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Author's Chapter Notes:

Thanks for your reviews. I'm so glad people are enjoying it so far. x0x




Brian made as if to head to his Jeep parked just down the street from Woody’s when he saw Alex stop out of the corner of his eye.

“We can go in my car. I know the way and I’ve had less to drink than you.” The doc said practically.

Brian just stared in awe at the car Alex was standing next to.

“Is that a 1967 Ford Mustang GT500 Shelby? What the fuck doc, I didn’t take you for a gear head! Did you watch Gone in 60 seconds a few too many times and decide you wanted your own ‘Eleanor’?” Brian questioned as he circled the beautiful piece of machinery.




“No, the car originally belonged to my father, who actually bought it brand new the year it was made. I inherited it when he died from an inoperable brain tumour when I was 21.” The words were said quietly with a trace of the lingering pain he still felt from the loss of his hero. “I’m afraid I’m a bit of a cliché Brian. My reason for doing what I do, stems from the loss of my father. There is, of course, no such thing as a brain transplant. Every other organ can be replaced, with either donated or, more recently, artificially made substitutes, but not the brain. With our breakthrough with the Re-Minding and Bioprinting technology though…” Alex broke off and stared unseeingly into the distance.

“Uh guess we should get going then, right?” Brian asked not really expecting an answer but feeling uncomfortable with the current conversation. “I mean I’m on a pretty strict deadline here.”

Alex finally snapped out of his reverie and said “Yes, of course, sorry Brian.”

“Sorry is bullshit” came the expected reply as they both got into the car and buckled up.


 Rorrim Lab


About thirty minutes later, they turned off Industry drive into the staff parking lot of a typical modern steel and glass fronted building.

“Welcome to Rorrim Industries.” Alex announced proudly.

“Seriously, that was the best name you guys could come up with?” The scorn was evident in Brian’s tone.

“Hey, we thought it was pretty clever. Sorry it’s not up to your exacting expectations Mr Senior Ad Executive” a disgruntled Alex snapped.

“You’re a gay man and didn’t see the problem in naming something raw rim?”

“What?! No! It’s not raw rim! It’s Ror…” Alex began to protest vehemently but tapered off as sudden realisation set in. “Fuck… how did we miss that?  We just thought it was clever to have mirror spelt backwards.” He continued dejectedly.

“Amateurs” The taller man scoffed and started striding up to what was obviously the staff entrance to the lab. The shorter man moved as well, but was still distracted by his revelation, and didn’t even try to keep up with his companions long-legged gait.


Rorrim Logo


Brian reached the door and was about yell at the doc to move his ass, when it opened from the inside and out came two men dressed in scrubs and white lab coats. The stud stared hard at them. While not the hot, hard bodies of his usual twenty-something tricks, (nor the stunning beauty of his blond) they we’re attractive in their own way, but that’s not what caused him to stare. From the tops of their dark- haired head, to the bottoms of their comfortable lab shoes, they were identical. In fact, the only difference he could see between them, was that one was wearing green scrubs and the other was wearing blue. Twin pairs of dark chocolate eyes looked first at Brian and then to Alex who had finally managed to catch up.


Cas & Dio


“Is this him Lexy?” They asked as one.

“Yeah Babes, this is him.” Alex answered as he leaned in and passionately kissed both men. “Brian Kinney meet my husbands, Doctors Castor Dioscuri.”

“It’s nice to meet you Brian” the one in blue politely said while shaking his hand. Then the one in green stepped forward and did the same.

“For ease of communication,” blue boy again spoke up first “we’ve taken to calling me Cas.”

“and me Dio.” Greenie finished.

Brian meanwhile, was lost in mental pictures of the throuple naked and fucking, and barely paid them attention during their introduction. Then the images in his head changed to what it would be like between him, his doppelganger and Justin. He was surprised to find himself getting hard. ‘Fuck, that would be hot’ he thought and suddenly he was much more at ease about this whole endeavour. “Ok Pete and Re-Pete take me to the lab and let’s get this shit started.”

The four men entered the building and started down the corridor. Alex, Cas and Dio were so busy talking amongst themselves about the tasks ahead, that none of them heard the high-pitched yelp coming from the door they had just entered through. If they had, turned around they would have seen several fingers (turning purple at an alarming rate) wedged between the heavy door and its frame. The obstruction kept the security door from shutting completely and the lock from re-engaging.


“Honestly Michael” muttered the tall WASPy blond women whom currently had her palm over the short brunette’s whimpering mouth to supress the noise. “you’re the one with your nose constantly in comic books and watching those inane movies” she continued her whispered admonishments. “Didn’t you think it would be better to use your foot rather than your hand?”

The muffled reply she heard, sounded more whiny than normal. A feat, up till now, Lindsay Peterson didn’t think was possible. She was reluctant to remove her hand (regardless of how much she detested being this close to the obnoxious little man) because without the buffer she was afraid he might make her ears bleed.

“Be quiet!’ she hissed at him “I’m going to open the door and see if the coast is clear.”

Slowly she released her grip on Michael Novotny’s tear-stained face and reached for the doorhandle. She pulled the handle (creating a gap big enough to release the squashed digits) and peeked inside. She watched as the backs of the men they were pursuing finally turned a corner and were lost to sight before opening the door wide enough to admit her and her partner in crime.

As soon as his fingers were freed Michael had shoved them in his mouth like a teething toddler and began sucking on them. He made quite the pathetic sight as they both progressed down the hallway in search of their quarry.




“WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT!” Brian bellowed at Cas as he held up a huge needle filled with a viscous liquid.

“Calm down Brian!” Alex admonished “You need to be completely relaxed so the Re-Minder can get a true reading. This is just something to help with that.”

“Yeah? Well so far it’s not fucking working!” came the growled-out reply. The Stud absolutely hated not being in control, unless he was with Justin (and even then, it was a rare occurrence no matter how much he trusted the little twat) so he was completely tensed up. He was going to have to sit in this fucking uncomfortable chair, with the helmet like Re-Minder’s visor covering his eyes making him blind to the room surrounding him. He was NOT in a good mood.

He was so focused on keeping the blue clad doctor with the big fuck off needle, in his sights, that he didn’t notice the one in green silently approaching from the opposite side. Dio expertly injected the real sedative (from the much smaller gauged syringe) into Brian’s upper arm and compassionately rubbed the broad shoulders after he was done.

“That was a dirty trick Mary- Kate and Ashley.” Brian garbled out already starting to drift. “I’m gonna kick both your asses as soon as this shit wears off.” He promised, before finally succumbing to the drugs relaxing properties.


Chapter End Notes:

Don't worry our resident Stud will be perfectly fine! 


For those of you who don't know the identical twin doctors I used as inspo for Cas & Dio are both real doctors  by the names Dr Chris and Xand van Tulleken. They have done several tv shows and specials but most notably (for me anyway) is the kids show Operation Ouch which is a BBC program( that we got here in my little corner of Western Australia) that my daughter was obsessed with when she was younger. Dr Chris (when not starring on tv) is actually now working on getting his second PhD in Virology and is apart of a team working on research into HIV.

It's actually me who is not much of a gear head but has watched Gone in 60 seconds too many times so that's why Alex's car is 'Eleanor' 

Also fun fact according to Google there is a genetics lab on Industry drive  IRL. I just borrowed the address and added in the cloning research to the companies projects. 


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