What if Justin didn't run off to New York after Brian's loft got burgled? What happens when he decides to face the situation like an adult? Join us on the journey to find out.
Rated: M
Categories: QAF US Characters: Ben Bruckner, Brian Kinney, Carl Horvath, Cynthia, Daphne Chanders, David Cameron, Debbie Novotny, Emmett Honeycutt, Jennifer Taylor, Justin Taylor, Lindsay Peterson, Melanie Marcus, Michael Novotny, Molly Taylor, Other Cast Regulars, Ted Schmidt, Vic Grassi
Tags: 500k+ Word Count, Anal Sex (Lots of it!), Anti-Michael, Bottom Brian, Family, Getting Back Together, Jealousy, Oral Sex, Responsible Justin, Rimming, Slow Burn, Toppy Justin, What if...
Genres: Alternate Universe, Angst, Canon Divergence, Drama, Humor, Hurt/Comfort, Porny, Romance
Pairings: Brian/Justin, Debbie/Carl, Melanie/Lindsay, Michael/David, Ted/Ben
Challenges: None
Series: Tricky Business
Chapters: 48 Completed: No
Word count: 780682 Read: 150861
ePub Downloads: 127 Published: Jan 01, 2017 Updated: Apr 10, 2022
1. Chapter 1: Saturday, November 4th, 2000 by eureka1 [Reviews - 25] (7670 words)
This story is a shared effort of mine and Brynn_Jones, my wonderful Synergy Sister. I promise that we’ll do our best to push out a chapter once a week.
2. Chapter 2: Sunday, November 5th - Part 1 by eureka1 [Reviews - 6] (9013 words)
3. Chapter 3: Sunday, November 5th - Part 2 by eureka1 [Reviews - 7] (6517 words)
We’re going back in time to read about Brian’s day leading up to the dinner at Debbie’s, so don’t be confused, girls and boys. Also, for purposes of this story, Gus is slightly older than he would be in canon - around eight months.
4. Chapter 4: Monday, November 6th - Part 1 by eureka1 [Reviews - 7] (7788 words)
We’ve updated the story banner, thanks to samcdee - check it out!
5. Chapter 5: Monday, November 6th - Part 2 by eureka1 [Reviews - 5] (8083 words)
6. Chapter 6: Tuesday, November 7th by eureka1 [Reviews - 7] (10307 words)
7. Chapter 7: Wednesday, November 8th by eureka1 [Reviews - 10] (8018 words)
8. Chapter 8: Thursday, November 9th by eureka1 [Reviews - 8] (8910 words)
9. Chapter 9: Friday, November 10th by eureka1 [Reviews - 7] (9346 words)
10. Chapter 10: Veterans Day, Saturday, November 11th by eureka1 [Reviews - 5] (12663 words)
It has come to our attention that several of our readers are becoming impatient with the slow progress of Brian and Justin's relationship. We felt a bit confused about that at first as the boys have been apart for barely a week, but then we realised that not everyone has cottoned on that our chapters consecutively describe Brian and Justin's story day by day.
11. Chapter 11: Sunday, November 12th by eureka1 [Reviews - 7] (14847 words)
My Synergy Sister and I would like to express our never-ending gratitude to Alois, whose help has been invaluable during the shaping of this chapter. Trust us; it would make a lot less sense without her. :D
12. Chapter 12: Monday, November 13th by eureka1 [Reviews - 5] (9733 words)
13. Chapter 13: Tuesday, November 14th by eureka1 [Reviews - 7] (9763 words)
14. Chapter 14: Wednesday, November 15th by eureka1 [Reviews - 6] (7120 words)
We're back! Apologies for the inactivity but we'll be updating again from now on. It may not be as regular as before, but we will update as often as possible.
We've had a few comments about the combination of British and American English in our story. We feel like it adds character to our story, and don't think we should change that, so we hope you're enjoying it (and maybe even learning a few new words here and there).
Also, keep in mind that in our story, it's been less than two weeks since the burglary. :)
15. Chapter 15: Thursday, November 16th by eureka1 [Reviews - 7] (6294 words)
16. Chapter 16: Friday, November 17th by eureka1 [Reviews - 6] (5596 words)
17. Chapter 17: Saturday, November 18th by eureka1 [Reviews - 5] (5326 words)
18. Chapter 18: Sunday, November 19th by eureka1 [Reviews - 5] (6162 words)
In case you are easily triggered, there is a warning for this chapter. You can find it in the end notes. :)
19. Chapter 19: Monday, November 20th by eureka1 [Reviews - 10] (12216 words)
20. Chapter 20: Tuesday, November 21st by eureka1 [Reviews - 7] (6683 words)
21. Chapter 21: Wednesday, November 22nd by eureka1 [Reviews - 6] (8402 words)
22. Chapter 22: Thanksgiving, Thursday, November 23rd by eureka1 [Reviews - 12] (20494 words)
This is a humongous chapter - rather like Thanksgiving feast everyone is about to enjoy. You may want to give yourself time to digest one section before moving on to the next. :)
23. Chapter 23: Friday, November 24th by eureka1 [Reviews - 9] (7267 words)
24. Chapter 24: Saturday, November 25th by eureka1 [Reviews - 8] (10292 words)
25. Chapter 25: Sunday, November 26th by eureka1 [Reviews - 8] (8800 words)
26. Chapter 26: Monday, November 27th by eureka1 [Reviews - 9] (14333 words)
27. Chapter 27: Tuesday, November 28th by eureka1 [Reviews - 6] (15663 words)
Happy New Year! to our wonderful, often cheeky, readers. :) We have an update for you at last - one year to the day after we posted the first chapter.
28. Chapter 28: Wednesday, November 29th by eureka1 [Reviews - 9] (19799 words)
Warning! We packed so much into this chapter that it rivals the Thanksgiving chapter in length. You may want to split up your reading into more digestible chunks. :)
29. Chapter 29: Thursday, November 30th by eureka1 [Reviews - 7] (8938 words)
30. Chapter 30: Friday, December 1st by eureka1 [Reviews - 11] (12963 words)
"Oh, look, Christmas decorations - it's finally December! What do you mean, it's already February?"
31. Chapter 31: Saturday, December 2nd by eureka1 [Reviews - 7] (22032 words)
Take heed. We've written another novella, folks! You may want to split our longest chapter yet into smaller, more easily digestible chunks. :)
32. Chapter 32: Sunday, December 3rd by eureka1 [Reviews - 8] (21097 words)
33. Chapter 33: Monday, December 4th by eureka1 [Reviews - 5] (25146 words)
At Brynn's insistence (she's scarred), we present you with a trigger warning for this chapter: There's some talk of a heterosexual relationship between parental figures.
34. Chapter 34: Wednesday, December 6th by eureka1 [Reviews - 12] (18657 words)
We've made a big time jump, folks. :D An entire day has been skipped over. We are moving to Wednesday the 6th.
35. Chapter 35: Thursday, December 7th by eureka1 [Reviews - 9] (20365 words)
36. Chapter 36: Friday, December 8th by eureka1 [Reviews - 10] (19608 words)
37. Chapter 37: Saturday, December 9th by eureka1 [Reviews - 11] (15675 words)
38. Chapter 38: Sunday, December 10th by eureka1 [Reviews - 8] (41642 words)
Happy holidays! An update at last, now that eureka1's Internet has been restored :)
39. Chapter 39: Monday, December 11th by eureka1 [Reviews - 10] (17003 words)
40. Chapter 40: Tuesday, December 12th by eureka1 [Reviews - 10] (21474 words)
41. Chapter 41: Thursday, December 14th by eureka1 [Reviews - 6] (12506 words)
We've made another time jump, folks. :D An entire day has been skipped over, and we are moving to Thursday the 14th.
Also, sincere apologies for the long hiatus; real life has been a serious pain in the arse lately. Karynn has been hit with one virus after another, while Brynn has been slaving over vials of blood in a heretofore futile effort to finish her master's thesis. Neither of us therefore had the time, or honestly, the drive to write.
The flurry of comments that appeared under the last chapter has managed to get through to us, though, and we have rallied our forces to finally give you an update. This chapter is one of our favourites, and we're really looking forward to your reactions.
Thank you once again for all the wonderful words, opinions, and compliments, and feel free to leave more ;)
42. Chapter 42: Friday, December 15th by eureka1 [Reviews - 9] (16535 words)
In case you are easily triggered, there is a warning for this chapter. You can find it in the end notes. :)
43. Chapter 43: Saturday, December 16th by eureka1 [Reviews - 10] (26188 words)
In case you are easily triggered, there is a warning for this chapter. You can find it in the end notes. :)
44. Chapter 44: Sunday, December 17th - Part 1 by eureka1 [Reviews - 11] (20606 words)
45. Chapter 45: Sunday, December 17th - Part 2 by eureka1 [Reviews - 7] (51784 words)
46. Chapter 46: Monday, December 18th by eureka1 [Reviews - 4] (42250 words)
Happy Holidays to our wonderful readers! :) Here's hoping 2021 is better than 2020 for all of us.
47. Chapter 47: Tuesday, December 19th by eureka1 [Reviews - 11] (38168 words)
My Synergy Sister and I have been having a great time reading the recent discussions on AO3 - both about our fic and the show. The comments have really motivated us to finish this chapter!
Whether you read on KD or on AO3, feel free to join in :) The more commentary, the more we're inspired to keep writing.
48. Chapter 48: Wednesday, December 20th by eureka1 [Reviews - 3] (50940 words)
Another post in April? Wait... that was last April?