forward to meeting the lady.

"I know I shouldn't have let him get to me, but it hurt Brian. Do you know what I mean?"

Brian remembered the pain he felt when revealing the truth to his own father.

"I know, Sunshine, I know. Look it's late. Let's go to bed and things will look so much brighter in the morning. I promise."

That sounded so good to Justin, who was mentally and physically drained of all energy. The men climbed the steps to the bedroom. Brian removed Justin's clothing, piece by piece leaving his underpants on. He himself had only been wearing a robe and underpants. He slid the robe off and slid into the bed next to Justin. He spooned against the blond and laid his arm protectively around the young man's middle. He wanted Justin fiercely but tonight the boy needed rest. Tomorrow would be soon enough. They would have all day. He placed his lips against Justin's back and kissed him. He received a gentle snore as a reward. Brian wanted to kill the man who had hurt Justin so badly, but protecting Justin from bad dreams was more important. He was just relieved that Justin found his way back home to him.

To be continued.............

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