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It was brief but I caught it.  The look of affront in his eyes.  As I head back to the diner, a thought occurs to me.  Oh this is going to be good.  But first, this hunch of mine, I need to see if I’m right.


I walk straight past the diner and head home.  Once I get there, I let myself in and wait.  Less than a minute later Michael is walking up the path.  He pauses and pulls out his phone, I crack open the door and listen.


“Michael Nov…”  He pauses and looks at the phone and his eyebrows shoot to the top of his skull.  “Norris.  Michael Norris speaking.  Oh hi, yes thank you for returning my call.  Yes, it’s with regards to the wedding being held on the 5 May, I wonder could you tell me who is getting mar…yes but…of course I’m invited, it’s just…hello?  Hello?  Fuckers!”


He looks at the phone in his hand again while muttering to himself. This guy is so inept, it is embarrassing.


I slowly and quietly close the door then dash to my room.  I grab a cookery book and a notebook and then make my way back down.  As I come outside, I’m relieved to see Michael is having a conversation with Mrs Meyers, a very sweet but talkative elderly lady, who I think is lonely.  And when I say conversation, she’s talking and he’s trying to get away.  Luckily he has his back to me so he doesn’t see me pass.  I wave at her and put my headphones on and start to jog back to the diner. I think I can hear Michael shouting my name…oh well never mind.






“Where have you been?”  Ems demands, piling up his papers.  “Everything go okay?  I was wondering if I should send out a search party!”


“Yeah, where’s everyone else?”  I ask as I slide in next to Debs.


“Studio for a fuckfest starring Brian and Justin and emporium for Slick.”  Debs chuckles.  “Oh and you missed the key handing over show.”


I look at Ems, who is grin is equally huge.




“Well seems that Kyle may have a roomie.”  He pauses for effect.  “Brandon picked them up.”


“Really!”  I almost squeal with delight.  “Kyle and Brandon.  Thought Brandon had aspirations to be the next Stud of the Avenue though?”


“Seems that now that current King is princed up and very happy, some folk want a taste of the love pie.”  He stretches out along the booth and swings his feet.  “And Twinkle invited him to the wedding and he said we would be delighted, take this as a yes.


“So where were you?”  Debs asks.


“Oh, went to meet the dumbass duo and then went back home because I forgot something…”


“Honey why didn’t you call me I would’ve…”


“No, when I say forgot, I mean I had an odd feeling after meeting up with them and sure enough Michael followed me.”


“Shit do you think…”


“Of course he suspects me but I have in place the one thing that will shut him the fuck up.  Oh and you need to take some lemon bars to Mrs Meyers. She caught him and engaged him in a conversation.  Sadly as I was passing, I had my earphones on and couldn’t hear the pleading calls of my name…”  They join me in the snickering.  “But I did manage to overhear him on the phone saying he’s Michael Norris and asking about the wedding.”


Debs sighs heavily and shakes her head sadly.  “No one should be happy unless he decrees it.  Where did I go wrong?”


Ems and I exchange looks.  “Honestly?”  I ask and she nods.


“You always believed him first, last and always and even when it was proven that he was wrong, you expected people to fix and forgive.  And- please remember you asked me to be honest- and now that he’s projected his behaviour onto you, you hate it and recognise the truth in what people were trying to say.  Also, you’re annoyed with yourself because you’ve been played.”


She’s silent and at first I think she’s going to start shouting but sighs resignedly instead.  “Slick said exactly the same thing... exactly the same.”  She pats my hand and I let out a sigh of relief.  “So what’s with the book?”


I look down and put it away.  “My reason. I couldn’t come out of the house empty handed.”


“So what happened when you met them?”  Ems demands, drumming his fingers in mock impatience.


“I told them they can stay at my sister’s place in Shadyside instead.  She has a place in Foxes Avenue with her husband.”


They gape at me.  “Shadyside?  Foxes Avenue?”  Debs asks.  “The whole point is that they are to be made miserable, not comfortable.”


“Oh don’t worry, I know what I’m doing.”








I keep absolutely still astride him as he raises his hips to enter me.  Looking down into his enraptured face, I smile and stutter out a breath as inch by slow inch he slides in.  I really want to sink down and flatten him to the bed, but the burn feels so good.




I mewl as he stops, then wipes one hand and then the other on the bed before grabbing my hips again and continuing his torturously slow, but delicious, entrance.


“Almost.”  He grunts and then grins.  “Touchdown…I mean up.  Oh this feels so good!”


I grip his biceps and sweat drips onto his chest.


“Move, please move!”  I gasp.


He slides briefly out and then straight back in nailing my prostate every time.  I yelp, groan, swear and promise him anything in the world as long as he doesn’t stop.  The grip on my hips keeping me still, makes the thrusts more intense.  And although he’s doing most of the work, the expression on his face and his cries of passion say he’s not bothered.


“Cum…cum now!”  He yells and I spray over his chest. “Yes!”  He bellows as he explodes into me.  While his flexing grip tightens and releases my flesh, I can feel my second orgasm building quickly.


“Br-i-an…oh God!”  I shudder again and he winces as I dig my nails in but I can’t help it.  Damn, it’s so intense!


I lay my head in the crook of his neck as he rubs my back.  I inspect his bicep and stroke the half-moon indentations.


“I don’t think I could manage that position.”  He chuckles ruefully.


“Mmm, you are a little…”


“Hair triggered if hit right?”  He smirks at me.  “And judging by your squalling, I would be done in about 3 thrusts.”


I snicker and nod into his neck before sitting up and slowly sliding off him.


“Hate that part.”  I grumble and he nods in agreement as I reach for the towel to clean us up.


He’s staring up at the ceiling with a confused expression so I look up.


“What?”  I ask, not seeing anything amiss.


“You know what I think that the roof to this building is…I’m sure it is.”




“There is a building on Liberty Avenue that has a glass block roof and I think this is it!”


“Okay so that generates excitement why?”


“Come on!”  He orders and pulls on his briefs; I hop out of bed and look round for mine.  “How do you not remember you went commando?”  He hands me my jeans.


“I got distracted.”  I mock pout.


We make our way onto the fire escape and onto the very top of the building.  The buildings on each side and the wall at the front of the building give us a degree of protection.  There is a load of crap up here.  He finds a piece of metal and scrapes the floor and it starts to come off.


“Yeah this is just painted on.  You know if you swapped the studio and living area around- not now obviously- and cleaned the shit off the roof, you would have a great...”


I pounce on him and silence him with a kiss that has him hard in seconds.


“Two things.”  I pant.  “First, we celebrate that marvellous idea and second, we call Slick and ask if we can do it.”


He hustles me back downstairs.






Michael is doing what he does best…he’s complaining!  This time he’s moaning about his fucking truck.  He’s finally got it back after paying a massive impound release fee and the charges for parking there in the first place.  We’re waiting for Claire to join us so we can go to her sister’s house.


“Ah here she is!”  I almost cry with relief and Claire comes up to us.


“Hi, you guys ready?”  She asks.


“Yes!  Let’s go!   Now please!”  I almost take off running at the thought of getting away from his incessant whining.




I suppress the urge to laugh and follow them round the car park and head to the car.


“Okay I’ll pull up round the corner and then you guys follow me to Shadyside.”


Michael’s response is immediate and predictable. “I thought your sister lived in Mount Lebanon.”


“She does but she also has a place in Shadyside, but if you want to go to Mount Lebanon instead that’s fine…”


Lindsay predictably interrupts and harnesses her inner WASP.  “No, no, let’s go to Shadyside.”


“Fine.”  I head to the car and can hear Michael muttering angrily about me having a car.






Oh this is much better!  Much better than that apartment we were crammed into.  Not even Michael can object to this place, surely?


“Here we are.”  Claire says and then looks at the truck as Michael pulls up.  “Uh Michael, you can’t park that there.”


“Well obviously I’m going to move it once all my stuff is unloaded but…”


“Unloaded?  All of what stuff is unloaded?”  She looks at me and then back at Michael.


“My things.”


“No.  And absolutely not!  You are not putting your stuff in her house.  That is one of the rules.  Only their stuff in their house.  Clothing and toiletries but nothing else and it has to remain in your rooms…”


“But my films, comics and…”


“No.”  She repeats.


“Would these same rules apply in Mount Lebanon?”  He mutters.




Just think of the greater good, the greater good.


“Yes they would.  So are we going in or are you going back to the hotel, where the room rate is considerably higher?”


“Michael.”  Lindsay growls at him, almost foaming at the mouth.


“Excuse me can I help…oh Claire hello!”


I smile as Sandrine St Bride comes across.   “Sandrine, how lovely to see you!”


I give her a quick squeeze.  “These are them... Make hell.”  I whisper.


“And these are the movers?”  She smiles at them.  “Will you take long to move her…”


“Oh no, Sandrine, no!  These aren’t the movers. These are the people Catherine’s letting stay here temporarily whilst she’s away in Spain.”


Her face falls comically, and I have to bite the inside of my cheek.  “I see. Well it’s nice to meet you, uh…”


“Lindsay Peterson and this is Michael Novotny.”


“Peterson, Peterson?  Not the Petersons on Columbus Avenue by any chance?”


Lindsay practically glows.  “Yes that’s them.  Nancy and Ronald…”


“Interesting couple.   Well lovely to have met you…uh both.  I’ll leave you to get settled.”  She turns to walk away.  “The parking restrictions have been changed. You can only leave those on the Avenue for a maximum of 30 minutes.”


“We…ouch!”  Whatever Michael was going to say was elbowed into silence by Lindsay.


“Of course Sandrine!”  Lindsay calls out.  “The Avenue will be restored to its pristine manner in no time.”


Sandrine turns briefly and tinkles a wave.


“What a snobby bitch!”  He snips and rolls his eyes.  “I could murder a coffee.  Are you going to let us in then?”


“Michael…”  I begin.


“Claire?  Is that you?  Oh my goodness it is!  My darling, how are you?”


“Terez!  What the hell?!”  I squeal and rush to meet her halfway and embrace her fiercely as she gives me a lip smacking kiss.


“I know right!”  She holds me at arm’s length before hugging me again.  “So who are these people?  Especially that bundle of gorgeousness?”


“Lindsay, Lindsay Peterson and this is…”


“It is to him, I am referring.”  Terez purrs brushing past Lindsay and coming to a bounteously chested halt in front of Michael.  “Now you… you, I can do some marvellous things to.  Now what is your name sweet thing?”


The expression on Lindsay’s face is hilarious. She looks a cross between insulted and horrified.  Whereas, Michael is frozen in place, his eyes glued to her chest with morbid fascination.


“Michael, his name is Michael.”  I tell her.  “Michael this is Terez. She’s one of your neighbours and very friendly.”


“I can see that.”  Lindsay snipes.  “Shouldn’t we be getting unpacked? We wouldn’t want to create a bad first impression on Sandrine…”


“Oh you’ve met her, I see.  Lovely woman in very small doses…”  Terez has not taken her eyes off Michael.


“I’m gay!”  Michael finally recovers the power of speech.


“Good to know but my face is up here.”  Terez tilts up his chin.  “Hmmm, the face is up, now can we get the eyes to follow?”


Lindsay is almost white with fury.


“Terez, for heaven sake, let him go.  You can molest him later!”  I tease her.


“I look forward to that.”  She coos.  “So Michael and Limpet...oh, sorry Lisbeth, how long are you two going to be living here?”


“It’s Lindsay.  And for a couple of months, should we find it suitable.”  Lindsay sniffs, haughtily.


“Good.  I have plenty of time then.  You’ve heard of conversion therapy?”  She asks Michael and he just nods.  “Yours is walking away.”  


She turns and walks away, swaying her hips and Lindsay snorts in annoyance.


“Michael?  Michael!”  She shouts and he whips round to face her.  “Moving in? You could murder a coffee?  Any of that ringing a bell?!”


He goes red and stalks to the door.  “Yeah come on, let’s get inside.”


“Uh Michael.”  I snicker.  “My sister lives in this house.”  I point to the building next door.  “And no, you can’t hop over the wall!”  I admonish him when he starts raise his leg.  “Only dogs cock their legs Michael.”


We get inside and I take them upstairs and open the first door and just stare at the empty space.


“Uh Claire?”  Lindsay begins.


“What the fuck?”  I grab my phone and check my watch.  “Pick up, pick up!”  I hiss and mouth apologies at them.  “Catherine, it’s me!  Where’s the furniture?  No, no!  I told him that we would be going to Shadyside as I thought that Lindsay might prefer it!  For heaven…what am they supposed to do now?!  What?  What?  Great apologies from the Great One not helping right now!  They can’t sleep on the floor!  Yes, yes call me back!”


I turn to them.  “Guys I’m so sorry but my sister’s husband is an idiot and didn’t tell give her my message but she’s going to sort it…”


“So we can sleep in one of the other rooms then?”


“No, Michael you can’t…”


“Why not?  They’re not here and besides it’s their fault that we have nothing to sleep on!”


“Because the only other room made up is my sister’s bedroom.  Her private sanctuary that she shares with her husband and only her husband.”


I sigh and rub my temple and hear the door knock and Sandrine’s voice calling up.


“Up here!”  I shout, then hear her coming up the stairs.


“I really hate to complain but…”  She looks round the room.  “Are you planning on sleeping on the floor?”


“No my brother-in-law didn’t pass on the message to my sister that we were coming here and not Mount Lebanon so she’s had them prep there instead.  Fuck!  Sorry Sandrine…”


“Hello?”  Terez calls up.  “There is a patrol car looking at the trucks, what should I do?”


“This is not happening.”  I groan and then my phone rings.  “This is Claire.  Catherine!  What’s happening? Great, that’s great but what do they do about tonight?  What do you mean ask the neighbours…?”


“Let me talk to her.”  Sandrine waves for the phone and I hand it to her.


“Catherine my dear, it’s Sandrine.  Uh huh, okay, well that is unfortunate.  Yes, I understand.  Of course, no I’ll ask around.  Yes, yes of course, bye.  There.  Now the trucks…”


“Terez, can you come up here please?!”  I yell and watch Lindsay’s expression darken as Terez zeroes in on Michael.


“Ooh minimalism, I like it. Gives us more room for other things.”


“Terez, focus!”  I snipe.


“I am.  Oh believe me, I am.”


“Can you take them to a parking garage, before they clamp and tow away the trucks?  Lindsay will follow.  Make sure it’s an overnight place and only bring the bare minimum.   You can bring in the rest tomorrow.  And remember, Michael clothes and toiletries only!”


He glares at me and was about to say something when Sandrine clears her throat.


“Meanwhile, I’m going to speak to a couple of neighbours I know who have a spare room that they can put you each up in for the night.  Lindsay, would you like to stay with me?”


“Oh I’d love to Sandrine!  That’s very kind.”  She gushes.


I don’t look at Terez as I know her eyes have rolled back in her head in exasperation.


“What about me, where do I sleep?”  Michael demands.


“We’ll let you know when you get back.”  I sigh.  “Now the quicker you go, the less chance there is of your trucks being towed…”


That gets them moving along.  I follow them down and wave them off.


“Oh my God, she has not fallen far from the Nancy tree, that one!”  Sandrine giggles and pulls me into a hug.  “No more of this fraud nonsense?”  She glares at me sternly.


“No more of this fraud nonsense...  Honest.”


“Hmm.”  She regards me quietly and then nods.  “Now before you tell me about this sponsorship and your friends you’ve made, exactly how far can I go in making them miserable?”


“Have at it as Slick would say.”  She frowns.  “She’s one of the friends I made.”


She nods.  “I bought a couple of pieces, I think I’ll put her in the room with them.  We’re going to his show in New York you know.  Such a talent.”


“Pieces?”  I repeat.


“Yes.  Justin Taylor. What an amazing young man!  Such a terrible way for a father to behave.”


“Sandrine!  You bought some of his art?  I thought you just wanted to mess with Lindsay because Nancy had been such a bitch to you.  You devil!”


“Lucky for you, I have idle hands for him to make work.”  She grins impishly.  “Now about you and Terez…I take it the rumours of you two reconnecting are true?”


I blush to the soles of my feet.


“Good.  Because when she’s done messing with his mind during the day, the nights should be interesting for you to say the least.”


I didn’t think I could go any redder…I was wrong.



Chapter End Notes:

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