Date: Jul 04, 2023 7:06 pm Title: Chapter 78: STAYING OR GOING: BOOK II: CHAPTER 11: IDGAF Part 2
To start with, I hadn’t read like three chapters before this last… so I got a mini novelette.
First, let me congratulate you (and Justin) for the awesome gathering of Dino and Darius. I loved how all that came together. Two down. Are there any others that will take over for them?
Do we have a new blossoming relationship with Mel and Diane??? At least they are the same – both career driven. Just the little we know of Diane, we know she’s honest and a super nice person… protective of the ones she loves.
So Mel gets to fire some staff. Ian – oh dear me! How, pray tell, is he gonna make child support, or make enough to support himself, other than camping out under the bridge with the rest of the trolls? (Did you hear the sarcasm pouring out? I bet both Ian and Yuri feel like they could have a couple of rounds with Michael. And what about the kid that delivered Ian’s letter? I would think that’s against protocol.
So, Ben rounds out the three. I almost got the giggles. There was a story – WAY BACK – where Michael had died, and one night when Ben went to see Brian and Justin – yeah, a threesome was borne. And they made it a permanent situation.
Is it possible that Michael got information in high school from Claire, and that’s how he knew Brian was in a bad situation, so he could play on those? Or was Debbie hearing it from Joan? Or did Michael go straight to the big man source; Jack himself?
I remember a very long time ago, we were chatting on FB messenger, and you commented about this story, and how you needed to figure out where you at, and I said Michael was in a small boat, and the guys were loading it with boulders. Well, I know they say drowning is a terrible way to die, but he definitely needs a much slower and more painful death. He doesn’t even deserve prison. Well, unless he’s put in with Tino or Darius. Or Big Bubba.
Hmm… maybe he can be chained up, and made to watch pornos of Justin topping Brian… and have toothpicks in his eyes to make sure the lids stay open… *evil grin*
So, Blake and Justin are wondering what Michael’s Plan B is. Well, since Darius and Tino fell through, the only ones I can really think of is Sap and Kip. I don’t know if you’ll go the round of Hobbs or family members. I’ll have to give that some thought.
Date: Jun 18, 2023 12:40 pm Title: Chapter 78: STAYING OR GOING: BOOK II: CHAPTER 11: IDGAF Part 2
I absolutely LOVE this story! When i saw there was an update, I was a bit worried that I would have to reread the entire story before I could read the newest chapter. I decided to just go ahead and read the update and it turned out that as soon as I started reading I remembered everything about this story. Thoroughly enjoyed the update and looking forward to the next one, no matter how long it takes.
Date: Jun 10, 2023 1:54 am Title: Chapter 78: STAYING OR GOING: BOOK II: CHAPTER 11: IDGAF Part 2
Thank you so much for the update Nichelle!!
Date: Aug 24, 2022 6:35 pm Title: BEFORE I LET GO: BOOK II: CHAPTER 10: IDGAF Part 1
Again, thank you so much for updating. As I have said in the past, you are one of my favorite authors and you have been sorely missed! That being said, this is my favorite fic of yours and I was thrilled to read it. Can't wait to see how Ethan reacts to JUDGE MARCUS lol
Date: Aug 23, 2022 2:13 am Title: BEFORE I LET GO: BOOK II: CHAPTER 10: IDGAF Part 1
Omg thank you for the update! I've missed this story. Can't wait to find out what happens next.
Date: Aug 20, 2022 3:04 pm Title: BEFORE I LET GO: BOOK II: CHAPTER 10: IDGAF Part 1
OOO. How well Melanie knows Michael. And Ethan getting the boot off the island. can't wait.

Date: Aug 19, 2022 6:48 pm Title: BEFORE I LET GO: BOOK II: CHAPTER 10: IDGAF Part 1
Melanie accurately describes her relationship with Lindsay whatever love they shared wasn't enough to change how really opposite they were in everything.
Debbie and Michael showed each other how to act and react around others which is why they were able to manipulate Brian, Ted and Emmett for so long.
The counseling taking place and each couple facing the truths they avoided or kept hidden is good they when there are no more secrets then past hurts can't be used to control them anymore.
Thanks for the Update????
Date: Jan 12, 2021 3:58 am Title: FIRE AND ICE: BOOK II: CHAPTER 10: ANY LOVE
Another great update. This story has so many twists and turns, I can't imagine what white board you use to keep it all straight. It is an amzing tale of intrigue, plotting and drama. I'm so glad that Emmett and Drew have figured things out and now they are healing.

Date: Jan 08, 2021 2:52 pm Title: FIRE AND ICE: BOOK II: CHAPTER 10: ANY LOVE
This is working out to not only fix our boys but their therapist as well. Great job.

Date: Jan 08, 2021 2:39 pm Title: FIRE AND ICE: BOOK II: CHAPTER 9: I TURN TO YOU
What a wonderful chapter. You manage to put all the angst that Emmett is going through in this one, plus let Drew get through to him that he's there for the long haul. I do so enjoy seeing more on this story and really need to read it all from the beginning. Here's hoping Michael gets his comeupance.

Date: Jan 08, 2021 7:05 am Title: FIRE AND ICE: BOOK II: CHAPTER 10: ANY LOVE
So heartwarming that Drew is backing Em up in the telling of his abusive past.

Date: Jan 08, 2021 6:54 am Title: BEFORE I LET GO: BOOK II: CHAPTER 9: MO’ MONEY, MO’ PROBLEMS
Love this chapter all about Carl. He's an alright guy, shame he fell for Deb.

Date: Jan 08, 2021 6:54 am Title: FIRE AND ICE: BOOK II: CHAPTER 9: I TURN TO YOU
Sooooo glad to see you posting. You are a phenomenal writer.. looking forward to your life settling down so you can write more. >> Cat

Date: Jan 08, 2021 6:29 am Title: FIRE AND ICE: BOOK II: CHAPTER 8: I GOTTA BE
Shame that Drew couldn't tell all that to Emmett. It could make a difference.

Bernard has helped both Ted and Blake in more ways than he knows.

Really it was Michael who pointed out, wrongly, that Ted was boring and reliable. It all comes back to Michael.

Date: Jan 08, 2021 4:24 am Title: FIRE AND ICE: BOOK II: CHAPTER 10: ANY LOVE
Emmett laid himself bare and Drew didn't run screaming which means they are going to be okay today and tomorrow they will be Great.
Michael was always good at using information against others to manipulate, hurt and keep them close, another bad habit he picked up from Deb that had Vic eventually turning against her.
Weak people use others strength to weaken them so they can feel superior and that need is what will eventually destroy them.
Getting every dirty secret out brings more light into the darkness they fell into and destroys the pain they were afraid of.
Michael always assumed Emmett, Blake and Justin were weaker than him but in actuality they always were strong enough to put him in his place first individually and then together, with their partners and friends they are indestructible which Michael will hate because he is losing what little power he has faster than he realizes and so is Deb.

Date: Jan 08, 2021 4:14 am Title: FIRE AND ICE: BOOK II: CHAPTER 9: I TURN TO YOU
Happy New Year🎉
Emmett needs to face his past to embrace the present and enjoy the future with Drew who loves him flaws and all just the way Emmett loves him.
Thanks For the Update😀
Date: Nov 11, 2020 9:11 pm Title: BEFORE I LET GO: BOOK II: CHAPTER 9: MO’ MONEY, MO’ PROBLEMS
Wow! Poor Carl but clearly he's too good for Deb and I can't wait to see Michael behind bars for all he's done!
I've missed your writing hun! xo
Date: Nov 11, 2020 8:47 pm Title: FIRE AND ICE: BOOK II: CHAPTER 8: I GOTTA BE
Hey, babe, I'm back to reading QAF fanfic. I've been MIA for quite awhile and this is one of my favs so here I am. In all honestly, I've truly forgotten where I left off & it seems like I've definitely missed something. Michael has done something that affected Emmett so much, he's been in the red chair for awhile. I'm gonna have to go back & look. Can you tell me which chapter has Michael being an asshole, again? lol
This was sweet. I love Drew! And he loves Em so much, I hope that's Em at the door!
Date: Nov 11, 2020 3:42 am Title: BEFORE I LET GO: BOOK II: CHAPTER 9: MO’ MONEY, MO’ PROBLEMS
Another great update. Hope your move goes smoothly. I really do love the intrigue and depth of this story.

Date: Nov 07, 2020 9:39 am Title: BEFORE I LET GO: BOOK II: CHAPTER 9: MO’ MONEY, MO’ PROBLEMS
Thanks for the quick update. Hope everything went well for you
How Michael couldn't be guilty of what he's doing He's scheming with drug dealers to hurt Blake and Justin. And that excruciating letter he managed to send to Brian. He deserves to be punished and Deb is going to find herself alone because Carl is going to get away from her. Her kingdom will fall apart when she can no longer manipulate anyone and that is soon.
I can't wait to see how everyone is going to treat Michael when he is confronted with his malicious acts.
Date: Nov 07, 2020 5:06 am Title: BEFORE I LET GO: BOOK II: CHAPTER 9: MO’ MONEY, MO’ PROBLEMS
Loving this, can't wait for the rest

Date: Nov 06, 2020 8:16 am Title: BEFORE I LET GO: BOOK II: CHAPTER 9: MO’ MONEY, MO’ PROBLEMS
Thank you for the quick update!
Some people are so devious it's appalling. Deb is going to live some tough time and I'm not sure she won't side with his son, once again.

Date: Nov 06, 2020 4:28 am Title: BEFORE I LET GO: BOOK II: CHAPTER 9: MO’ MONEY, MO’ PROBLEMS
Man, I don't even know where to start! Can I hop a plane to Seascape, too? I'd love to get in on the action.
I THOUGHT this story was set a few years post 513 - Am I wrong? Because if so, Michael would be older than 35. (And it could be JT2U I'm thinking of regarding years after 513.) I know it's not a major thing - but it just struck me funny at the '35'. But maybe I'm just having one of my 'old age' moments. But then it was mentioned that Hunter was older now too. (Confused!)
I'm also confused how Carl thinks Michael would be moving into Debbie's. Won't he be in PRISON??? He darn well SHOULD be! That's if he's not beaten, castrated, and drowned before ever getting off the island.
Now if Tino or Darius called Michael's phone directly while he was on the island, wouldn't his phone show the incoming call? Thus they would have 'evidence' Michael really was involved with them, and lend a little more credence than 'hearsay'.
Melanie and Diane are on their way to the island, and they are going to play that recording to the guys? I hope they have a team of 500 pound men holding those boys back, but even if they do, I think even little Teddy would get past one in order to kill Michael.
And if the authorities don't want any harm coming to Michael -they better have him on a plane BEFORE they let the guys hear the recording!
Thank you so much for giving us another chapter so soon!
HUGS ~Cathy
Author's Response:
Hey Darling! A couple of things:
First, the setting of this is definitely post 513, BUT I also had to move some timelines to fit the story. Considering that I started this 3 years ago (?), I kinda have to keep a lot of it in that vein in order for the story to remain authentic. Also, alot of the plotlines from the canon itself, I moved up a bit simply because Lindz isn't really featured here; the Ethan arc really shouldn't have lasted more than a month in my mind, and Deb was trying to get a life sooner than she did in canon. If taken that way, basically Mel and Lindz moved to Canada at the beginning of S2, Stockwell happened at the end of S2, as did Ted's addiction, and Dummy met Ben a little earlier. Also the L.A. trip and all Rage-related storylines also happened earlier than in canon. Since there is no Gus or Lindz, the narrative/timeline had to change. That said, I do need to go back and look at the ages again, as if I'm not mistaken all of them are closer to forty now. But yeah, I have to make sure because that's somewhere in the beginning of the story.
The most important thing to remember is:
B/J have been together for almost twelve years, and have been in partnership for almost nine (post Ethan and Stockwell; LDP signed), but the family really only thinks that they have been 'serious' for three years when in actuality, they have been married longer than Michael and Ben. Remember now that they were literally keeping everything on the down low in anticipation of how Michael would react. And sadly, they were proven RIGHT!
Ben and Michael have been involved for eight years, although married about seven. Therefore Justin was bouncing between both in L.A., and NY during the first two years of Michael and Ben's union working on the movie, then Kinnetik and JTD business interests. It made it easier to keep 'the family' out of B/J business.
Ted and Blake have officially been married for five- almost six- years, at this point. Teddy's first foray into the drug scene happened as it did in canon during the Stockwell Era, only earlier due to the timeline for the story being moved up a bit.
Em and Drew have been together officially for about four years, since they spent about six months to a year just being friends, before making things official between them.
Okay I think I have all of that right, so I'll move on...
Secondly, as for Michael going to jail... that remains to be seen. Not because I don't want him there- I mean, come on now this is ME LOL- but mainly because until it's actually proven, or they find people (ie. Reece), who were either involved or heard the conversation, it's basically going to be their words against Michael's. Think about the character, Michael as a whole. First and foremost, even if he was guilty, for some reason, people were often hardpressed to believe it. So unfortunately, the same thing has to ring true here, as well. Now we as the audience knows that he's guilty, in my world he always is.
But, just as in real life, a sequence of events has to happen to prove that guilt. For example, I could call someone an evil whore, while from your perspective that same person could be sweet and kind. The only way you would see it from my POV is if I showed you the proof that such-and-such is a bonfide hosebeast. Get it? LOL Yeah, girl you can tell I'm a bit sleep-deprived.. I mean, I actually used the term Hosebeast, in a sentence within its proper context at 1:15 a.m. LAWD HAM TURKEY, I need more coffee, or to just drop where I stand because sleep is definitely NOT coming easily.
The signing is supposed to happen later today, and believe it or not ALL OF US are still awake. Talk about collective anxiety and exhibiting signs of PTSD... Just saying Anyway, enough about my RL drama...
But back to Michael, that's why he can't automatically go to jail at the moment. In addition to that, they have to have at least a modicum of probable cause in order to access Michael's phone records, or at the very least record him admitting to the misdeed. We'll have to see how this situation plays out. So yes, Carl is correct in his thinking at the moment, because without the actual proof or physical innuendo of conspiracy, the law technically can't do anything to Michael at the moment. You know I try to craft a story as true to life as possible, taking creative license only here and there to bring the story together.
So unfortunately, although Steven King is yelling in my head to kill this 'darling' (read as pain in the ass), I can't... yet (?) LOL
The good news is that Melanie and Diane are going to the island, so a couple of things that have been mentioned in previous chapters have a good possibility of occurring now. However, the first order of business for Melanie as one of the founders of the resort is to take care of certain employees misdeeds, who succumbed to Michael's urgings. That should be very interesting.
I hope this moved your confusion (you're not going to let me live that down, are you? LOL) into clarity!