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Reviewer: Deb Tanner Signed [Report This]
Date: Sep 06, 2018 7:51 pm Title: FIRE AND ICE: BOOK II: CHAPTER 5: THE FACTS OF LIFE EXPOSED Part 5

OMG! Another heartbreaking chapter! Nichelle, you're killin' me here! Love how Drew handled the slimy weasel known as Michael and protected Emmett. I think he's handling the situations better than anyone; probably because he's never had blinders on regarding Deb or Michael.

Poor Emmett. I can understand how difficult it will be to tell Drew about his past, but it's something that has to be done for them to survive Michael's duplicitous behavior toward them all.

Love your writing more and more with every chapter and every fic you write.



Reviewer: BlueMyst Signed half-star [Report This]
Date: Sep 06, 2018 5:01 pm Title: THE WIFE OR THE MISTRESS: BOOK II: CHAPTER 5: THE FACTS OF LIFE Part 4

Blake and Ted needed that painful release and they also need to talk about everything that has gotten in the way of their relationship and their sobriety.

For all these couples the biggest problem has been Lack of Communication, when they all stopped talking to their partners is when the doubt, fear, trust and respect started deteriorating.

Michael and Deb are like insects that burrow under the skin they infect everything they touch and because they had years to infect Brian, Ted and Emmett they can control their actions.

And that leaves others with stronger wills out in the cold to deal with the abuse.

For years everyone was trained to ignore the cruel taunts, jokes and even their partners were taught to ignore it.

But now away from Deb's act they can see that every cruel, hurtful, vile thing both Deb and Michael said or did was how they really feel.

I always find when someone says something cruel then tries to play it off as a joke or something they didn't mean, They Meant It With Every Fiber Of Their Being!!!

They can't hide, ignore or play off Deb's words or Michael's actions for years, the bullies are showing their true selves now, the mask has been shattered only truth and healing can fix what they are determined to destroy.

Blake is right Deb is doing her usual mea culpa because she wants to maintain her control, but at the end of the day Michael is her son and he will always come first.

Deb has to face the consequences of her actions along with Michael, but first everyone else must face their own before they are ready to confront The Entitlement Duo.

They will all need to be strong enough individually and together to go back to Pittsburgh and live their lives on their rules.

Deb is going to be begging and pleading, playing on their sympathies before she goes on the attack and they have to be ready to fight back while also not falling for her games.

This is going to be hard but within love, strength and determination they can see succeed.

No More Hiding!!!

Thanks For The Update:)


Reviewer: The SNO Signed [Report This]
Date: Sep 06, 2018 3:35 pm Title: STAYING OR GOING: BOOK II: CHAPTER 5: THE FACTS OF LIFE EXPOSED Part 2

Terrific chapter for Justin then Brian. I'm so relieved that Brian didn't escape and chose Justin.

Reviewer: The SNO Signed [Report This]
Date: Sep 06, 2018 3:31 pm Title: THE WIFE OR THE MISTRESS: BOOK II: CHAPTER 5: THE FACTS OF LIFE Part 4

Excellent the "Entitlement Express"! It's not good that Ted and Blake are still so raw and the situation is very tough for them. Let's see how Ted will work towards his goal.

Reviewer: The SNO Signed [Report This]
Date: Sep 06, 2018 3:15 pm Title: IN OR OUT BOOK II: CHAPTER 5: THE FACTS OF LIFE EXPOSED Part 3

Yeah Ben!!! I would like to see that dance!!! He finally made the right decision for his own sake and health as physical and mental.

Reviewer: bjluv Signed [Report This]
Date: Sep 06, 2018 1:19 pm Title: FIRE and ICE: BOOK II: CHAPTER 3

Chapters 39-42: WOW - OH - WOW!  That was an exciting Chapter!  YOU GO JUSTIN!  I was grinning so hard reading Justin's speech he made to Michael. Is it okay to say I fear what is going to come out of Michael's mouth when he opens it?  Smackdown to widdle Mikey... In Front of Everyone! Another smackdown... Brian was merciless! Then Ben, living apart from Michael... Just what is Michael going to do with all the time he has on his hands? Since apparently he can't get to anyone else, well, whatever. First yelling at the lawyer and getting shafted. Then, threatening Ben to leave him high and dry, but I have a feeling there is no way Michael can touch or get anything. Nor does he have any right to the house?  After he said that, if I was Ben, I'd wash my hands of him, just for the threat. Wonder what Debbie said when he called her? How long before Michael has confrontations with Emmett and Ted? Well, things seem to be coming to the forefront of Ted and Blake's minds. Apparently, Blake made full disclosure to Drew. Are the visitors by any chance: Ethan, Kip, and Brandon? I guess time will tell. Have Brian and Justin been told of these 'people'. If it's Ethan, Michael will have a field day. He needs to be confined to his cabin, and have his phone confiscated. Emmett had some deep innermost thoughts. I was kind of thinking earlier he had started to sell his body... I guess I was right on that, even if it happened only one time. Apparently, Drew has not told Em he tried to contact him when he was gone that week. Em and Ted need to not allow themselves to fall for Michael's machinations. If that means not answering their phones, then so be it. Will Michael know what cabin B/J will be in?

Reviewer: Glo Signed [Report This]
Date: Sep 06, 2018 12:11 pm Title: THE WIFE OR THE MISTRESS: BOOK II: CHAPTER 5: THE FACTS OF LIFE Part 4

Well that little romp was exhausting lol I'm so glad everyone's eyes are opening wide.

Reviewer: bjluv Signed [Report This]
Date: Sep 06, 2018 11:30 am Title: BEFORE I LET GO: BOOK II: CHAPTER 3

Chapters 36-38: Oh Poor Blake! I woud have never thought something like that was going on in his life. Maybe this 'Sean' will be out of treatment by the time he gets back. If not, he needs to get 'His Giant' and his friends to pay a 'visit' to this dealer. Does Blake not know what Michael said? Again, who did he say it to? So, Ted is having thoughts about wanting to use Meth agian? But why? Just stress of life outside of work? I kind of got lost there. What doubts are creeping in? And, good for you, Ted! Nobody needs a toxic person like Mikey in their life. Drew, you sly boy! Such a romantic at heart! Em is still there, wanting you just as bad. Your thoughts on Michael... just know you are NOT alone. Poor Em. He is really struggling within himself. One thought comes to mind what his secret might be, but I don't want to put my thought out there. If it's not that, I would probably feel pretty foolish for voicing it. But Em needs to realize it was a mistake, and it's in the past, so nobody, with the exception of Michael, is going to judge him. Always a pleasure to hear from the counselors. Oh boy, who is these two guys B/J are talking to? And, Good Lord! Michael just got off the plane!

Hugs, Cathy

Reviewer: bjluv Signed [Report This]
Date: Sep 06, 2018 10:11 am Title: STAYING OR GOING: BOOK II- CHAPTER 2: NO ORDINARY LOVE

Chapters 33-35: I laughed so hard reading about Justin's 'Pain Management' technic. The only thing that could have made it better, was if Michael could have been privy to the going ons in the bathroom, and then seen Brian walk back to his seat. *smirk*... Again, watched the video for your song. I get so much more feel for the depth of the words listening to them, instead of reading them. Michael needs to get the shit beat out of him by Justin! Literally. He deserves so much more, but Justin has so much anger right know. I'm sure he needs release somehow... Just saying... Brian's wondering about the pounding Justin gave him... I'm sure it is going to come out during counseling. From Justin's POV, he probably feels if Brian heard Michael say that, and was still friends with him, that maybe deep down Brian harbors some of those same feelings. Enjoyed hearing their thoughts and ideas from what they hope to gain from counseling.  Brian and Ben's conversation was enlightening. Poor, widdle Craig. Serves the man right. He so wanted his son to go to Dartmouth for a business degree. Well, surprise Daddy Dearest, he didn't need the degree. He's better than you could ever hope to be. And here Michael thought Justin didn't have any brains. I don't understand why Justin gave Ben a check for the comic? Was it the $25.000? Michael is going to be livid when he finds out what having the rights to RAGE entails. He will probably be stupid enough to ignore it, and feel no one has the right to tell him what he can do. I hope so. Justin can take his store away from him if that happens. I'm looking forward to Justin making a kick ass comic, but won't allow Michael to even sell any in his store. *hint*  Interesting looking into Ben's thoughts. They were so insightful, and his words written in his personal journal are so soulful.  Then we have Muchael's thoughts. That man should learn to not even TRY to think. I KNEW he would think there was nothing wrong with their marriage, and not write anything down!  My god! You REALLY didn't pull any stops with his diarrhea mouth. His, His, HIS! Mine, Mine, MINE!!! Get a life Novotny! Is he gonna be able to call Deb from the island, or will his phone be confiscated?  If it is not, then Ben should put him back on a plane and tell him, "GO HOME"!

Hugs, Cathy

Reviewer: mamab Signed [Report This]
Date: Sep 06, 2018 10:11 am Title: THE WIFE OR THE MISTRESS: BOOK II: CHAPTER 5: THE FACTS OF LIFE Part 4

Wow, what an amazing powerfully written chapter.  Having Ted show that he is so much more than we are used to is great.  Your writing just gets better and better and those of us reading just want you to know that.  Thank you for sharing your incredible thoughts.

Reviewer: YumYumPM Signed half-star [Report This]
Date: Sep 06, 2018 5:05 am Title: THE WIFE OR THE MISTRESS: BOOK II: CHAPTER 5: THE FACTS OF LIFE Part 4

I think it's time to call in a therapist.

Reviewer: Deb Tanner Signed [Report This]
Date: Sep 06, 2018 4:40 am Title: THE WIFE OR THE MISTRESS: BOOK II: CHAPTER 5: THE FACTS OF LIFE Part 4

I know it was necessary for them, but DAMN! That was painful to see how much Blake and Ted are going through having to fight their demons. I hope they talk to each other and Bernard about what they are both feeling and how they will cope with the horrible things Debbie said in the recording.

I also hope that Diane listens to Blake and fires Deb because he's right once everything calms down and she feels as if she's been forgiven for her words and behavior, she will start all over again.

I don't know but this chapter just feels like it was probably more draining to write than the others. Wonderful job, Nichelle!



Reviewer: Glo Signed [Report This]
Date: Sep 06, 2018 2:51 am Title: IN OR OUT BOOK II: CHAPTER 5: THE FACTS OF LIFE EXPOSED Part 3

Well plainly & simply, I am disgusted with Michael. But good for Ben for finally coming to his senses. 

Reviewer: Glo Signed [Report This]
Date: Sep 06, 2018 2:29 am Title: STAYING OR GOING: BOOK II: CHAPTER 5: THE FACTS OF LIFE EXPOSED Part 2

Wow! Holy shit Wow! My heart breaks for Brian....

Reviewer: YumYumPM Signed half-star [Report This]
Date: Sep 06, 2018 2:26 am Title: IN OR OUT BOOK II: CHAPTER 5: THE FACTS OF LIFE EXPOSED Part 3

Love how you've managed to untangle Ben.  Now to find out how Michael takes it and just what he thinks he can do about it. hehehe

Reviewer: YumYumPM Signed half-star [Report This]
Date: Sep 06, 2018 2:00 am Title: STAYING OR GOING: BOOK II: CHAPTER 5: THE FACTS OF LIFE EXPOSED Part 2

It's good that Brian heard what was said with his own ears and has decided that Justin is what he needs.

Reviewer: BlueMyst Signed half-star [Report This]
Date: Sep 06, 2018 1:58 am Title: IN OR OUT BOOK II: CHAPTER 5: THE FACTS OF LIFE EXPOSED Part 3

Ben is getting his life back and he deserves to celebrate anyway he wants.

Michael is pure evil and if there is way to charge him with murder someone should look into that.

I do wonder what Carl will do when he hears that message cause someone had to send it to him right?

Deb is going to rant like Ben ran over Michael then after she realizes that Ben heard her rant she will probably make some lame excuse then scramble to protect herself, after all that is where Michael learned to be the little whiny, abusive idiot he always has been.

Won't he be surprised that unlike him Justin and Blake don't ride on others coattails they work to achieve their dreams and happiness.

Michael covets Brian's money first, his reputation second, his strength third, his charisma fourth, his success fifth and his body last.

Wonder how Ted and Blake are dealing with this revelation?

Wow when you are feeling better it is Outstounding:)

Thanks For The Updates!!!

Reviewer: mamab Signed [Report This]
Date: Sep 06, 2018 1:26 am Title: IN OR OUT BOOK II: CHAPTER 5: THE FACTS OF LIFE EXPOSED Part 3

And, the fall of Michael is happening.  Like I have probably said before, he is the most disgusting, annoying person to walk the earth and you write that perfectly.  Wonderful chapter.  Glad you are able to write again.  Keep feeling well.

Reviewer: Deb Tanner Signed [Report This]
Date: Sep 06, 2018 1:20 am Title: IN OR OUT BOOK II: CHAPTER 5: THE FACTS OF LIFE EXPOSED Part 3

Michael is pure evil! Hopefully he will get everything that he deserves!

Glad to see that after listening to Deb's ranting that Ben has made the only decision he could possibly make. Can't wait to see Deb's reaction to having all of Michael's things delivered along with the recording. I'm really curious though about Carl's reaction!!

Also can't wait to find out how Michael will react to Ben's decision and actions. But I imagine with your imagination it will be spectacular! LOL!

Can't wait to read more!



Reviewer: Deb Tanner Signed [Report This]
Date: Sep 06, 2018 1:14 am Title: STAYING OR GOING: BOOK II: CHAPTER 5: THE FACTS OF LIFE EXPOSED Part 2

So happy to see that Brian and Justin are starting to communicate better! Loved how Justin held himself together not only for himself but for Brian as well. And Brian realizing that he needed to hear the recording 'with' Justin shows he's growing emotionally into a much stronger person, partner, and husband. Glad to see that he turned to Justin instead of his usual coping methods!

Hearing Deb's awful, disgusting tirade about how the others 'owe' her 'baby' and are supposed to practically bow down at his feet is probably the only way that Brian will be able to cut the proverbial strings that tie him to do her bidding. It's just so sad that it took something that horrible for him to hear.

Amazing work, Nichelle!



Author's Response:

Hey Deb! 

You are so RIGHT! Justin is an amazing man with an incredible strength of will and character. Had it been me, I would have probably yelled, screamed and kicked until the anger drained out of me. I think what I loved most about this chapter is that he told Brian honestly what went wrong between them, and then let Brian process his thoughts and feelings about it on his own. He didn't badger, yell or whine; just clearly and concisely gave Brian the unvarnished truth. It allowed Brian to see their relationship through Justin's eyes without being clouded by hurt feelings and continued disappointment. He gave Brian the choice, and as a result, it looks like Brian and Justin have finally turned a corner. Hopefully, they will keep the upward mobility as more revelations are revealed and throughout the next phase of their therapy.



Reviewer: mamab Signed [Report This]
Date: Sep 06, 2018 1:12 am Title: STAYING OR GOING: BOOK II: CHAPTER 5: THE FACTS OF LIFE EXPOSED Part 2

Wow, fantastic chapter.  Brian now sees the real Deb and hopefully can move forward.  Thank you for bringing back one of my favorite stories.  It is wonderful.  I do have to ask if you read and respond to your reviews, what happened to Gus? I just can't remember.  Thank you again.

Author's Response:

Hey Marilynne!

I'm running soooooooooooooooooo behind on answering my reviews, but here's the short version. Gus passed a few hours after his birth due to ongoing complications with Lindsay's pregnancy. Part of that is explained in the following chapter. Gus' death has been mentioned all throughout the story thus far, but we will be taking an even more in depth look at the events surrounding it going forward.

As for Brian's reaction, he definitely had an eye-opening experience where Deb is concerned. And yes, he's most certainly hurting right now. Thankfully, he's allowing Justin to be there for him, and vice versa. Hopefully they will continue to grow and strengthen as more and more revelations come to light.

I'm so happy that you are still on this journey with me! And thank you again so much for leaving me reviews. Not only are they motivational, but they give me a clearer picture of how you all are reading and processing what it is I'm doing. It lets me see this world unfold through your eyes, and for that, I'm truly grateful!



Reviewer: BlueMyst Signed half-star [Report This]
Date: Sep 06, 2018 12:15 am Title: STAYING OR GOING: BOOK II: CHAPTER 5: THE FACTS OF LIFE EXPOSED Part 2

Brian turning to Justin and accepting his comfort shows that he meant what he said to Justin and what is in his heart, Justin is his Rock of Gibraltar and his safe haven when Deb and Michael would try to tear him apart.

Justin letting Brian know what he has to deal with for years concerning Michael and him turning to Michael will hurt but it is a conversation they need to have to continue to destroy the power that Michael had over them.

As much as this is about everyone fixing their relationships I also believe it is about severing all the ties to the poison  allowed to sleep in and affected them called Deb and Michael Novotny?

Brian needs to talk and see that brushing off Deb's controlling, cruel, bullying nature and Michael's controlling, stalkish, whiny, needy, bullying nature can't work anymore he needs to face the truth and decide what to do about Deb and Michael once and for all.

Deb spoke the truth about how she feels about her so called sons and their place in her and Michael's life.

To Move Forward They All Have To Let Go Of The Dead Weight.

Author's Response:

Hey Blue!

Let me just say that I absolutely LOVE the way you analyze my work. Your insight into the characters and their motivations are like those of a writer. Please take that as the HINT it is meant to be. And yes, you are right on the money with your assessment of how this is going to play out in many ways. As more and more information comes to the forefront, Brian, Justin and the guys are going to really have to accept some hard truths about their roles in the breakdown of their relationships and figure out if keeping ties with the Novotnys is going to be worth it in the end. It's certainly not an easy decision to choose between letting go of the familiar or running towards a future fraught with a bunch of unknown paths. Let's hope the boys are adventurous.




Reviewer: bjluv Signed [Report This]
Date: Sep 05, 2018 8:31 pm Title: FIRE AND ICE: BOOK II- CHAPTER 1

Well, I've written comments for 28-32, two times, and managed to erase them before I could post them... NOT going through that again. Anyways, I was hoping after Justin learned about what Michael said to deserve "the Punch", he'd call his lawyer and go through with suing for ownership of the comic. You, my dear, Came up with something a trillion times better for the asswipe! Btw, did Mikey repeat those words to Justin? How did he find out what he said? So glad Em was able to defuse Brian from further questioning Justin, and also keep him from upgrading his ticket. So glad Ben upgraded his. Can't you just imagine the horror of that trip if he had to sit with Mikey for the whole trip? *shudders*... If Mikey has felt left out recently, this should be the icing on the cake. I thought the part where he demanded an apology from Brian, and then demanding money, was something else. Glad Brian laid into him again. And, he had the audacity to say he'd buy collectibles if he had money! JESUS! Self proclaimed asshole, with entitlement issues! He REALLY needs to get left in dust. I really hope Ben leaves him about this month is over. I wonder if he will write anything in his notebook, other than wanting to spend more time with 'the four originals'?

Reviewer: bjluv Signed [Report This]
Date: Sep 05, 2018 5:08 pm Title: FIRE and ICE: CHAPTER 5

Chapters 22-26:  YOU GO ALEX and CARL!!!  I hope the guys leave soon, because Debs newfound realization of Michael's life, is NOT going to last. Enjoyed Jen's assessment to Justin, regarding Michael. I do have to wonder... you described Justin being at a CABIN? Then you said that he was at Britin, and Michael has never been there. So, I'm very confused. Is it on the property of Britin? I hope you are able to tell me. But, she was right... "Where is the REAL Justin Taylor"? I'm sure now B/J will work out. Ben... So glad to hear his thoughts, and his talk with Brian. Brian seems concerned for everyone if Ben breaks up with Michael. He needs to get over that. Michael is what? Late 30's, close to 40? I guess I'm a little time lost. He needs to stand on his own two feet, and grow up, and all of them need to put their foot down, and tell him to get lost. Brian and Justin have Kinnetik... they can ban him from the building, block their phone numbers, and since he doesn't come to Britin... should be easy enough to avoid him. So very happy to hear Ben owns Everything!  Even the store... Why does that fill me with GLEE?  Somehow that fills me with more incentive for not wanting them back together. Let Mikey have to wash dishes or wait tables at the diner. Bitter Much? Hell yeah... I hate when things work out for him in the end. Confusion again... Why does Blake only own 10% of the companies? I thought it was left to the twins equally? So happy Ted insisted on Michael not going to their little party. Hopefully, the missed phones calls get brought up at the party for discussion. Will Ben be there?  Hmm... Little sister... Yeah, Ted and Blake are gonna make it.  Of course Michael had to show up at Ted's.  Yay... Drew gave Mikey his own little smackdown!  Yeah, Mommy was his next stop, I'm sure.  Looking so forward to the island counseling...

Hugs, Cathy

Author's Response:

Hi Cathy.

The cabin is a separate place from Britin altogether. There are only a few people who know where Britin is located, but the fact is that they wanted to be completely secluded without anyone knowing where they were. Hope that clears up the confusion.

Blake had market shares in 4 other companies, courtesy of Ted's investments which he knows nothing about since it was before Blake got clean. With the increase of initial investment, Blake is now considered a 10% owner within all of those companies where he was simply a shareholder before. Ted will eventually tell Blake about them, but they have absolutely nothing to do with his inheritance, in which he is 50% owner along with Diane. 

Happy Reading and HUGS,


Reviewer: bjluv Signed [Report This]
Date: Sep 05, 2018 2:51 pm Title: IN or OUT CHAPTER 4

Chapters 19-21: I wanted to bitch-slap Michael so bad! He's such a Manuplative Miscreant! And, his efforts to duping Deb... WOW!  She's so blind to her "Baby". At least she stuck up for Justin. But, saying Ben owes him apology... I'd love for him to confront him, especially if the others were around, only for Ben to tell her how it really is, although it would fall on death ears. At least Ben could get some things off his chest. And Deb saying she could handle Jen... HA! She wasn't able to in Brian's office... What makes her think she can now? WASP vs Debbie... Really no chance.  Good she told Michael to go on the trip. Him thinkiing nobody else will be there, was funny as Hell. I hope they take separate planes.  Nice to find out Diane is also gay... just another thing for the twins to share. And, Blake is right in assumption to how Michael would view him. I can't wait for Michael's expression when he finds out the net worth of Justin and Blake. I hope you will put that in the story. I thought Blake was going to call Justin... What a shock Ted must be in with a greeting like that on the phone... Drew... Loved his thinking, I can drown him and not be arrested? Yeah, he'll roar like a lion, beause he has so much to get off his chest, but they'll pull through. I really feel sorry for Barry, more than any of them.

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