What happens when Justin's need for food, Brian's need for something (but he doesn't know what) and Michael's need for attention clash...
This is a co-author fic with Bea Johnson, who suggested the idea. She, Nichelle Wellesly and Kathy Hearns are my awesome betas. Thanks ladies!
Rated: M
Categories: QAF US, Reader's Choice Award Characters: Ben Bruckner, Blake Wyzecki, Brian Kinney, Carl Horvath, Debbie Novotny, Drew Boyd, Emmett Honeycutt, Justin Taylor, Kiki, Michael Novotny, Original Character, Original Female Character, Original Male Character, Other Cast Regulars
Tags: 100k+ Word Count, Anal Sex (Lots of it!), Anti-Lindsay, Anti-Michael, Bottom Brian, Brain Bleach Recommended, First Time (Sex), Out of Character, Rimming, Toppy Justin
Genres: Angst w/ Happy Ending, Hurt/Comfort
Pairings: Brian/Justin, Debbie/Carl, Emmett/Drew, Melanie/Lindsay, Michael/Ben, Ted/Blake
Challenges: None
Series: Food of Love
Chapters: 90 Completed: Yes
Word count: 281598 Read: 747648
ePub Downloads: 127 Published: Dec 20, 2016 Updated: Apr 02, 2018
All publicly recognisable characters, settings, etc are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is no way associated with the owners, creators or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended.
Thanks to Marny again for her awesome banner skills.
1. Chapter 1 - Cold by MissMerlot [Reviews - 22] (2706 words)
2. Chapter 2 - Faint by MissMerlot [Reviews - 11] (2197 words)
3. Chapter 3 - Warm by MissMerlot [Reviews - 10] (1632 words)
4. Chapter 4 - Contact by MissMerlot [Reviews - 12] (1963 words)
5. Chapter 5 - Foundations by MissMerlot [Reviews - 7] (1594 words)
6. Chapter 6 - Truth by MissMerlot [Reviews - 10] (2104 words)
7. Chapter 7 - Meeting by MissMerlot [Reviews - 5] (2435 words)
8. Chapter 8 - Mixing by MissMerlot [Reviews - 9] (3073 words)
9. Chapter 9 - Defence by MissMerlot [Reviews - 9] (4629 words)
10. Chapter 10 - Disapproval by MissMerlot [Reviews - 6] (3140 words)
11. Chapter 11 - Disingenuous by MissMerlot [Reviews - 4] (1967 words)
12. Chapter 12 - Realisation by MissMerlot [Reviews - 6] (2858 words)
13. Chapter 13 - Disbelief by MissMerlot [Reviews - 10] (2461 words)
14. Chapter 14 - Reunion by MissMerlot [Reviews - 9] (3143 words)
15. Chapter 15 - Painful by MissMerlot [Reviews - 9] (3536 words)
16. Chapter 16 - Remembering by MissMerlot [Reviews - 10] (2160 words)
17. Chapter 17 - Truth by MissMerlot [Reviews - 7] (4360 words)
18. Chapter 18 - Soothe by MissMerlot [Reviews - 10] (1454 words)
19. Chapter 19 - Home by MissMerlot [Reviews - 10] (2613 words)
20. Chapter 20 - Nerves by MissMerlot [Reviews - 8] (1388 words)
21. Chapter 21 - Dance by MissMerlot [Reviews - 7] (3591 words)
22. Chapter 22 - Passion by MissMerlot [Reviews - 13] (1583 words)
23. Chapter 23 - Genuflection by MissMerlot [Reviews - 8] (2854 words)
24. Chapter 24 - What?! by MissMerlot [Reviews - 13] (2611 words)
25. Chapter 25 - Focus! by MissMerlot [Reviews - 11] (3182 words)
26. Chapter 26 - Showing by MissMerlot [Reviews - 5] (3458 words)
27. Chapter 27 - Idiocy by MissMerlot [Reviews - 6] (2317 words)
28. Chapter 28 - Unwanted/Wanted by MissMerlot [Reviews - 9] (4810 words)
29. Chapter 29 - Unashamed by MissMerlot [Reviews - 5] (2924 words)
30. Chapter 30 - Bears by MissMerlot [Reviews - 6] (2046 words)
31. Chapter 31 - When? by MissMerlot [Reviews - 8] (2100 words)
32. Chapter 32 - Repercussions by MissMerlot [Reviews - 5] (3147 words)
33. Chapter 33 - Honesty and Payback by MissMerlot [Reviews - 9] (3341 words)
34. Chapter 34 - Fall Out by MissMerlot [Reviews - 6] (2845 words)
35. Chapter 35 - Reality Bites by MissMerlot [Reviews - 7] (2236 words)
36. Chapter 36 - Protection by MissMerlot [Reviews - 8] (2208 words)
37. Chapter 37 - Stupidity, Love and Lust by MissMerlot [Reviews - 5] (3075 words)
38. Chapter 38 - Showdown by MissMerlot [Reviews - 5] (1490 words)
39. Chapter 39 - Consequences by MissMerlot [Reviews - 5] (1839 words)
40. Chapter 40 - Twitterpated and Trouble by MissMerlot [Reviews - 5] (1698 words)
***Brain Bleach Warning***
41. Chapter 41 - Afterthoughts and Machination by MissMerlot [Reviews - 4] (1539 words)
42. Chapter 42 - Broken Record and Just 'Broken' by MissMerlot [Reviews - 7] (5733 words)
43. Chapter 43 - Talking and Coventry by MissMerlot [Reviews - 7] (3816 words)
44. Chapter 44 - Resolution and Realisation by MissMerlot [Reviews - 7] (2363 words)
45. Chapter 45 - Twinkle by MissMerlot [Reviews - 7] (3764 words)
46. Chapter 46 - Cracking by MissMerlot [Reviews - 10] (2325 words)
47. Chapter 47 - Hoisted by their own Petard by MissMerlot [Reviews - 8] (5032 words)
48. Chapter 48 - Bad Idea by MissMerlot [Reviews - 7] (2708 words)
49. Chapter 49 - Confusion, Cessation and Confession by MissMerlot [Reviews - 6] (3231 words)
50. Chapter 50 - Rules, Portrait, Prison 'Break' and Brook Benton* by MissMerlot [Reviews - 7] (2152 words)
51. Chapter 51 - Permission, Celebration and Disclosure by MissMerlot [Reviews - 9] (4630 words)
52. Chapter 52 - Brandon Does What?! by MissMerlot [Reviews - 5] (2369 words)
53. Chapter 53 - Apology, Notice, Trouble and Surprises by MissMerlot [Reviews - 9] (3117 words)
54. Chapter 54 - QPM, Notices and Them! by MissMerlot [Reviews - 5] (1957 words)
55. Chapter 55 - Devil Makes Work for Idle Hands...both Good and Bad by MissMerlot [Reviews - 9] (2813 words)
56. Chapter 56 - Happiness and Sabotage by MissMerlot [Reviews - 9] (4905 words)
57. Chapter 57 - Junior B-Squad Go-Go-Go and Dumbass No 1 Stop-Stop-Stop! by MissMerlot [Reviews - 9] (2540 words)
58. Chapter 58 - Dumbass No 2 Envy? Really? and Sunday Bloody Sunday! by MissMerlot [Reviews - 8] (4288 words)
59. Chapter 59 - The Con, The Warden and A Night at the Opera by MissMerlot [Reviews - 5] (2295 words)
60. Chapter 60 - Babylon, Suspicions, Howdy Neighbour and Voyeurism by MissMerlot [Reviews - 6] (6413 words)
61. Chapter 61 - Denial, Tasting, Emmy's Machinations and Now They Begin by MissMerlot [Reviews - 5] (2832 words)
62. Chapter 62 - Tease, Taste and Tell by MissMerlot [Reviews - 8] (1607 words)
63. Chapter 63 - And You Are Out by MissMerlot [Reviews - 5] (2888 words)
64. Chapter 64 - Neighbourhood Watched by MissMerlot [Reviews - 5] (3391 words)
65. Chapter 65 - A Small World by MissMerlot [Reviews - 6] (4302 words)
66. Chapter 66 - Pot-Stirrers over Pot-Stickers by MissMerlot [Reviews - 8] (6365 words)
67. Chapter 67 - Bank of Dad and the Sky's the Limit by MissMerlot [Reviews - 4] (5019 words)
68. Chapter 68 - Fawning and Divining by MissMerlot [Reviews - 8] (1773 words)
69. Chapter 69 - Rights, Ripeness and Recognition by MissMerlot [Reviews - 5] (1823 words)
70. Chapter 70 - Decisions, Announcements and Honesty by MissMerlot [Reviews - 8] (3847 words)
71. Chapter 71 - Thank You by MissMerlot [Reviews - 6] (4546 words)
72. Chapter 72 - The Artistic Touch, Saying Goodbye and the Truth is Out by MissMerlot [Reviews - 8] (3118 words)
73. Chapter 73 - NEW YORK, NEW YORK...THE DUMBASSES ARE COMING by MissMerlot [Reviews - 7] (5648 words)
74. Chapter 74 - OUT AND ABOUT IN BEVERLY HILLS AND MEANWHILE IN NYC... by MissMerlot [Reviews - 7] (4927 words)
Brain bleach warning.
75. Chapter 75 - An Unexpected Assist, Slick vs Brian...and Reality Bites for Lindsay by MissMerlot [Reviews - 6] (4798 words)
76. Chapter 76 - Getting Married in the Morning...Right? by MissMerlot [Reviews - 10] (4388 words)
77. Chapter 77 - Trouble Crawls Back under that Rock by MissMerlot [Reviews - 5] (3345 words)
78. Chapter 78 - Oh Brother, Here Come the Grooms Part I and Oh Mother by MissMerlot [Reviews - 7] (3121 words)
79. Chapter 79 - Reality Bites the Stupid and Opens the Eyes of the Smart by MissMerlot [Reviews - 4] (4693 words)
80. Chapter 80 - Mother Really! And Here Come the Grooms Part II by MissMerlot [Reviews - 5] (2105 words)
81. Chapter 81 - Hello Happiness, Annoyance and Envy by MissMerlot [Reviews - 6] (3356 words)
82. Chapter 82 - The Wasp Nest by MissMerlot [Reviews - 3] (6928 words)
83. Chapter 83 - Truth and Meeting by MissMerlot [Reviews - 6] (2483 words)
84. Chapter 84 - Laying Down the Law by MissMerlot [Reviews - 7] (3098 words)
85. Chapter 85 - Blame Game by MissMerlot [Reviews - 7] (1826 words)
86. Chapter 86 - First Date and Being Strong by MissMerlot [Reviews - 3] (2648 words)
87. Chapter 87 - Taming of the Shrew and 'that' Movie by MissMerlot [Reviews - 7] (4227 words)
88. Chapter 88 - Revelations by MissMerlot [Reviews - 3] (2311 words)
89. Chapter 89 - Coming Together... by MissMerlot [Reviews - 3] (2270 words)
90. Chapter 90 - ...And Going Away by MissMerlot [Reviews - 13] (5157 words)