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Heavy Sleeper It’s-Only-Time= 3 Little Words Challenge

A Few Years Later

Daphne kissed Justin’s cheek and whispered, “If you need anything, call me.”

“You’re going to be on vacation thousands of miles away, so what are you going to do if I call?”

Daphne shrugged. “I don’t know… I guess I could give you some encouraging words.”

Justin laughed, gave his friend a quick hug and closed the door behind her as she left.

Brian thundered down the stairs. “She’s still asleep, she’s still asleep,” he said joyously, slamming Justin against the door and attacking his mouth with his own.

Justin tore his lips away from Brian to breathe. “Hurry,” he gasped. “How long has she been asleep?”

“Long enough for me to know that she’s asleep,” Brian replied, shoving his pants down his legs.

Justin pulled his pants down and turned to face the door, sticking his ass out. “Come on, fuck me!”

“Quiet,” Brian hissed into Justin’s ear as he slid up behind him. “Fuck,” he mumbled, “I don’t have any lube.”

“Fuck it,” Justin groaned back, wiggling his ass against Brian’s cock. “I’m still slick from the lube we didn’t get to put to use this morning, just fuck me already.”

“That was hours ago,” Brian, replied, a little afraid he’d harm Justin’s sacred ass. “You didn’t clean yourself out?”

“I didn’t have time.” Justin looked over his shoulder and gave Brian the most unattractive expression the older man had ever seen. He growled, “Just fuck me right now! It’s going to be hours before we fuck again.”

“Okay, okay,” Brian said, grabbing his shaft and sliding his dick between Justin’s voluptuous cheeks.

“Ow!” Justin yelped at the intrusion, his word echoing around the foyer.

Brian covered Justin’s mouth and sucked in painful breath. He felt as if Justin’s ass would squeeze his dick off. “I told you that was too fucking long ago. You‘re too fucking tight,” he said, pulling out of resisting hole.

“Are you going deaf in your old age?” Justin mumbled into Brian’s hand.

“What’d you say?” Brian growled, slapping Justin’s ass, the sound reverberated around the room, as did Justin’s scream.

“Fuck me right now you fucking asshole! Put it inside me already!” Justin ordered.


“Was that you?” Brian asked hopefully, tightening his hand around Justin’s mouth as he listened.

Justin jabbed his elbows backward and pushed Brian off him. “Fuck!” he yelled at the same time as their daughter screamed again. “My daughter woke from hearing me beg you to fuck me! She’s only two weeks old and already I’ve traumatized her.”

Brian remained where he was, looking hopeless, pants around his ankles, dick, hard as rock. “What the fuck am I supposed to do with this?” he asked, stroking his cock.

Justin glared at Brian. “You were supposed to fuck me with it!” he hissed, pulling up his pants and stomping up the stairs. “Of all the men in the world that would love to fuck me, I would’ve thought that you’d be the most capable,” he called over the railing. “But no. ‘You’re too sensitive. Oh, I’m going to hurt you. It’s been too long’,” Justin sing-songed. “‘It hurts my dick for the first five seconds before you loosen up’.”

“I was being considerate.”

“You couldn’t handle my tight ass and you were concerned it might squeeze the head of your cock off. Admit it!”

Brian stared up at Justin in amazed sadness. “Fuck you!” he called, his brain not working well enough to come up with a better reply to Justin’s half-true madness.

“No!” Justin said, disappearing down the hallway. “You couldn’t fuck me. That’s the problem!”

Brian stood shocked still, listening to Jasmine’s cries and Justin’s psychotically, suddenly soothing voice echo down the hall. He wondered how in the fuck his life had gotten so fucked up.

Their three-year-old Husky bounding toward him from the living room interrupted his trance. “Hey, Trask,” he said sadly, pulling up his pants and smiling at the dog.

Trask stole a pet from Brian’s leg, lifted his own leg and proceeded to pee.

Brian’s scream reverberated throughout the house.

Jasmine, who had a short lapse in crying, started to wail again.

Holding his daughter, Justin ran out into the hall and looked down at Brian. “What the fuck is the matter with you? Don’t tell me you’re screaming because you wouldn’t fuck me.”

Brian shook his leg trying to shake some of the piss off him, but to Justin, it looked like he was stomping his foot. “Trask pissed on me!” he wailed, dropping his pants and flinging them off him. He opened the front door and yelled at the innocent looking dog, “Out, right now!”

Trask walked out the front door as slowly as he possibly could. Brian slammed the door after him. “Fucking animal!”

Justin howled in laughter, patting his daughter’s back to soothe her as he came down the steps. “And to think, that wouldn’t have happened if you would’ve fucked me when you had the chance.”


1 month later

Hunched over the much too short stroller, Brian begged his legs to cooperate with every step he took down Liberty Avenue. Justin held onto one of the handles, while his other hand held Trask’s leash, trying to keep up with Brian’s long strides.

Trask, happy to be out of the loud house, pulled his boy along, jerking the leash that held him every time his masters wavered in their steps. He didn’t understand why they suddenly acted like the old man that he and his boy lived beside in their other home. It made him sad, but today he was too happy to be out of the house to think about his boys’ behavior. There were many things to pee on, people to bark at, and new smells to investigate!

“Oh thank god!” Brian exclaimed in relief when the diner’s entrance came into view.

“Suddenly religious are we?” Justin asked, his joke dying on his lips.

“He’s the only one we have left that we can ask for a miracle,” Brian replied, opening the diner’s door.

“So what you’re saying,” Justin said, “is not to expect any miracles?”


They walked inside and looked around for an empty booth but didn’t see one. The diner was packed and the customer’s voices boomed around the diner. “It’s amazing that she’s sleeping through this,” Justin commented in amazement.

“What the fuck is the matter with you?” Brian hissed in Justin’s ear. “Do you want to jinx us?”

“Brian, Justin, Jasmine,” Debbie called in a soft voice, walking toward her boys and the cutest baby girl she’d ever seen. Yes, she could admit that Jenny Rebecca had nothing on Sunshine’s baby.

Brian and Justin mustered up small, pitiful smiles as Debbie neared them.

Debbie stopped before she could hug them. She put her hand on her wig and her eyes grew twice in size. “What the fuck are you guys thinking? You can’t bring a dog in here!” she bellowed.


“God damn it, Debbie!” Justin yelled, bending down to his daughter and trying to take her out of the stroller at the same time as Trask was trying to sniff a passerby’s ass.

“Don’t you take that tone with me, Sunshine,” the waitress warned, putting her hands on her hips.

Debbie was far from the scariest thing Brian and Justin had seen in the last month. “Gloomy Ass,” Brian poked Justin in the forehead, “will take any damn tone he wants with you, Deb.”

“Gloomy Ass?” Debbie gasped frightened that her boys were in trouble if Justin had picked up the nickname 'gloomy ass'.

“Fuck you, ‘Man with a dick of apprehension‘,” Justin growled as he handed Jasmine to Brian and pulled his dog closer to him and away from the table full of food he’d been about to reach.

“It was one time,” Brian, whined. “One! But you just won’t let me live that down.”

“It was only one time, because it was the ONE chance we had!” Justin returned.

“Why can’t you just let it go?”

“Gloomy Ass?” Debbie asked once again, trying to keep up.

“Would 'Eeyore Ass' make more sense to you, Deb?” Brian asked daringly. “Cause believe me, there ain’t no Sunshine no more. He left… a long, long, long, long time ago. And if my ‘dick of apprehension’ and his ‘gloomy ass’ don’t meet soon, we may kill each other.”

“After all, Deb,” Justin cut in. “It’s the only way to keep the peace.”

“I don’t know what the fuck you guys are talking about.” Debbie slowly reached for her granddaughter and once the baby was in her arms the child immediately calmed down.

“What we’re talking about here is life or death,” Brian practically wept. “I haven’t had my dick inside him in a month, Debbie!” he screamed.

“You could’ve,” Justin mumbled, doing his best to cross his arms over his chest and pout, while trying to keep control of Trask.

“No,” Brian said. “What we need is to not be piled up to our elbows in shit and piss.” He leaned toward Debbie, his eyes wild. “Cause it’s not just her shit that we’re dealing with Deb!”

“No,” Justin ranted. “It’s the dog’s too.”

“I thought Trask was potty-trained,” Debbie replied, confused.

“Oh, he is,” Brian replied. “He’s potty-trained anywhere but at our house.”

“Brian took them both over to Michael and Ben’s last week, and they behaved!” Justin explained. But the second he got home, all hell broke loose. Trask pissed in the foyer and Jasmine started screaming and she hasn’t stopped.”

“Have you taken her to the doctor and him to the vet?”

“Who has the time for the vet?” Justin hissed.

“And her doctor said this is perfectly normal,” Brian whimpered. “This is not fucking normal.”

“Oh, honey,” Deb whispered, unsure of what else to say.

“He hates us,” Brian said with finality, pointing to Trask.

“She hates us too,” Justin added.

“That isn’t true,” Debbie replied.

“Oh, oh yes it is,” Justin laughed madly. “The kid never sleeps.”

Debbie looked at the peaceful child in her arms and held her a little closer to her chest. “What are you guys doing to her?” she asked carefully.

“What are we doing?” Brian and Justin asked in unison.

“We’re not sleeping,” Brian hissed.

“We’re not eating,” Justin added.

“And we’re not fucking,” they once again spoke together.

“Please, Deb take her,” Brian begged.

“And the dog too,” Justin added. “I swear they won’t be any trouble.”

“They’ll be good for you. They’re good for anyone, but us,” Brian swore.

Debbie looked at Brian carefully. “Am I your last resort?”

“Oh no,” Justin quickly said. “You’re the first one we’ve asked,” he said unconvincingly.

“Uhhuh, sure I am,” Debbie snickered.

“Please,” the men begged in unison.

“I can’t watch her boys. I’ve got to work until nine.”

“I’ll take your shift,” Justin said quickly. “It hasn’t been that long since I’ve worked here. I can do it, Deb,” he promised.

“Yeah,” Brian encouraged. “He can do it. Gloomy Ass busts tables with the best of them. He’s great at this shit.”

Debbie looked back and forth between the two distraught, haggard-looking men. “You would really rather work here on our busiest night of the week than watch your daughter?”

Justin nodded enthusiastically. “Oh yeah. Cause on my fifteen minute break I’ll be outside, getting fucked by Brian against the brick wall.”

Brian cringed. “Oh no, I’m not staying here. I’ll be at home sleeping.”

“The fuck you will. You’ll be sitting in that goddamn booth over there, all night, to remind me that I have something to look forward to after my shift, and you will fuck me on my fifteen minute break or you will never fuck me again!”

“Justin,” Brian laughed.

“You think that I’m shitting you? I’ll divorce you if you leave me, mother fucker!”

Brian shivered. “Divorce me?”

Debbie, realizing she had to do something to help the new parents, and smiled at her thoughts. “You know, Brian, it can get really crazy in here and Gloomy Ass is so worn out. I don’t think he can take my place. Nor should he have to do my job by himself. Do you really think he should?”

“No, Deb,” Brian whimpered, knowing where the conversation was headed.

“You used to bust tables for me while you were in high school.”

Justin smiled the first real smile that graced his face in a month. It made his face hurt, but he continued to smile, turning his expression into a devilish smirk as Brian groaned.

“No, Deb.” Brian moaned in discontent.

The waitress had the audacity to laugh at the two men.

“Think of it this way, we’ll be fucking as soon as the shift is over,” Justin snickered and gave his husband a pat on the back. “Don’t worry Brian, it’s only time.”

TBC in Heavy Grind


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