A Partner-free Week Getaway has sent relationships spiraling out of control. After a public altercation, landing the couples in front of Judge Marcus, four skilled counselors will have their work cut out for them to save the well-known couples of Liberty Avenue.
The question is: can they be saved... or do they even want to?
*This ambitious work is 5 stories in one fic!
Before I Let Go: General and Counselors Povs
Staying or Going- Brian and Justin’s story
In or Out- Michael and Ben’s story
The Wife or the Mistress- Ted and Blake’s story
Fire and Ice- Emmett and Drew’s story
Rated: M
Categories: QAF US, Plot Bunnies Characters: Ben Bruckner, Blake Wyzecki, Brian Kinney, Drew Boyd, Emmett Honeycutt, Justin Taylor, Melanie Marcus, Original Character, Other Cast Regulars, Ted Schmidt
Tags: Drug Use - Recreational, Established Relationship, Jealousy, Language, M/M, Out of Character, Post-series, Real Life Issues, Season 3, Season 4, Toppy Justin, Voyeurism
Genres: Alternate Canon, Alternate Universe, Angst w/ Happy Ending, Could be Canon, Drama, Hurt/Comfort, Porny, Romance
Pairings: Brian/Justin, Emmett/Drew, Michael/Ben, Ted/Blake
Challenges: None
Series: None
Chapters: 78 Completed: No
Word count: 196333 Read: 227979
ePub Downloads: 127 Published: Apr 06, 2017 Updated: Jun 09, 2023
I, Nichelle, hold no stake in the any franchise mentioned therein. All known characters, landmarks and canon-related storyline belong to their respective owners. No copyright infringement is intended. The orginal plot and characters are the sole property of this author.
A few minor announcements:
*To Deb Tanner who spawned this bunny some time ago and to Lorie, THANK YOU both so much for your continued creativity and editing superpower! To the LLLC, the Muskababes and SHINE, thank you all for your encouragement. This work just kept evolving until there was no way NOT to split it up.
-This work is not only broken up into five different stories but also by "BOOKS." I'll try and give a summary of each 'Book' as they are added. Also, the beginning 'chapter' for each couple will contain their summary in the chapter notes. This is why I outlined the name of their stories on the cover page so it served as an easy reference.
-Although this work is not necessarily Anti-Michael, as always it isn't favorable to him. In fact, there will be moments that it will not be favorable to any of the characters. As you know, I make it a goal to write them 'real' which means they will have emotions, decisions, reactions/responses similar to our own. If you're looking for fluff, ahhh..this ain't it! It will be raw, gritty, dirty, rough at times and whatever else the emotion calls for. That said, I hope that as they are feeling the emotions, so are you!
-Although there are some tags, I AM NOT tagging this to death. We're all adults and can govern ourselves about what we read or don't read. That said, I do not expect to get a whole lot of reviews/ emails about why I didn't tag this or that. Consider me the rebellious one this time. I'm not giving away the plot unduly and although tags can be useful, they can also be harmful. This is one of those times!
*Although it is not a song-fic, the song that inspired this fic is one that I listen to relentlessly. I will post the lyrics with the first chapter of BILG. This time, I recommend that your really read them and absorb them. They say so much of what the characters are feeling.
-Due to my own other WIPs, this will enter a rotation schedule as well BUT much like today, there will be multiple chapters posted at one time. So whereas you'll have to wait for updates, you'll be getting them in bulk and that's a WIN-WIN since I don't believe in putting out junk just to say I put a chapter up. My motto has always been and always will be: Quality NOT Quantity.
I really hope that you enjoy this undertaking. The format is kind of similar to an original novel I've been working on for awhile. Writing work where there is more than one MC is challenging and only one way I continue to cultivate my craft and push myself. I hope you enjoy taking this journey with me!
Happy Reading and HUGS,
7/11/2019 ADDENDUM TO THE ABOVE ANNOUNCEMENTS: Because this is such a UNIQUE and AMBITIOUS work, I've decided to separate each "BOOK" with a new banner, which will remain up until the current book is completed. It's also my way of reminding myself where I left off...LOL So I hope you all are continuing to enjoy this massive labor of LIFE and LOVE!
1. BOOK I: THE MESS WE’RE IN by Nichelle Wellesly [Reviews - 6] (40 words)
Before I Let Go- Frankie Beverly and Maze
You made me happy/ This you can bet/ You stood right beside me, yeah
And I won't forget / And I really love you/ You should know/ I wanna make sure I'm right {girl}/ Before I let go
Now we've had our good times/ That's what they say/ We're hurtin' each other/ {Girl}, it's a shame/ I won't be foolish, no, no/ I wanna know
I wanna make sure I'm right, {girl}, oh/ Before I let go, yeah, uh
You know I think the sun rises and shines on you/ You know there's nothin', nothin', nothin' I would not do/ Whoa, no
Before I let you go
I would never, never, never, never, never, never, never
Never let you go before I know
We were so close/ I love your charm, ooh/ I can’t understand it, no
Where did we go wrong/ I won't be askin', {girl}/ I've got to know
I gotta make sure I'm right/ Before I let go, ha-ha
I wanna know/ I wanna know
I can't, I can't let you go
Cause I know
2. BEFORE I LET GO: Chapter One by Nichelle Wellesly [Reviews - 7] (6530 words)
Meet the Counselors...
Counselors: Will hold both individual and couple sessions
Alex Wilder *Brian and Justin
Barry Monroe *Ben and Michael
Duke Masterson* Emmett and Drew
Bernard Fisher* Ted and Blake
3. STAYING or GOING: Chapter One by Nichelle Wellesly [Reviews - 6] (2162 words)
Staying or Going Summary:
Justin gets a job offer that he’s been considering for a while. Brian seems to be making the decision for him, although he’s not discussed it with Brian at all. Why? Because Michael keeps calling for Brian at the most inopportune times. Although Brian had the locks changed at Justin’s request, it’s still like Michael is the third-party in their relationship. After more than seven years post-Fiddler, Justin is beginning to wonder if they are even worth fighting for anymore. So when Michael suggests a ‘Partner-free Week’, naturally Justin is pissed that Brian decides to go without even talking with him about it, but decides to take the time to decide if Brian is still who he wants and whom he wants to be for himself.
Brian knows that Justin has been hiding something from him but he isn’t sure what. So he’s opting for avoidance, which is why whenever Michael calls, Brian gets the hell out of house as fast as his legs can move. It’s not that he really wants to spend time in the Stud edition of Fantasy Island that Michael seems to still inhabit whenever Brian is around. Although he and Justin aren’t monogamous, they haven’t been seeking pleasure outside of each other and Brian just hasn’t wanted to. But old fears are beginning to resurface back from the Ethan Gold days, and Michael’s slight digs aren’t helping matters. So when Michael suggests that he needs to get away and he wants just the original four guys together for a Partner-free week, Brian decides to go; to rethink the last seven years and try to figure out where they are going wrong again. He doesn’t want to lose Justin but if it means the blond’s happiness, than Brian will let him go once and for all this time.
4. IN or OUT: Chapter One by Nichelle Wellesly [Reviews - 5] (1415 words)
In or Out Summary- Ben and Michael
Ben is feeling like his relationship with Michael is just spinning tires with nowhere else to go. At first, he was thrilled that Michael chased him, singing horribly in Woody’s, humiliating himself, all for a chance to be with him. But with Michael’s latest regression into days gone by, Ben is beginning to wonder why Michael did. Meanwhile he is experiencing his own self-esteem issues upon the death of yet another of Paul’s former partners. Paul was the man who infected him after having an affair with James Howard, Ben’s former best friend. Michael’s continued obsession with all things Brian is causing a painful recollection that Ben doesn’t want to feel. He now has to decide if his marriage to Michael is worth saving.
Michael cannot believe the monotony his life has taken on. Work, home, husband, that seems to be all there is to his life. And it isn’t just him, but his circle of friends too. He missed how his life was before responsibility took it over. So whenever he gets a chance, he calls Brian to cure him of his boredom, which as of late seems to be incurable. It doesn’t help that Brian and Justin seemed to be getting closer and closer to actually making a ceremonial commitment. That would be the worse thing ever for Michael, since it would mean that Brian has the same obligations to Justin that he has to Ben, and would no longer have the freedom to be at Michael’s beck and call. Although he’s given up his ‘Two Old Queens in Palms Springs’ dreams of Brian a long time ago, it still doesn’t mean that he’s content to let Brian build a life with Justin. So Michael decides that a ‘Partner-free Week’ is in order, to remind the guys- especially Brian- what their lives were before the prison of adulthood took over. Since he and Ben are arguing once again, it seems the perfect opportunity to get away.
5. THE WIFE or THE MISTRESS: Chapter One by Nichelle Wellesly [Reviews - 5] (1818 words)
The Wife or the Mistress Summary- Ted and Blake
Like Justin, Blake is fed up with Michael’s interference in their relationship, but also with Ted’s attention to work. Although he understands that Brian is a demanding boss and that success is extremely important to both Brian and Ted, specifically because of their ‘departures’ from VanGuard and Wertschafters respectively, and the constant nagging and subtle naysaying, coming primarily from Michael Novotny- Lord of All he Surveys, Blake is feeling neglected and wondering why he is still around. Add to that, Michael’s digs about his past and a family crisis he’s heard of from the one sister he is still in touch with, but unable to go and visit his grandfather whom is asking for him because of his homophobic parents and siblings. Blake is feeling trapped within a life he isn’t sure he wants to lead anymore and is fighting the urge to pick up again.
Ted is fighting those same urges to fall back into the ‘old’ habits. His self-esteem is constantly being assaulted by the fact that he and Blake haven’t been sexually active lately. Every time they even remotely get something going, either Michael is calling or Blake’s sister is. Ted feels that he is stuck between who he used to be and who he wants to be- not moving forward while trying not to backslide- To combat the urges and thoughts that he is no longer enough for Blake or that he is always one heartbeat away from letting Crystal reclaim him, Ted is throwing himself into work and making Kinnetik the biggest fucking success it’s ever been. Although they have been in business for a number of years, both he and Brian, with the help of Cynthia and Justin, are about to land a huge account that would allow Kinnetik to go International. To Ted, it may be his chance to break free of his addiction and the influence of Michael once and for all. But he goes along on the Partner-free Week, to decide if he is working so hard to run away from the box being part of the gang keeps him in, or is it really that he wants it to be just him and Blake, without having to tell everyone else to butt out of their relationship. Is Ted running away from having to stand up for himself and Blake?
6. FIRE and ICE: Chapter One by Nichelle Wellesly [Reviews - 8] (1341 words)
Fire and Ice Summary- Emmett and Drew
Work has been busy for both Drew and Emmett- so much so that when they are together lately all they do is sleep, talk about bills, and have a perfunctory fuck right before bed, which feels more like an obligation to them. So when Michael suggest the PFW on one of the only free weeks within the next six months that he and Emmett have available, Drew is pissed off. Emmett, of course, promises Drew that they will spend some time together, but right now Michael needs him. Drew urges Emmett to go but to remember that Drew has the exact same options that he has, and not to expect that he will be waiting when he decides to be his husband as opposed to Michael’s whipping boy. Of course that comment starts an argument, which ends with Emmett storming out, going with the guys without saying goodbye. The entire trip, Emmett wonders what the fuck he was doing there and why Drew wasn’t picking up his phone. Finding it odd, he mentions the situation to Ted, Brian, and Michael.
Whereas Brian and Ted told Emmett they were getting the same kind of silent treatment, Michael basically ordered them to stop calling, saying that he and Ben had decided not to speak and that it was Partner-free week for a reason. To that end Michael decides that he needs to devise a plan to get the guys full-attention on him and on having a great time with the men on the island- not the ball and chains they left at home...
7. BEFORE I LET GO CHAPTER 2 by Nichelle Wellesly [Reviews - 5] (5429 words)
8. STAYING or GOING CHAPTER 2 by Nichelle Wellesly [Reviews - 7] (1908 words)
9. IN or OUT CHAPTER 2 by Nichelle Wellesly [Reviews - 5] (1592 words)
10. THE WIFE or THE MISTRESS CHAPTER 2 by Nichelle Wellesly [Reviews - 5] (1281 words)
11. FIRE AND ICE CHAPTER 2 by Nichelle Wellesly [Reviews - 7] (1854 words)
12. BEFORE I LET GO: CHAPTER 3 by Nichelle Wellesly [Reviews - 3] (1715 words)
13. STAYING or GOING: CHAPTER 3 by Nichelle Wellesly [Reviews - 3] (1845 words)
14. IN or OUT: CHAPTER 3 by Nichelle Wellesly [Reviews - 4] (2600 words)
15. THE WIFE or THE MISTRESS: CHAPTER 3 by Nichelle Wellesly [Reviews - 3] (4138 words)
16. FIRE and ICE: CHAPTER 3 by Nichelle Wellesly [Reviews - 7] (2402 words)
17. BEFORE I LET GO: CHAPTER 4 by Nichelle Wellesly [Reviews - 3] (1616 words)
18. STAYING or GOING CHAPTER 4 by Nichelle Wellesly [Reviews - 6] (2217 words)
19. IN or OUT CHAPTER 4 by Nichelle Wellesly [Reviews - 4] (1795 words)
20. THE WIFE or THE MISTRESS: CHAPTER 4 by Nichelle Wellesly [Reviews - 3] (1084 words)
21. FIRE AND ICE: CHAPTER 4 by Nichelle Wellesly [Reviews - 5] (1188 words)
22. BEFORE I LET GO: CHAPTER 5 by Nichelle Wellesly [Reviews - 3] (1729 words)
23. STAYING or GOING: CHAPTER 5 by Nichelle Wellesly [Reviews - 4] (2540 words)
24. IN or OUT CHAPTER 5 by Nichelle Wellesly [Reviews - 3] (2834 words)
25. THE WIFE or THE MISTRESS: CHAPTER 5 by Nichelle Wellesly [Reviews - 4] (1629 words)
26. FIRE and ICE: CHAPTER 5 by Nichelle Wellesly [Reviews - 7] (3675 words)
27. BOOK II: THE STRAWBERRY LETTERS/ Hate Mail and Love Letters by Nichelle Wellesly [Reviews - 2] (400 words)
Therapy Begins...
28. BEFORE I LET GO: BOOK II- CHAPTER 1 by Nichelle Wellesly [Reviews - 4] (2451 words)
29. STAYING OR GOING: BOOK II- CHAPTER 1 by Nichelle Wellesly [Reviews - 3] (2813 words)
30. IN OR OUT: BOOK II- CHAPTER 1 by Nichelle Wellesly [Reviews - 3] (3945 words)
31. THE WIFE or THE MISTRESS: BOOK II- CHAPTER 1 by Nichelle Wellesly [Reviews - 3] (1931 words)
32. FIRE AND ICE: BOOK II- CHAPTER 1 by Nichelle Wellesly [Reviews - 8] (2286 words)
33. BEFORE I LET GO: BOOK II- CHAPTER 2 by Nichelle Wellesly [Reviews - 3] (1174 words)
34. STAYING OR GOING: BOOK II- CHAPTER 2: NO ORDINARY LOVE by Nichelle Wellesly [Reviews - 4] (4604 words)
35. IN OR OUT : BOOK TWO: CHAPTER TWO: MY HAPPY ENDING by Nichelle Wellesly [Reviews - 4] (1455 words)
36. THE WIFE or THE MISTRESS: BOOK II: CHAPTER TWO: HE WON’T GO by Nichelle Wellesly [Reviews - 4] (1673 words)
37. FIRE AND ICE: BOOK II: CHAPTER TWO: ADORE by Nichelle Wellesly [Reviews - 7] (1800 words)
38. BEFORE I LET GO: BOOK II: CHAPTER 3 by Nichelle Wellesly [Reviews - 4] (1278 words)
39. STAYING or GOING: BOOK II: CHAPTER 3 by Nichelle Wellesly [Reviews - 4] (3861 words)
40. IN or OUT: BOOK II: CHAPTER 3 by Nichelle Wellesly [Reviews - 3] (2571 words)
41. THE WIFE or THE MISTRESS: BOOK II: CHAPTER 3 by Nichelle Wellesly [Reviews - 3] (1707 words)
42. FIRE and ICE: BOOK II: CHAPTER 3 by Nichelle Wellesly [Reviews - 6] (2569 words)
43. BEFORE I LET GO: BOOK II: CHAPTER FOUR by Nichelle Wellesly [Reviews - 4] (1278 words)
44. STAYING or GOING: BOOK II: CHAPTER FOUR- PLAYING FOOL TO CATCH WISE by Nichelle Wellesly [Reviews - 5] (6210 words)
45. IN or OUT: BOOK II: CHAPTER FOUR: PLAYING FOOL TO CATCH WISE Part 2 by Nichelle Wellesly [Reviews - 7] (2605 words)
46. THE WIFE or THE MISTRESS: BOOK II: CHAPTER FOUR: PLAYING FOOL TO CATCH WISE Part 3 by Nichelle Wellesly [Reviews - 5] (2438 words)
47. FIRE AND ICE: BOOK II: PLAYING FOOL TO CATCH WISE Part 4 by Nichelle Wellesly [Reviews - 7] (1851 words)
48. BEFORE I LET GO: BOOK II: CHAPTER 5: THE FACTS OF LIFE EXPOSED by Nichelle Wellesly [Reviews - 6] (1711 words)
49. STAYING OR GOING: BOOK II: CHAPTER 5: THE FACTS OF LIFE EXPOSED Part 2 by Nichelle Wellesly [Reviews - 7] (4785 words)
50. IN OR OUT BOOK II: CHAPTER 5: THE FACTS OF LIFE EXPOSED Part 3 by Nichelle Wellesly [Reviews - 7] (2800 words)
51. THE WIFE OR THE MISTRESS: BOOK II: CHAPTER 5: THE FACTS OF LIFE Part 4 by Nichelle Wellesly [Reviews - 6] (1984 words)
52. FIRE AND ICE: BOOK II: CHAPTER 5: THE FACTS OF LIFE EXPOSED Part 5 by Nichelle Wellesly [Reviews - 6] (1452 words)
53. BEFORE I LET GO: BOOK II: CHAPTER 6: THE WISEST COURSE OF ACTION by Nichelle Wellesly [Reviews - 8] (1960 words)
54. STAYING OR GOING: BOOK II: CHAPTER 6: WISEST COURSE OF ACTION Part 2: INFORMED DECISIONS by Nichelle Wellesly [Reviews - 6] (3722 words)
55. IN or OUT: BOOK II: CHAPTER 6: WISEST COURSE OF ACTION Part 3: BELL RINGING and BUTTON PUSHING by Nichelle Wellesly [Reviews - 7] (2331 words)
56. THE WIFE or THE MISTRESS: BOOK II: CHAPTER 6: EYES WIDE OPEN by Nichelle Wellesly [Reviews - 6] (2169 words)
57. FIRE and ICE: BOOK II: CHAPTER 6: TALKING BOOK by Nichelle Wellesly [Reviews - 11] (1159 words)
59. STAYING OR GOING: BOOK II: CHAPTER 7: REVELATIONS Part 1 by Nichelle Wellesly [Reviews - 5] (2765 words)
60. IN OR OUT: BOOK II: CHAPTER 7: REVELATIONS Part 2 by Nichelle Wellesly [Reviews - 12] (3294 words)
61. THE WIFE OR THE MISTRESS: BOOK TWO: CHAPTER 7: REVELATIONS Part 3 by Nichelle Wellesly [Reviews - 12] (3622 words)
62. FIRE AND ICE: BOOK II: CHAPTER 7: REVELATIONS Part 4 by Nichelle Wellesly [Reviews - 8] (2184 words)
63. BEFORE I LET GO: BOOK II: CHAPTER 8: MARCH OF A HUNDRED BOXES/ 7 LIVES EXPOSED by Nichelle Wellesly [Reviews - 10] (3077 words)
64. STAYING OR GOING: BOOK II: CHAPTER 8: 7 LIVES EXPOSED: IF ONLY YOU KNEW… by Nichelle Wellesly [Reviews - 7] (3782 words)
65. STAYING OR GOING: BOOK II: CHAPTER 9: 7 LIVES EXPOSED: IF ONLY YOU KNEW Part 2 by Nichelle Wellesly [Reviews - 5] (3906 words)
So just as a quick reminder, the next series of chapters is going to have a bit of a different format to how it's been in the past. There is a reason for that, which you will probably notice during this chapter. Once we hit BOOK III, we'll get back to our regularly posted chapter schedule (well as much as it can be anyway).
66. STAYING or GOING: BOOK II: CHAPTER 10: 7 LIVES EXPOSED/ IF ONLY YOU KNEW Part 3 by Nichelle Wellesly [Reviews - 8] (5983 words)
67. IN or OUT: BOOK II: CHAPTER 8: GIVING UP IS SO HARD TO DO… by Nichelle Wellesly [Reviews - 7] (2044 words)
68. IN or OUT: BOOK II: CHAPTER 9: DON’T WANNA BE A FOOL by Nichelle Wellesly [Reviews - 8] (1968 words)
69. IN or OUT: BOOK II: CHAPTER 10: EVERYBODY PLAYS THE FOOL by Nichelle Wellesly [Reviews - 8] (3446 words)
70. THE WIFE OR THE MISTRESS: BOOK II: CHAPTER 8: BROKEN CHANDELIERS by Nichelle Wellesly [Reviews - 3] (2245 words)
Hey Y'all,
I would apologize for taking so long with this series of updates, but... In all honesty, even though the chapter has been percolating in my brain for quite sometime- even some portions written- they were amazingly hard to get through. I fought with it, challenged myself to write it, then procrastinated and ran from the storyline until I finally submitted, understanding that it was NOT going to change its mind, and must be written from a completely honest place. It made me as emotionally vulnerable as these characters are. Blake and Ted's journey contains incredibly sensitive subject matters for so many reasons in all its many facets. So I hope that it affects you all the same way it has me.
71. THE WIFE OR THE MISTRESS: BOOK II: CHAPTER 9- BROKEN CHANDELIERS Part 2 by Nichelle Wellesly [Reviews - 3] (2032 words)
72. THE WIFE OR THE MISTRESS: BOOK II: CHAPTER 10: BROKEN CHANDELIERS Part 3 by Nichelle Wellesly [Reviews - 11] (2908 words)
73. FIRE AND ICE: BOOK II: CHAPTER 8: I GOTTA BE by Nichelle Wellesly [Reviews - 8] (2331 words)
Just an FYI: The next series of chapters, are not going to appear in their usual order. There is a reason for that, which is that there are several conversations/ scenarios taking place at the same time. Don't worry about it though; you'll still be able to follow along easily. I just wanted to give the heads up in case anyone thought I was confused about where I left off.
P.S. Hopefully, we will be closing this Friday on the housing situation so that I can get back to doing what I want to do, which is WRITING. Of course there is still much to be done afterwards, but life will hopefully become a little less chaotic than it has been these last few months. Well from my lips to God's ears, at any rate...
74. BEFORE I LET GO: BOOK II: CHAPTER 9: MO’ MONEY, MO’ PROBLEMS by Nichelle Wellesly [Reviews - 8] (4969 words)
75. FIRE AND ICE: BOOK II: CHAPTER 9: I TURN TO YOU by Nichelle Wellesly [Reviews - 3] (2060 words)
76. FIRE AND ICE: BOOK II: CHAPTER 10: ANY LOVE by Nichelle Wellesly [Reviews - 4] (2686 words)
77. BEFORE I LET GO: BOOK II: CHAPTER 10: IDGAF Part 1 by Nichelle Wellesly [Reviews - 4] (1463 words)
As you know, any updates I give to this story will have to be done in increments. Each section is large and in charge, so I definitely have to split the time I'm able to update it based on my current writing schedule.
I hope you enjoy this chapter. All mistakes are mine since it's unbetaed. Between me and Lorie, we'll get it sorted, should the need arise.
78. Chapter 78: STAYING OR GOING: BOOK II: CHAPTER 11: IDGAF Part 2 by Nichelle Wellesly [Reviews - 3] (3846 words)