Penname: emac66 Real name: Elaine
Member Since: May 05, 2016
Membership status: Member

discovered the joy of QAF a few years ago and have been hooked ever since. Reading the vast array of fics out there by such talented writers is a joy for me. Proof is in the 1000+ stories on my kindle reader. :)


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Reviews by emac66




Wants versus Needs.... That's what Justin Taylor's life has come down to. Having traveled the world as a dancer, Justin now faces the choice between continuing his lucrative career or rebuilding the tumultuous life he'd left behind in Pittsburgh. Enter Brian Kinney with an offer he may not want to refuse. 

Categories: QAF US
Characters: Brandon, Brian Kinney, Carl Horvath, Craig Taylor, Cynthia, Debbie Novotny, Emmett Honeycutt, Gus Marcus-Peterson, Justin Taylor, Lindsay Peterson, Melanie Marcus, Michael Novotny, Molly Taylor, Original Character, Sam Auerbach, Ted Schmidt, Vic Grassi
Tags: Anti-Lindsay, Anti-Michael, Non-Monogamous Pairings, Out of Character
Genres: Alternate Universe, Angst w/ Happy Ending, Drama, Hurt/Comfort
Pairings: Brian/Justin
Series: None
Chapters: 15 Table of Contents
Completed: No Word count: 81495 Read Count: 56625
[Report This] Published: May 03, 2016 Updated: Jun 20, 2019
Reviewer: emac66 Signed
Date: Jun 13, 2016 Title: Chapter 4: ~Part IV: MIDDLE GROUND~

Man...I so needed this! I read this last night and it was a lovely revrieve from teh harsh light of reality. thank you. 

Terrific intor to Molly. Your discriptions always allow me to really visualize all teh characters. Becuase we all have no idea what Molly would really look like as an adult, I can almost see her as a modern day Marlena Dietrich or some such. Apparently however, with a much better right hook! lol.

that my dear was brilliant! Loved loved loved the ending. Gave me a great laugh whcih was needed. Even seeing it again. I can look up a bit as I write this and smirk a bit. just imagining it.

Looking forward to her backstory. Understand what's been going on in her life. I get the impression she's going to be an integral part of this story. 

thanks once again for sharing this. Always brilliant. 



Reviewer: emac66 Signed
Date: Jul 18, 2016 Title: Chapter 5: ~Part V: TANGLED WEBS~

Hi Nichelle!! another great update for a fantastic fic.

what a shocker to have Leda there!! Brian is definitely a step ahead of everyone and seems to be looking out for their best interests, including Mel as it appears. I think Brian knows that Leda is a much better option for Mel than Lindsey.

goodness....what's wrong with Lindsey? I'll be honest...I'm, not so sure I'm all that concerned about her. LOL. I'm more concerned about Gus and everyone else's reaction to her being ill. will seh get better? will she use what ever it is to manipulte those around her? Please don't have Brian feel guilty or responsible for her and have her stay at the mansion!! I know you have Craig...but HOLY SHITBALLS!! He is one evil, and I mean super evil asshole! He is one sick bastard! Definitely want to read how you bring him down in this one! Love how you do it in the others. 

Molly rocks! Great pow to teh kisser adn well deserved.

so much happens in every chapter in all your stories. I love it. Love being able to sit down and really get into each chapter. I've said it before, you have a gift.

Excited fo rthe next one!!



Reviewer: emac66 Signed
Date: Aug 30, 2016 Title: Chapter 6: PART VI: THIN LINES...

Thunder-Cunt! Love it! You come up wiht the  greatest expressions, both in your sotries adn your reviews (which I read thoroughly  as well as they are all highly entertaining!!) Oh she is going to get her own soon and I can't wait to see what you have in sstore for her. Knowing you there will much angst leading up to it and it will be a joy to read!! Her level of selfishness and her sense of entitlement is astounding. It's hard to believe ethat there are actually people out there who really do act like that in RL and not just in fictional stories. 

REally glad to see Leda in the mix here. she'' be a big help in keeping Mel grounded and hopefully happy at some point. She's very level headed and will be able to help Mel think logically when it comes to Lindsey and Michael. She's a breath of fresh air really for Mel. I also love how she's so loyal to Brian. she'll really help Mel reallign her htinking when it comes to him as ell. Get her to stop the automatic caustic comments, especially around the kids.

The scene between B&J was incredible!!!!!!! I mean sizzling, and so lovely at teh same time! Quite often I just gloss over sex scenes when I read fics, especially when the happen all the time. this was ......guh! well, needless to way I read it thoroughly!! (twice) So gald that Justin bottomed for Brian. That he gave him that measure of trust. 

Brilliant chapter!! Off to reead the next one.



Reviewer: emac66 Signed
Date: Aug 30, 2016 Title: Chapter 7: PART VII... BETWEEN LOVE AND HATE

So the thunder-cunt is preggers huh? well we all know that Brian isn't the impending papa, so he rlies will definitely come back to bite her in the ass. I mean really...all it takes in a simple DNA test! Stupid stupid girl. Nobody is going to be fooled by her, at least if they won't be for long. Her attitude towards Deb is shameful. And her assumption that brian will take care of her is....well, laughable! Debs parting comment about her health insurance was great! HA! stick it to the bitch! OH!! Wait!! Soemone already did!! lol. so is it Sam's or the Museum dude's?

Mel, Brian et al are finally piecing together everything about Lindsey and all her machinations. Justin is sure getting himself involved in a whole plethora of drama! good thing he's so supportive of Brian. Glad they will have eachother throughout this whole ordeal. they will need each other's strength I think.

OMG!!!!!!!! What if it's Michael's!? could she have gone into the aprtment and swiped some spunk thinking it was brian's? but he was out of town....anything left behind would've been old....huh. Maybe I'm thinking to much....Either way, I'm hoping it's not brian's. Not sure how it can be unless she really did get inseminated, but the timing is all off for that. 

Seriously girlfridn....I need an update like NOW to see what you have up your sleeve!! LOL!

Is that contract even legal? It can't be. contract law states if nothing else that all parties need to have knowledge. Can't be under can they possibly think they can get away with it! Legitimately it's only 5 days for Justin's contract, and Brandon's would be void as he can't force Justin to be a part of it I would think. Gary is going to be trouble. He's going to want to get Justin by whatever means. I had higher hopes for Brandon. I mean I know he wanted Justin, but I thought he's respect justin more. I knew he'd really try for more involvment, but to go to this level, to these extremes....I really didn't think he'd be this nefarious.

Heart is breaking for Justin. He's lost everything he's worked so hard for. I don't think Sap will end it there no matter how much he gets, but we can hope. I'm also hoping that Brandon faces reality that justin is through with it all, including him now. I'm sure Brian will do everything in his power to help out Justin. Hopefully Justin will accept at least some of the help offered. Perhaps even a job...

Again...frigging BRILLIANT chapter! I'm on pins and needles wondering what's going to happen next.



Elaine. PS sorry for all the spelling mistakes. My fingers get going and the font is so flipping small that mistakes are a pain in the ass to see

Reviewer: emac66 Signed
Date: Oct 03, 2016 Title: Chapter 8: PART VIII: ~YEARNING TO BE FREE

I don't get why Justin is so hesitant to fight Sap adn Brandon. He KNOWS they don't have a leg to stand on legally. why does he want to give up so easily? He's fought for his won independence for so long, for everythign he's gotten over the years. Is he tired of it all? tired of fighting agains Sap adn Brandon, tired of knowing the fight will have to continue? tired of teh fact he still has to fight Craig and the bitch?

At least he and Brian have come to some sort of agreement. We all know any "contract" they have between them is just really a piece of paper. It does however give both of them an excuse/reason to stick together. they will ultimately support each other and grow stronger together contract to not.

Great chapter hun!!

No worries about yourwriting schedules. RL tends to creep up and kick all of us in teh ass. We can all relate. So take your time and do what you need to do. We'll all be here when you are.

Cheers adn hugs,


Reviewer: emac66 Signed
Date: Mar 07, 2017 Title: Chapter 1: ~Part I: LIONS AMONG MERE MORTALS~

Love Harry and Ava. they are the kind of people that give hope for long lasting, healthy and very relationships.  

thank goodness it seems that Justin has been talked into not giving in to Sap and Brandon! That he's going to fight it. 

So which person is the most important in Brian's life according to Lindsey? Her or Gus? That whole scenario was great. enjoyed it thoroughly. I think Cynthia may have enjoyed it more than anyone! lol.

what are Craig and bitchface up to really and what will Justin, Brian Harry and Ava do to stop them in their tracks? 

Getting exciting!!!!!



Reviewer: emac66 Signed
Date: Apr 05, 2017 Title: Chapter 10: ~PART X: DESPERATE MEASURES

Jeebus! Craig and Marlene...there are just no words to describe how evil those 2 are! They really need to get the scoop on that Laurent character. Nail them all to the wall and let them languish in prison!

Had to chuckle at the apt description of Michael and Lindsey as chimps. so very appropriate. Unbelievable that they are so delusional that they actually thought Brian would come to help them!

Terrific update!! Was really happy to see it as well as all the others.



Reviewer: emac66 Signed
Date: Jun 20, 2017 Title: Chapter 11: PART XI ~IN FOR A PENNY~

Sooooo....Brandon is a wee bit of a loon now isn't he?! WOW! completely off the rails. Hopefully Gary follows through and get him the help he so obviously needs. Talk about a complete meltdown. Have to admit I was giggling a bit imagining Justin and Gary chatting away, Gary making sure that Justin would be OK, all teh while Brandon drooling and mumbling in the background. ;) Do they still use straight jackets?

I'm hoping that Gary is being legitimate in his concerns for Justin and best wishes. I think he is. So used to him beng a slimeball that this is abit refreshing. nice to know that not evryone is out to get justin 1 way or another.

Brian's description if "surface-friends" is spot on. Very accurate sadly. It's difficult to come to that realization that those you assumed were your friends, adn wanted the best for you, are really only interested in themselves. It's a harsh reality.

Well done!! And thank you thank you thank you!



Reviewer: emac66 Signed
Date: Apr 10, 2018 Title: Chapter 1: ~Part I: LIONS AMONG MERE MORTALS~

Craig and Marlene are caught finally and will be dealing with the crap they've done to themselves all while trying to lay blame on Justin, molly and Brian. They are in for a whole world of trouble. Can;t wait to see what's going to happen to them.

Marlene is particularly caught up in her own net of deceit by contacting Laurent on her own, behind Craig's back. What will come of that I wonder? What will Laurent do or rather try to do? At least that whole conversation was already overehard and something can be done ahead of time hopefully. Love the angst, but don't like it when Justin of Brian are actually physically hurt.

L & M are without a doubt completely off the wall with their delusions. I mean, they are not even remotely near reality. Michael actaully thinks that after so many  years as friends, Brianis going to suddenly profess his undying love and realize that there's always been a physical atrraction (yuck!) That they are boud to be together.

Lindsey is no better. Thinking that since Brian is going fo rJustin, that he's simply a place holder for her. I mean holy shit. How dumb do you have to be?? Also, her thinking she can get and use Justin's secrets against him. Wesll, that should be interesting. Let's see how far that gets her shall we. Again, will be most intersting and lots of fun to read.

Excellent and thank you for an update!!!



Reviewer: emac66 Signed
Date: May 16, 2016 Title: Chapter 3: ~Part III: WHO'S YOUR DADDY NOW?~

Beyond excited to see you over here at KD. I'm not sure what happened over at MW, but there seems to be a bit of a migration............huh.

Anyway........Great chapter!! I don't know where to begin! There's salways so many details involved in your fics. And I love that they are so long adn involved! It makes reading them such a joy! 

As always, your group of "villians" are spot on as to how I see them, or how I want to see them. :) I've always seen Craig as one of the worst. Any parent who turns their backs on their children is beyond evil! It's all in how we see the world and want our kids to see the world I guess. daughter (20) was watching a movie on Netflix the other day called Jennifer's wedding. Apparently 2 women are getting married and surprise their families. Not sure, haven'twatched it. But my daughter came into teh kitchen where I was and told me she was watching this film. she was wondering why kids found it so hard to tell their kids they were gay. why wouldn't their parents understand or turn away from them? She said, "I guess it's all in how we're raised. I don't see the difference between saying 'Mom this is my boyfriend or Mom, this is my girlfriend'"  Needless to say I had a very proud mamma moment! :) I've done OK I guess.

Anyway............I digress. Sorry. showdown with Craig was brilliiant! We all know he's going to keep trying, but I really enjoy watching him get cut down! Especially in public! LOL!

Lindsey is completely dillusional! His wife?!?! Indeed................I don't think so!! I guess if you tell yourself something for long enough you begin to actually believe it. Hopefully Mel will arrive soon and be able to give Brian what he needs!! Namely his parental rights. Also that Harry and Ava will be able to stop Lindsey's macinations legally as well. Not just stop, but to make her accountable. Takign $ from gus's collge funds for one thing. I also hope that Mel will be able to fill us in on what the "incidentles" $ is for. sounds like that could be intriguing.

Curious as to what deb's reaction is going to be once Em tells her what's really happening with her beloved Micheal. will she finally let go of those apron strings or will she continue making excuses for hom. 

Again....thank you for this! I've needed an update of some kind!! :)

Author's Response:

Hello My Dear Sweet Elaine!!! I'm so happy to see you here on KD! Although I've met some wonderful readers and author friends on MW, and I will always be grateful for the work they have done in keeping the QAF fandom alive thus far, it was time for me to spread my wings. My stories will stay there but all of my complete work and updates to those stories still being written will be HERE.

Craig is definitely one of those characters I absolutely LOVE to HATE!! I have a pet peeve with parents who try to live vicariously through their children. Many of my friends in RL have had issues with their parents dreaming BIG for them and then when they fall short of their parental dream, the child or in this case the young adult suffered an identity crisis of some sort or in the worst case, a mental breakdown. It broke my heart to see them like that! Thankfully, they learned the gift of detaching themselves with love and going on to live their own lives in spite of their parents' wishes for them. Some of them even included being gay and living their truth. I think that's why Brian and Justin's stories- in particular- resonated with me the most. They showed the world that there were different types of abuse stemming from parents and all of it leaves bruising and scar tissue; some seen, some underneath but all of it felt in one way or another.

You are right about Lindsay!!! She is metaphorically delusional. But this is ONE fic that won't have her sick in the head but, more or less sick, in the heart. I LOVE holding Michael and Lindsay responsible for their actions the way CowLip NEVER did. Be it in AU or within Canon, those two will be facing the consequences of their actions within my work. Somehow, although I always believed that Mel should have been able to form her own opinions about Brian, I also thought she was just a victim of circumstance. Brian wouldn't have been able to push her buttons so much if Lindsay wasn't behind the scenes pulling her strings. She will definitely have some insight on Lindsay's 'incidental' spending.

Happy Reading and HUGS,


Summary: Past Featured Story

Present day, post-episode 5.13. Justin has returned to Pittsburgh to build a life and future with Brian. When Daphne asks Justin for a favor, he agrees without realizing the effect it will later have on him, Brian, and their entire family’s lives.

Categories: QAF US, Reader's Choice Award
Characters: Blake Wyzecki, Brian Kinney, Daphne Chanders, Debbie Novotny, Emmett Honeycutt, Gus Marcus-Peterson, Jennifer Taylor, Jenny Rebecca Marcus-Peterson, Justin Taylor, Lindsay Peterson, Melanie Marcus, Michael Novotny, Original Character, Original Female Character, Original Male Character, Ted Schmidt
Tags: 10k+ Word Count, Anal Sex (Lots of it!), Anniversary, Anti-Lindsay, Anti-Michael, Birthday, Bottom Brian, Death, Established Relationship, Family, Friendship, Hatred, Homophobia, Language, M/M, Masturbation , Minor Character Death, Oral Sex, Post-series, Raw Sex, Real Life Issues, Responsible Justin, Rimming, Sex Toys, Toppy Justin, Vacation, Wedding
Genres: Angst, Angst w/ Happy Ending, Drama, Hurt/Comfort, Porny, Romance, Tragedy
Pairings: Brian/Justin
Series: Bittersweet Universe
Chapters: 32 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 98688 Read Count: 213955
[Report This] Published: May 04, 2016 Updated: Oct 01, 2017
Reviewer: emac66 Signed
Date: May 16, 2016 Title: Chapter 30: The Payback

Woohoo!! another baby! This is going to be great!! 

Amanda was sweet coming in teh thank them. They were incredibly generous, but then she was definitely deserving of it too. she put alot at risk testifying they way she did.

You guys were brililiant with Curtis!! LMAO!! Now that is a perfect example of Karma! LOL!! the whole thing had me in giggles.

Very happy to see an update!! Was looking forward to it.



Author's Response:


They are great parents, why not spread the love.

Amanda did the right thing and they just wanted to thank her. Karma can be a good thing.

Curtis found out that Karma can work both ways.


~charming1 & Lorie~

Reviewer: emac66 Signed
Date: May 18, 2016 Title: Chapter 31: Anything Like Me

Sooooooooooooo yup. I'm officially a cry baby. What a wonderful thing Delia is doing! So nice that Keegan adn the new one(s) will be realated! It's perfect.

Lindsey certainly seems to have calmed down. The therapy is obviously working. I'm glad. As much as I'm not a fan of hers, no one deserves to have that level of dysfunction. but sure makes for a fun read!! lol. :)

Wow....only 1 more to go. What a journey this has been. Sorrow, joy, laughter, many emotions you had us wade through. Really well done ladies. 



Author's Response:


Cried while writing that part too, that's how we know it's good.

Lindsay will never be their favorite person, but they do want her to get better.

Kind of sad that it is ending but it's been a fun ride.


~charming1 & Lorie~

Reviewer: emac66 Signed
Date: May 24, 2016 Title: Chapter 32: I've Got You Babe - Final Chapter

A very happy and satisfied reader! A bit sad as I always am at the end of a terrific fic. It's funny how you anticipate each update adn madly find the time to read it, (even if one is at work....) and we look forward to seeing how the writer is going to wrap it all up in a proper way. Yet, once it gets to that point, there's a sense of mourning, sad for it to be over.

thanks you ladies for sharing this wonderful fic with us all! so much happens, so many emotions.

It's been a joy to read.



Author's Response:


You're not the only one that was sad that it was over. Some of us cried.

Glad you enjoyed the story.


~charming1 & Lorie~


After an accident that nearly kills him, Brian has a long road to recovery. While he knew deep down that it would be a rough road, he wasn't prepared for something like this.

Huge thanks to Annie_Eliza for my spiffy new banner :)

Categories: QAF US
Characters: Brian Kinney, Debbie Novotny, Emmett Honeycutt, Gus Marcus-Peterson, Joan Kinney, Justin Taylor, Lindsay Peterson, Melanie Marcus, Michael Novotny, Original Character, Original Male Character, Ted Schmidt
Tags: Abuse/Child Abuse, Anal Sex (Lots of it!), Bottom Brian, Brian/Other, Dirty Talk, Family, Justin/Other, M/M, Non-Consent, Oral Sex, Rape, Real Life Issues, Rimming, Toppy Justin, Underage Sex, Unsafe Sex, Violence
Genres: Alternate Universe, Angst w/ Happy Ending, Drama, Hurt/Comfort, Romance
Pairings: Brian/Justin, Brian/Other, Justin/Ethan, Melanie/Lindsay
Series: None
Chapters: 16 Table of Contents
Completed: No Word count: 87253 Read Count: 42366
[Report This] Published: May 04, 2016 Updated: Apr 05, 2017
Reviewer: emac66 Signed
Date: May 31, 2016 Title: Chapter 13: Chapter 13

Started off so lovely....ended so abruptly. :( Big frowny face. Ah's the angst that makes them work for it now doesn't it. Hopefully it doesn't take long for brian to get over his snit. I totally understand it, but I hope he gets over it quickly. 

He and Justin were so.......cute!! Normally it's Justin that cute, but Brian. I just wanted to eat him uip! 

another great chapter! Thanks for updating!!



Author's Response:

Thanks so much for reviewing. I promise it ended abruptly for a reason - and don't worry, you won't be left waiting too long for Brian to sort himself out :) I'm not into punishing people just for the sake of it LOL. 

So happy you enjoyed this update, though. I hope I won't leave you waiting so long for another update x

[Report This] Published: May 05, 2016 Updated: Aug 19, 2022
Reviewer: emac66 Signed
Date: Jun 06, 2016 Title: Chapter 3: Chapter 3- FROM THE INSIDE

Whew.......Dear me and my goodness. Those scenes between B&J were scortching! AS in, once agains squirming in my seat, all hot and bothered now. I may have to go back and re-read that part again...later. ;)

Some great back story giving here. Loved the history of Justin's grandfathers. They sound wonderful. Certainly gives explnation for who Justin has become dispite Craig.

The part of Daphne and Joseph was heartbreaking1 So much to go through for them and so young. I definitely want to hear more about both backstories. 

This chapter gave me real satisfaction. does that sound weird? I guess it's just that B&J are as equals in so many ways. Emotionally, sexiually...They are curious as to why they are reacting towards each other as they are, yet they seem to be willing to take a chance. Open to the fact they both acting out of the norm and for some reason willing to go with the flow. We'll just have to see now how far they really are willing to go. How many others will try to put themselves into the fray and if they do, what will teh consequences be. Both B&J are incredibly strong in this, which I love to see, and I can't see anyone being allowed to interfere. Not without a high price to pay. This is definitely going to be an interesting ride for them both and am so glad you are taking us on this journey.

My only complaint is that I tend to read these at work sometimes and, after a chapter like this, I seem to need a cold shower adn a cigarette. A shower just isn't plausible when I'm supposed to be dealing at work. LOL

Another fantastic installment! I had to re-read the previous chapter to familiarize myself with this one. Yeah...such a job. 

thanks for this! Not sure how you keep track of all your fics. It's mind bobbling! 

Can't wait to see what further tortures you put upon Craig!! Always fun to read those.



Reviewer: emac66 Signed
Date: Mar 26, 2018 Title: Chapter 1: Chapter 1- DANGEROUS LIASIONS

Justin facing down Cesare was awesome! What a strong charcter he is. While there seemed to be some shock on his part re: all the Craig had been up to, I'm curious what his full reaction will be now that he's heard it all. will he support Justin's stanse or will he keep his opinion the same. Donnatella will have a few words for him if he does!!

Saddned that Hunter had to hear such shit! Ben too. thankfully both know the state of things with Michael and are doing something about it.

Mel is cleansing I think. crying off the last vestiges of her past with Lindsey adn preparing to move forward.

Enjoyed Nancy telling Michsel just how irrelevant he is. LOL!

funny how Nancy is forever trying to teach Lindsey, she she should go back to class herself. Ron is large and in charge now.




Reviewer: emac66 Signed
Date: Mar 26, 2018 Title: Chapter 1: Chapter 1- DANGEROUS LIASIONS

Justin facing down Cesare was awesome! What a strong charcter he is. While there seemed to be some shock on his part re: all the Craig had been up to, I'm curious what his full reaction will be now that he's heard it all. will he support Justin's stanse or will he keep his opinion the same. Donnatella will have a few words for him if he does!!

Saddned that Hunter had to hear such shit! Ben too. thankfully both know the state of things with Michael and are doing something about it.

Mel is cleansing I think. crying off the last vestiges of her past with Lindsey adn preparing to move forward.

Enjoyed Nancy telling Michsel just how irrelevant he is. LOL!

funny how Nancy is forever trying to teach Lindsey, she she should go back to class herself. Ron is large and in charge now.




Reviewer: emac66 Signed
Date: Apr 27, 2017 Title: Chapter 8: Chapter 8: ROTTEN APPLES

Looks like both business and personal dealings between Justin and Brian are going to to say the least! REALLY looking forward to their many encounters. hehehe. Should be fun to watch. The great thing is, they both appear to have a tremendous amount of respect for each other. Neither will put up with any bullshit, both take their professional lives very seriously, and I doubt either will allow anythingpersonal between them affect their professional lives. If anything I think it will be a benefit.

Craig is a useless case. He's going to keep trying, but will inevitably fail miserably! Couldn't happen to a better asshole.

As for Lindsey...she was a lamb walking into the lion's den. that was priceless! Both Molly and Jennifer saw right through her at first glance. Jenn speaking of Lindsey's history and family etc was fanfreakingtastic! Had a huge shit eating grin on my face reading that. She definitely walked away with her tail between her legs. We all know she's just going to gather herself once again and make even further attempts to effect Brian and Justin. Once again, she'll be thwarted I'm sure. Ever instance though will be entertaining. Between her and Michael's machinations, plus whoever else they try to involved in their schemes, this story is going to continue to be most enjoyable. On top of that, we get to see B&J's relationship evolve. That's going to get HOT! Can't wait!!

this was a much needed break in my day. Enjoyed every word.

Looking forward to more on this one as well as your others. ;)



Reviewer: emac66 Signed
Date: Apr 06, 2017 Title: Chapter 7: Chapter 7: COLLISIONS AND COLLUSIONS

OH man....I'm shaking my head at both Lindsey and Michael. We all know it's not going to end well for them. Question is, just how far are they going to go, and better yet, how far will B&J go? Just glad that Deb isn't going to give in to Michael's whining, and that she's  going to look after herself and her own needs!

Is Arnold going to try to get retribution or will he just go off with hsi tail between his legs? At least he has his "cousin", ;) . 

Craig is gatting a face full of hard truths from his lawyer. should be an interesting phone call he tries to make to Justin. 

Molly and Jennifer are fully aware of Justin's way of life. I think once they meet Brian they will both be on the boys' side and will help fight for them. I'm curious as to how they, especially Molly, deals with Michael. hehe. And what plans does Justin have for Michael. Will either Michael or Justin be open to any of Justin's suggestions?

Highly highly entertaining. 



Reviewer: emac66 Signed
Date: Jul 05, 2017 Title: Chapter 9: Chapter 9: SOUR GRAPES

Oooooooooooooooh! Am curious as to the relationship  between Craig and Arnold. How deep does it go, and why the level of loyalty if Craig really is a homophobe. know what I'm hinting at. lol.

There also seems to be something there with that reporter too. No idea about that.

Brian has quickly shown himself to be an asset Justin and his businesses. (personal is already established ;) ) Kinnetik is going to be challenged throughout this working relationship!!

Loved that little scene with Daph. Had to giggle. She knows her place that's for sure, as do the DeCampos! The receptionist learned the hard way as well. lol.

Michael and Lindsey will inevitably become embroiled in a mess the likes of which they can't even imagine themselves. they have NO idea what they're in for nor who they're up against. They may know the facts and have been given the info on just how powerful Justin's family is, they don't really get it. Lindsey still thinks her family holds some power and authority. HA! This too should be interesting and am looking forward to watching them go down in a death spiral. (not literally of course, that would just mean the end of their suffering.)

thanks for this!


Reviewer: emac66 Signed
Date: May 09, 2016 Title: Chapter 2: Chapter 2: EQUALLY MATCHED

YAY!!! New chapter!! Happy dance!! 

OK...first off...That whole scene between Brian and Justin had me squirming in my seat. Woah......that was hot! Loved the testing between the 2. So out of character for the both of them. they obviously left an impression on each other! Next meeting should be VERY interesting!! LOL.

Micheal and Lindsey have alot of freaking nerve! The term is perfect...such a sense of entitlement. It's something I tend to see in kids these days, not 30 year olds. Both of them need a serious wake up call. I get the feeling though that it's going to take a long time if ever that they see things as they should be rather than as they want it to be. I have the feeling also that they may cause alot of problems for our 2 boys.....can't wait to find out!!

glad they got Kitty out of there. Time will tell what she does. Holy shitballs! Craig is beyond evil!! the deal he made re: Molly!?!? And Chris....OMG.......It gave me the chills just reading it. Wondering what craig will attempt to do in his revenge. we all know he's gonna try. Wonder how far he's going to take it before he's eventually stopped. And how will you stop him??! 

I say this every bloody time girl....but I love it! Looking forward to the next one, as well as any installment to any other piece you are working on. all are a treat to read.



Author's Response:

Thanks a whole Bunch, Elaine!!! Brian & Justin are certainly surprising themselves as well as each other! I'm looking forward to exploring their ever-changing dynamic. It's definitely going to be interesting!

Lindsay and Michael are spoiled beyond measure. Both have partners and yet are most territorial and clingy where Brian is concerned. It will be interesting to see how Justin deals with it...or even if he wants to.

Craig is definitely some piece of work. He's hell-bent on gaining Justin's fortune back for himself but at what cost? Now THAT is the real question! He's not a man who takes rejection and losing lightly..but then again neither does Justin so there are bound to be explosions (fuck the fireworks,  LOL). 

I'm going to update everything very soon. I've been trying to get back on a solid schedule since the Hell-i-days (everyone else had a holiday/ Yuletide season but me...nah I had Hell month!). Hopefully I'll be able to get it back sooner rather than later!

Happy Reading and HUGS,


Reviewer: emac66 Signed
Date: Mar 08, 2017 Title: Chapter 6: Chapter 6: MAKING MOVES

WOW girl! You are on a serious roll with your updates! What a thrill for us. Thank you thank you thank you! I had to go back and reread to remind myself where we are at in this one. Yea...that was tough. lol. Not!

Hopefully you let us in on the plans for Lindsey soon. Very intrigued! Whatever it is, she'll deserve it I'm sure. Had to laugh at cynthia's description of her, (all the green shit flying from her mouth. LOL) 

Same for Michael. what will they have David do? Hmmmmmmmmm.

the interaction between Lindsey and Deb was great. Seriously...who sits around being ignored for 4 freaking hours?! You'd think she'd get a clue, but no...Little miss thinks she's owed something by everyone. That she should get whatever she demands. 

Dumb and dumber pooling their ideas together is something I'm kind of looking forward to watching. As agasaperating as they are, when they combine their miniscule brain cells together, watching as they try to come up with some scheme and them watching them crash and burn is always entertaining. 

Love how Brian is already possessive of Justin and showing it on front of everyone. also like how Brian is goingto be so supportive of Mel in all of this. not just for Gus's sake, which will of course be Brian's main prioroty, but also for Mel herself.

Thank you again for this! Terribly excited to read it.




Reviewer: emac66 Signed
Date: Oct 12, 2016 Title: Chapter 5: Chapter 5: TRADING UP

A bit of introspection on Brian's part. Such a shame he even has to do it at all. Imagine how painful it is to had to admit to yourself what you so called friends are really like. It's one thing to know it, to go along with it 'casue that's how things have alwyas been. but to say it, to admit it out REALLY realize what pieces of shit they are. How manipulative and selfish they are, must hurt to the core of Brian.

I'm imagining Brian inside of Justin's closet, acting like it was some kind of religious experience. LOL!! It's funny in my head. :)

A bit surprised at Deb's message. Like Brian...had to mentally block the idea of her and Carl. lol. Kind of like thinking about one's parents going at it. YUCK! ;) A bit surprised that Michael hadn't left a message. doesn't matter how anyone feels about him, he obviously thinks he can do or say whatever. He still has expectations of everyone.

Lindsey was in top form! She really is going off the rails isn't she. Love to watch it happen! Is it bad that I get such enjoyment out of her and Michael's downfalls? ;) Now that justin is becoming more aware of the situation, and I'm sure brian will fill him him even more, he'll be right there to support Brian in all his legal endeavors. 

HAHA. Had to laugh at Justin "intorducing" himself to Brian. Mind blown much?!? Bit of a shock I know. Gaining that bit of information while on the phone with Ted. Perfect timing too. I can just see Brian's jaw dropp to the car floor. Eye's popping open.

Loved loved loved the interactions between Gus and Justin. So sweet. Justin is charmed as hell and will more than likely be even more happy to help Brian adn Mel with Gus. Gus's way of thinking was more than adorable. I'm sure we all wish the same thing. Let's face it, there are days when we all wish we didn't have to "adult".


another brilliant chapter. No surprise there.  Definitely looking forward to the next one. 

thanks for the update! i know you're busy.




Reviewer: emac66 Signed
Date: Jul 18, 2016 Title: Chapter 4: Chapter 4: M.I.A.

Woah........OK, so Micheal is a selfish asshole...typical. Lindsey though!!!!!!!! WOW! they both have this sense of entitlement that is just overwhelming. Lindsey takes it to an all new level though. talk about anger issues. Micheal has "friends" who seem to be trying to get through to him. How long that actually lasts is another thing. however, Lindsey beyond the pale. I mean she seems to be almost threatening to Mel and that can't bode well at all. 

Poor Gus...he's seeing it all first hand. Happy that Mel is there for him as will Brian. (and of course Justin)

No surprise but loving your always!!

I'm going back and re-reading some of them to remind myself of what;s going on. I can't even say I have  favorite. they are all so good.

Can't wait for the next update!! for whichever story...doesn't matter in all honestly. Just happy to be able to read something of yours! :)



[Report This] Published: May 05, 2016 Updated: Mar 05, 2024
Reviewer: emac66 Signed
Date: Jan 16, 2018 Title: Chapter 20: Chapter 15: WORDS VERSUS ACTIONS

I never thought a sex scene could drive me to tears. It was was beautiful and it was magical for them both. What a lovely moment for them!

Fabulous smack down of Michael and Lindsey both. Brilliant1 Really glad that Deb recognized the fact that she had some growing to do as well. that she held back on coddling her son. she new she couldn't and she was right. he would take advantage of it.

Lindsey...well, Obviously she's not to be trusted either. Not sure what she's up to but it can't be good.

Tomorrow at the trial should be intersting. Hopefully it will be cathartic for Justin. That all goes well and that Craig's lawyer doesn't pull too much shit. that Justin candeal with it. He's stronger than he realizes!

Brilliant chapter and soooooooooo glad to see an update!!!

