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Author's Chapter Notes:
Melanie and Michael are missing.

Carl put out an APB for Melanie and Michael when they didn’t show up in the next 48 hours. After checking with Justin and Sydney Bloom they placed an inquiry out to all the Galleries they thought Sam Auerbach would show at. He seemed to have vanished into
Thin air. J.R. was too young to be able to help very much as to place names. With Michael nowhere to be found, Ben and Hunter got permission to take J.R.
Meanwhile at Britin


Justin’s chuckle went straight to Brian’s sensitive nerve endings. He hummed as he worked on Brian’s dick.
Brian fisted Justin’s long hair. On completion Brian rolled Justin over, prepared him and thrust into his happy place.

After feeding the kids Justin headed out the door to take a walk around the grounds, taking a pencil and sketch pad with him. He entered the small copse of trees heading for the small stream in the middle of them. His foot got tangled in some vines going across the ground and he fell.

THUNK! BOOM! Justin covered his head as splinters rained down on him. He crawled behind the tree and pulled his phone out. He called Brian and alerted the guard what had happened.

“Where are you? I’ll be right there Justin.”

Leaving the kids with their housekeeper, Brian headed to the copse with the guard.

“ Mr Kinney you really should stay in the house.”

“ No! I’m coming with you.”

When they got to the tree Justin was behind, Brian gathered him in his arms.
“ Are you all right? Did you get hurt?”

“ I’m ok Brian. I tripped and... and... OMG! It was the same sound. At at Rome. The same sound.

“ Look at this!! A piece of an arrow in the tree. It’s splintered but a good 5 inches long.” Said the guard.

The sound of sirens were heard. Justin’s phone rang. “Hello.”

Justin!! Where are you?” Carl said.

“Do you see the copse of trees? About a hundred yards behind the house? That’s where we are?”

Driving his car to the copse he located Justin and Brian and parked as near as he could.

“ Get in the car! The windows are shatterproof.”

They drove back to the house and went inside.

After about an hour Carl came inside. He had the partial shaft in a ziplock bag.

“ We’ll check this for prints. Meanwhile you two stay here. With your guards inside and out, it will be safer. Do you have plenty of food?”

“ Carl I have to go to Kinnetik.”

“ No! Have Cynthia and Ted come out here if you had to. Someone at the office can reroute the calls. I mean it Brian. You guys stay here.”

Brian glared at Carl.

“ Glare all you want. I’m wondering if Lindsey was headed for Justin and got hit by accident. Until we know more you two are staying here. Brian stay with Justin. Please.”

A week later a body was found down by the steel mills. There was an arrow shot through the heart. It was Sam Auerbach.
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