[Reviews - 4] starstarstarstarstarPrinter ePub eBook
Summary: Brian contemplated what he wanted to say next; how personal he wanted to get. He still wasn’t sure whether or not Joan would hear a word of what he said -- she hadn’t reacted to anything thus far -- so maybe it was better to lay it all on the line. His lifelong mantra creeped back into his brain, and he scooted his chair a little closer to the bed. No apologies, no regrets.


Against his original plans (and, perhaps, better judgment), Brian makes his way back to Pittsburgh to see his mother one final time.
Rated: M
Categories: QAF US Characters: Brian Kinney, Claire Kinney, Jennifer Taylor, Joan Kinney, Justin Taylor, Original Character, Peter
Tags: Family, Friendship, M/M, Post-series, Real Life Issues, Tearjerker, Vulnerable Brian
Genres: Angst, Canon, Could be Canon, Drama, Hurt/Comfort
Pairings: Brian/Justin
Challenges: None
Series: Until At Last You Know
Chapters: 1 Completed: No
Word count: 17224 Read: 748
ePub Downloads: 6 Published: Jan 23, 2020 Updated: Jan 23, 2020
Story Notes:
After completing "Every Storm Makes Us Stronger," this one wouldn't leave my brain alone.

Blame TrueIllusion. I do. She makes me into the Joan Crawford of QAF fic. "Why do you make me hurt you, Brian???" =P

(But seriously, thank you for all the editing, encouraging, and enabling. XO)

1. Goodbye Again by PrettyTheWorld [Reviews - 4] starstarstarstarstar (17224 words)