[Reviews - 116] starPrinter ePub eBook

As Justin makes his way through the crowd in Herald Square, he sees a man who is almost a stranger to him now. *Officially up to date*


Rated: M
Categories: QAF US Characters: Brian Kinney, Craig Taylor, Drew Boyd, Emmett Honeycutt, Gus Marcus-Peterson, James 'Hunter' Montgomery, Justin Taylor, Molly Taylor, Original Female Character, Original Male Character
Tags: Bottom Brian, Brian/Other, F/M, Justin/Other, M/M, Rape, Raw Sex, Real Life Issues, Self-Harm, Toppy Justin
Genres: Could be Canon, Drama, Humor, Hurt/Comfort, Romance
Pairings: Brian/Justin, Brian/Other, Emmett/Drew, Justin/Other, Melanie/Lindsay, Michael/Ben, Other Cast Pairing, Ted/Blake
Challenges: None
Series: Intersect Series
Chapters: 53 Completed: Yes
Word count: 426095 Read: 214695
ePub Downloads: 26 Published: May 04, 2016 Updated: Nov 17, 2020
Story Notes:

WARNING: No beta at the moment. Present day, post 5x13, somewhat of a kid!fic but won't completely focus on her. Brian and Justin are no longer together in this universe. I actually started this as a one-shot that was supposed to end bittersweet, open-ended, and with Justin and Brian just becoming friends again. As I wrote it, it occurred to me that it is not going to be ending up that way. If they don't end up together by the end of this story, then they will end up together in the sequel. However, this story will center around the rebuilding of a friendship between Brian and Justin and their ability to find love with other people.

DISCLAIMER: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended.

1. Chapter 1: 34th and 7th by Annie-Eliza [Reviews - 13] starhalf-star (3055 words)

As Justin makes his way through the crowd in Herald Square, he sees a man who is almost a stranger to him now.

2. Chapter 2: E Houston and Essex by Annie-Eliza [Reviews - 2] half-star (1562 words)

As Eric looks for a new home for his family, he thinks of how lucky he is to have Brian and Lily in his life.

3. Chapter 3: 18th and 6th by Annie-Eliza [Reviews - 2] half-star (2332 words)

Brian and Lily bring Justin to lunch to meet Brian's current partner.

4. Chapter 4: N 8th and Bedford by Annie-Eliza [Reviews - 1] half-star (2201 words)

Justin goes to his gallery to try to get his mind off of things and Nathan comes to help with the New Year's Eve Showing.

5. Chapter 5: 67th and Park by Annie-Eliza [Reviews - 1] half-star (1076 words)

Brian and Eric get back to their apartment and discuss Justin, then have a little bit of alone time.

6. Chapter 6: Liberty and Church by Annie-Eliza [Reviews - 2] half-star (7378 words)

Brian looks back at his life with Eric in Pittsburgh.

7. Chapter 7: Driggs and Grand by Annie-Eliza [Reviews - 1] half-star (4249 words)

Justin sleeps over at Nathan's and finds out some surprising news.

8. Chapter 8: Henry and Pierrepont by Annie-Eliza [Reviews - 1] half-star (1776 words)

Brian thinks of the only two places he really called home as he, Eric, and Lily look at a townhouse in Brooklyn.

9. Chapter 9: East End and LaGuardia Road by Annie-Eliza [Reviews - 2] half-star (2849 words)

Justin picks up his sister at the airport and they fill each other in on what has been going on in their lives.

10. Chapter 10: Mercer and Prince by Annie-Eliza [Reviews - 1] half-star (5963 words)

Brian wakes up Lily for Christmas morning. Some of the gang come to visit to exchange presents.

11. Chapter 11: 11th and Maxwell Lane by Annie-Eliza [Reviews - 1] half-star (10685 words)

Justin takes Nathan and his family to Emmett's for Christmas dinner. Emmett and Drew make an announcement. Brian decides not to aim for BFF status with Nathan.

12. Chapter 12: Hudson Place and River Road by Annie-Eliza [Reviews - 1] half-star (4844 words)

Nathan thinks about why he hates Christmas so much as he gets ready to take Justin home.

TRIGGER WARNING: This chapter describes physical and emotional abuse, as well as insinuates sexual abuse. Also describes a past suicide.

13. Chapter 13: 33rd and 8th by Annie-Eliza [Reviews - 1] half-star (7156 words)

Eric really loves Brian, but that doesn't keep him from being really pissed off at him right now.

14. Chapter 14: 33rd and 7th by Annie-Eliza [Reviews - 1] half-star (3515 words)

Molly can't sleep and she wishes that it was all Tucker's fault.

15. Chapter 15: 48th and Lexington by Annie-Eliza [Reviews - 1] half-star (5168 words)

After having a stressful morning, Brian spends the day with Gus and gives him 'the talk.'

16. Chapter 16: 44th and 7th by Annie-Eliza [Reviews - 1] half-star (6945 words)

For a man who used to be only about himself, Brian is dead set on mending other people's wounds today.

17. Chapter 17: 23rd and 5th by Annie-Eliza [Reviews - 2] half-star (8981 words)

Brian rings in 2015 with his friends and family.

18. Chapter 18: Waverly and Christopher by Annie-Eliza [Reviews - 1] half-star (4039 words)

Justin sees his father for the first time in years and even he knows there is something terribly wrong.

19. Chapter 19: 44th and Broadway by Annie-Eliza [Reviews - 1] half-star (7373 words)

Nathan really does think today is a step forward in his career and in his relationship with Justin.

20. Chapter 20: 23rd and Madison by Annie-Eliza [Reviews - 1] half-star (7061 words)

Brian gets the best news of his career and is just a little bit in denial over his daughter having a crush so soon.

21. Chapter 21: Henry and Clark by Annie-Eliza [Reviews - 1] half-star (5271 words)

The day before Brian's lunch with Justin, Lily falls ill.

22. Chapter 22: 24th and 2nd by Annie-Eliza [Reviews - 1] half-star (4739 words)

Justin opens up to Brian on their lunch date.

23. Chapter 23: Pierrepont and Clinton by Annie-Eliza [Reviews - 1] half-star (5782 words)

I wanted to make this one long chapter that also covered the dinner they will be having at Justin's but it was getting too long. That will be up in the next day or two though and will be a lengthy chapter as well as a little more bittersweet.

24. Chapter 24: Metropolitan and Lorimer by Annie-Eliza [Reviews - 1] half-star (8481 words)

Love is in the air at Justin's dinner party and the only person who doesn't think it is the cutest thing ever is Brian.

25. Chapter 25: 50th and 9th by Annie-Eliza [Reviews - 2] half-star (4832 words)

Love is in the air at Justin's dinner party and the only person who doesn't think it is the cutest thing ever is Brian.

26. Chapter 26: 79th and West Drive by Annie-Eliza [Reviews - 1] half-star (11028 words)

Being around Lily makes Justin realize how much he would like to have a kid of his own one day.

27. Chapter 27:Long Island Expressway and 80th Street by Annie-Eliza [Reviews - 1] half-star (9907 words)

Brian's last night as an unmarried man is a busy one, but he can't complain.

28. Chapter 28: 2nd House Rd and South Eldert Lane: The Wedding by Annie-Eliza [Reviews - 1] half-star (8747 words)

The wedding.

29. Chapter 29: 2nd House Rd and South Eldert Lane: The Reception by Annie-Eliza [Reviews - 1] half-star (9972 words)

The Reception and the morning after.

30. Chapter 30: St. Mark's Place and 1st Ave by Annie-Eliza [Reviews - 1] half-star (15622 words)

As Nathan desperately tries to come to terms with his decision to break up with Justin, he looks back to the first month of their relationship.

31. Chapter 31: Rue des Normands and Rue de la Plage by Annie-Eliza [Reviews - 1] half-star (7530 words)

Brian and Eric go on their honeymoon.

32. Chapter 32: 21st and Queens Plaza North by Annie-Eliza [Reviews - 1] half-star (9710 words)

Brian and Eric arrive home only to find out some news.

33. Chapter 33: 31st and 24th by Annie-Eliza [Reviews - 1] half-star (9755 words)

With five days left until their Broadway show goes into previews, Nathan wonders how many friends he has left. Warning: Mention of previous self-harm.

34. Chapter 34: Franklin and Park by Annie-Eliza [Reviews - 1] half-star (11066 words)

Justin's family comes in for the first preview of Nathan's show.

35. Chapter 35: 22nd and 8th by Annie-Eliza [Reviews - 1] half-star (3256 words)

Justin eats with two of the most important people in his life and finds out some big news.

36. Chapter 36: Passeio Baltico and Av. Berlim by Annie-Eliza [Reviews - 1] half-star (3959 words)

Despite the distance from New York, Justin finds it difficult to step into the gay scene while in Portugal.

37. Chapter 37: Winchester St. and Broadcast Lane by Annie-Eliza [Reviews - 1] half-star (13516 words)

Eric and Brian travel up to Toronto for Mel's birthday to make an announcement.

38. Chapter 38: E. 14th and Broadway by Annie-Eliza [Reviews - 1] half-star (9836 words)

Brian would never refer to this as a Daddy/Daughter day, but that's basically what today is.

39. Chapter 39: S. 4th and Bedford by Annie-Eliza [Reviews - 3] half-star (11212 words)

Justin didn't expect that a mediocre date would eventually lead to this.

40. Chpater 40: 31st and 5th by Annie-Eliza [Reviews - 1] half-star (11146 words)

Brian and Lily welcome Eric home for the weekend and go to a special appointment.

41. Chapter 41: Norfolk and Rivington by Annie-Eliza [Reviews - 1] half-star (8459 words)

Justin has an appointment.

42. Chapter 42: Chartres and Saint Ann Street by Annie-Eliza [Reviews - 4] half-star (12220 words)

Brian spends the weekend in New Orleans before heading back to New York to spend the week alone.

43. Chapter 43: River and Cape Fear Drive by Annie-Eliza [Reviews - 4] half-star (16746 words)

After a conversation with Lily gets him to reminisce, Eric packs up their luggage to drive to his childhood home in Southport, North Carolina.

44. Chapter 44: S Caswell Ave and W Bay St by Annie-Eliza [Reviews - 6] half-star (8742 words)

As Eric wakes up to an empty house, he can tell that it is going to be a challenging day.

45. Chapter 45: W Bay and S Howe Streets by Annie-Eliza [Reviews - 8] half-star (14831 words)

Brian settles in at his in-laws

46. Chapter 46: 3rd Street and Sinatra Drive by Annie-Eliza [Reviews - 5] half-star (17377 words)

Justin takes his sister and a new friend to Emmett's Halloween party.

47. Chapter 47: Wythe and N 7th by Annie-Eliza [Reviews - 5] half-star (4517 words)

Justin goes to the first ultrasound.

48. Chapter 48: 48th and Greenpoint by Annie-Eliza [Reviews - 8] starstarstar (5351 words)

Brian and Eric go to Lily's Flamenco recital, connecting with friends and family along the way. 

49. Chapter 49: Metropolitan Ave & Rodney St by Annie-Eliza [Reviews - 3] starstarstarstarstar (11636 words)

I bet you guys didn't expect me to come back, right? Well, I am back now mwhahaha!


Justin accidentally bonds with Hunter and Tucker as he prepares for his Thanksgiving dinner and a big announcement.

50. Chapter 50: Metropolitan Ave & Rodney Street (Part 2) by Annie-Eliza [Reviews - 2] starstarstarstarstar (14660 words)

Justin makes his announcement and confronts Molly.

51. Chapter 51: Berry and N. 7th Street by Annie-Eliza [Reviews - 5] starstarstarstarstar (11710 words)

Justin takes some initiative. Brian and Eric have their big post-Thanksgiving dinner.

52. Chapter 52: Simmons Boulevard and Pluto Drive by Annie-Eliza [Reviews - 2] starstarstarstarstar (12645 words)

The New York gang make their way up to Canada to meet Michael's and Ben's newborn son. Brian continues to live up to his reputation as a bad influence.

53. Chapter 53: N 1st Street and Wythe Ave by Annie-Eliza [Reviews - 3] starstarstarstarstar (13626 words)

Last Chapter! Sequel coming soon!

Justin has a productive week.