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Author's Chapter Notes:

***Brain Bleach Warning***


*old fashioned term for obsessed






There’s something off about Justin.


“Sunshine you okay?”


“Oh yeah thanks Deb I’m fine.”


Ems stares at him with concern as he slowly lowers himself into the booth. “Are you sure sweetie? You seem to be in a little bit of pain. Did you pull your back or something?


“Or something.”  Slick mutters as she slides into the booth next to Ems.


“Debs can I have the books?  I’ll have Ted look at them tomorrow.”


“Sure Ems.”


“Debs while you’re in there can you bring a cushion…for Justin’s back.”  Slick smiles at him.


“Sure thing.  Oh for back pain I recommend a salt bath.”  I call out as I head to the office.




I can feel the heated glare from Justin and really try hard not to smile in the face of his indignation but it’s just too good.


“Do you two share everything?!”  He hisses.


I almost choke on my water.  “Not everything.  You and Lindon and you are safe.  But in fairness he didn’t tell me, you did.”


“I didn’t!”  He refutes fiercely.


“Yes you did!”  I cackle and then hold my finger up in the face of whatever he was going to say.  “You couldn’t be more obvious if you tried!”


“How?  How was I obvious?  Surely there’s an employment law for this kind of thing!”


I take a breath.  “Rubbing your ass and trying really hard not to sit down unless it was absolutely necessary.”


Emmy Lou looks between the two of us and mouths a silent ‘oh’, before leaning towards Justin and whispering.  “I know just the thing for you.  When we’re done here, I’ll show you what you need for post uh glow.”


Debs comes back to the booth.  “Here’s the books for you and the cushion for you.  Now what will you have?”




So that’s them.  Those are the people causing my beloved distress.  They are laughing and joking whilst he is suffering near financial ruin.


When I went into his office this morning, he looked so tired.  I just wanted to take him into my arms and kiss away his pain, but I know I must wait. I must bide my time until he is receptive; until he’s in a place where only I can give him comfort.


The red headed lady seems to know them very well and oh my God who is that?!


I watch as a tall brunet makes his way to the back booth and slides next to…no-no-no!  Impossible, this ungrateful wretch can’t have two gorgeous men in his life one for a father and judging by the way they have kissed, one for a lover!






I can’t believe it’s come to this.  After we were released, we went straight to our lawyer who was not happy with us.  So every lunchtime we have to come uptown just in case any of them are eating in the diner.  Lindsay doesn’t mind it because she can read up about art but I am bored out of my mind!


“Lindz?  Lindz!”  I hiss at her ignoring the glare from the librarian who most probably hasn’t been laid in years and is frustrated by this.


“What is it?”


“I’m going to walk round town. How long before we can go back to the apartment?”


“Between twelve and three we have to be uptown. We have another hour and ten minutes.  Meet me back here at ten to three and we can head back home okay?”


I almost sob with relief and head out of the most boring place on earth.






Finally Squeakers is here and without BB so that’s good.


“Ah I’m glad you finally turned up.”


He looks up but continues to leaf through the comics as if I haven’t spoken.  He gathers his choices and heads to the counter.


“Here.”  I hand him an envelope.


“What’s this?”  He backs away as if it’s poisonous.


“Take it.”  I try to hand it to him again.


“No!  You keep it, I don’t want it! You can’t make me take it!”  He yells.  “I just want to pay for these and go.”


“But Mr Novotny this is your comic.”


“Yeah right, you just want to serve me with papers or some shit.  Well you can forget that. Whatever’s in that envelope, you can keep!  Now ring these up so I can get out of here.  I know for a fact that my comic is still in the safe at my former store!”


“No it's not. It is here in this envelope.  I can show you.”  I try again and this time start to open the envelope.


Before I could do anything to stop him he grabs the envelope from me and rips it in half.  I just stare at him in shock.


“Mr Novotny what the fuck did you do that for?!”


He smiles smugly at me.  “So you will have to get new papers of course.  Now let’s see what lies she’s fabricated this…”


As he pulls the contents out of the torn envelope he goes pale.


“My comic!” He screams and almost bursts into tears.






I see Michael sitting on the bench and go to join him with my books and he looks devastated.


“Oh my God Michael, what’s happened?”


“They tricked me!”  He almost sobs.  “They tricked me into tearing up my comic.”


“What?  Who tricked you?  What comic?”


“What comic?!  The one that was worth $30K and now isn’t!  We need to go to see our lawyer.  Now!”








“Kyle calm down.  Just send me the surveillance tapes disc along with the statements of the cashier and the security guard.  Don’t worry it will be fine; you are not at fault.”


I put the phone down and wonder to myself, why some people make it so easy on us lawyers and others make it so difficult.


“Hey, the idiot has struck again.  He tore up his comic thinking it was, well I don’t know what he thought it was but I suspect he’s going to try and get his lawyer to blame you for this.  Okay I’ll let you know.  Take care.”






“Well Mr Taylor if that’s all, I’ll be going home now.”


“Thanks Shirley, I don’t need you for anything else.  Good night.”


As I head out I see Mr TT still at his desk. He seems to be in a world of his own. It’s a shame that this can’t actually be the case, he is seriously creepy!




I just need to finish up this report and then I can go home.  It was an interesting fact finding mission today.


“Mr Gold what are you still doing here?”


“Just finishing off this report Mr Taylor, I should be done soon.”


“Good.  Good it’s nice to see some diligence and effort being made. People could learn from you.”


I bask in his praise as he returns to his office.  Twenty minutes later he comes out again.


“Mr Gold, go home. I’m sure you’ve got better things to do with your time.”


“If you’re sure Mr Taylor, I’d be happy to stay and help with anything you wanted.”


“I’m sure.  Nobody stays behind after me, so let’s go.”


As he locks up I imagine his strong fingers stroking me like I stroke my violin and barely contain my whimper of pleasure.


“Everything okay there?”


“Yes, thank you.”


“Well goodnight then.  See you in the morning.”


I watch him stride away and when he’s far enough away I whisper.  “No, I’ll see you tonight in my dreams as always.”






I can’t fucking believe it.  We’ve been back from our soon to be ex lawyer’s office for the last hour or so and he’s told me that the comic thing was my fault!  And when I asked how he worked that out, he laughed and told me that nobody made me tear up the comic so therefore my fault.


“Maybe we can sellotape the pages back together…”


“Lindz, could you just not speak for a bit please.”


“What are you mad at me for?  It’s not my fault you didn’t think things through, is it?!”


“Not think things through? What’s that supposed to mean?”


She takes a breath before squaring her shoulders.  “Simple. If you hadn’t launched yourself at Hunter you wouldn’t be facing attempted assault charges.  If you had just taken the envelope and looked at the contents then you wouldn’t have a ripped comic and if…”


“You’re supposed to be on my side! You’re supposed to be my friend.  In this together remember?!”  I shout at her.


“I am and we are!  But this time you need to own those mistakes…”


“As if you haven’t made…”


The door knocking halts our argument.  She opens it and I’m surprised to find Kyle outside.


“What the fuck are you doing here?”  I demand.


“To let you know that we will be bringing in our stock tomorrow afternoon, so you need to get your stuff out.”


“Really are you fucking kidding?!”  I shout at him.  “Where do you suggest I put it all?”


He sighs before turning to leave.  “They’re called storage facilities. You need to get it out by midday tomorrow so we can open on Thursday.”


“And if I don’t?!”  I snap belligerently.


“We’ll sell everything for a buck and give you the money.  And I mean everything.



Chapter End Notes:

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