Date: Apr 18, 2020 10:21 am Title: Finding Justin
Read all the chapters. I love this story. So different and really great writing. Please contnue it and any others. You write and I will definitely read. Hope you are well during these difficult times we are facing.
Date: Mar 29, 2020 12:41 am Title: Finding Justin
LOL. It's nice that Craig wants Justin and even better that Justin figures out that Brian is James father. Now I know why Brian said he had two sons.

Date: Mar 29, 2020 12:35 am Title: Chapter 4: A chance of Meeting
Love the way you brought Ben and Hunter into the story. Lindsay will lose the baby once Brian finds out he is the father.

Date: Mar 29, 2020 12:31 am Title: Chapter 3: 6 months ago
Yay! This brings them together.

Date: Mar 29, 2020 12:29 am Title: Chapter 2: Justin
Good thing you left open who James father could be.

Date: Mar 29, 2020 12:24 am Title: Chapter 1: Brian
Poor Melanie. It's already too late. I'd still like to know why they weren't at the funeral.

Date: Mar 27, 2020 5:00 pm Title: Finding Justin
The ears are working just fine Mr. Kinney you have another child.
Looks like Lindsay is going to be all along after all.
Justin is back with his family and friends with his on James.
Totally Hooked Now lol
Thanks For the Update 😃

Date: Mar 27, 2020 4:43 pm Title: Chapter 1: Brian
Lindsay is beyond pathetic though I wonder since Brian has his place clean who's baby is she actually caring?
What if Brian had multiple partners the night before when they started while Brian watched before he joined in?
So Many Scenarios
Date: Oct 10, 2018 9:46 pm Title: Chapter 4: A chance of Meeting
Three hours in an airport bathroom having sex and Brian doesn't remember what the guy looks like?
Mikey is with Dr. Dave which leaves Ben and Hunter to become friends, or more, with Justin and James.
Why would Brian want full custody?

Date: Oct 10, 2018 5:34 pm Title: Chapter 4: A chance of Meeting
Hope you continue this one soon. Cause I can't wait to find out how Ben is going to fit into this story.
Date: Sep 12, 2018 5:40 am Title: Chapter 3: 6 months ago
Oh boy.
Date: Sep 12, 2018 5:38 am Title: Chapter 2: Justin
Oh Justin.
Bathroom fuck at the airport has Brian Kinney all over it. Now how to get those two together.
Date: Sep 12, 2018 5:31 am Title: Chapter 1: Brian
So Lindsay's true self is coming to light. Anyone surprised? Sneaking into the loft while Brian was out of town and steal his sperm is despicable.
Yeah Mel, get out while you can. Brian, change the damn locks already.
Date: Sep 12, 2018 3:55 am Title: Chapter 3: 6 months ago
Would love to see where this goes

Date: Sep 12, 2018 1:19 am Title: Chapter 3: 6 months ago
Oh my goodness. Shame Justin missed his flight.
Date: Sep 12, 2018 12:05 am Title: Chapter 3: 6 months ago
Oh this is good. Homework first, writing second. We will wait for your updates.

Date: Sep 11, 2018 1:16 pm Title: Chapter 2: Justin
Very interesting. Justin was 6 months pregnant so the guy in the airport has to be the daddy. Do I get to guess who that was? If it's who I think this is going to be good.
Author's Response:
There is a possibility that you are correct .

Date: Sep 11, 2018 1:11 pm Title: Chapter 1: Brian
I like the way this is going. Sorry we won't have Deb and Vic, but that's life.
Date: Sep 11, 2018 3:26 am Title: Chapter 2: Justin
Oh, wow, this is really a different look at our "boys" . Love it. Hope you continue to write since you were questioning if you would. Your writing is really good so please don't give up on it.
Date: Sep 11, 2018 3:21 am Title: Chapter 1: Brian
Great first chapter. Glad it posted. Moving on to chapter 2.
Date: Sep 11, 2018 3:12 am Title: Chapter 2: Justin
I'm intrigued so far! Please keep going
Date: Sep 11, 2018 2:31 am Title: Chapter 1: Brian
I find this a bit light on plot, I like little more plot in my stories. :-)
Author's Response:
didnt realize my chapter was missing until now and that summary is temporary

Date: Sep 11, 2018 2:04 am Title: Chapter 1: Brian
That was short. haha.
Date: Sep 11, 2018 12:32 am Title: Chapter 1: Brian
Is there suppose to be a chapter here?
Author's Response:
The chapter is there now